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Everything posted by ledzepfvr

  1. Nice line, Doc. ^^^The photo is Dr. Crusher giving Data dancing lessons. Tasha checking Data's pockets.
  2. Oh I know boys will be boys, that's why I found it so funny that you guys seemed to be a bit off topic. Star Trek was all about sex? I thought it was about space explorers seeking out new life and new civilations. Although you get a group of men and women couped up on a space ship for who knows how long, sex will happen. The show of the sixties was sexist, but that was the way it was back then. Kirk's monologe was "Where no man has gone before" Picard was more political correct: "Space... The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. It's continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before." Oh, the men were along as toys to the women too. Reminds me of the episode when the crew were infected and had very loose inhibitions and Tasha Yar wanted to know if Data was a "fully functional android".
  3. A documentary on hummingbirds. I find them facinating little birds. There are four of them that live somewhere around my house and bathe in the fountain in my yard every morning.
  4. I like how you guys have turned this thread into a discussion about the quality and comparison of womens fake vs. natural boobs. Here is some valid news. UPDATE: Paramount has confirmed that the projected release date for the "Star Trek" sequel is indeed June 29, 2012. Seems like a long time to wait, so I will have to show some patience.
  5. ONE TIN SOLDIER - Original Caste
  6. Got a gift in the mail today from a friend of my husbands on another forum, who shall be anonymous. A 2 DVD set of a certain awsome live show of a favorite band of everyones here on a date a little over two years ago. Watched the first one tonight and loved it. I am saving the 2nd one to watch Friday. Give me something to look forward to. It really lifted my spirits tonight as I have been a bit under the weather the last few days, as well as the rest of my family. Thank You, Thank You Thank you my anonymous friend.
  7. I too, am watching the 121st Rose Parade. Every year I get up by myself and have coffee and watch the parade. In 1985 we went to see the floats after the parade. It was nice to see them up close and the detail that is put into the way these floats are put together. The only way and the best way that I went to the parade is by bus. My grandparents bought a family pack of tickets, I think in 1975, and we caught a tour bus in Pomona and rode just a block away from the bleachers that we sat in. It was a pleasant way to go to see the parade. BTW, good luck to Ohio State in the Rose Bowl game. We will be watching.
  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!! New Year's Blue Moon: Grab Your Telescope, Vinyls, and Spiritual Counselor More By Heather Horn on December 30, 2009 4:55pm New Year's Eve this year coincides with the second full moon of December--otherwise known as a "Blue Moon"--and the Internet's a-flutter with odd trivia and tidbits. From folklore and calculations to feng shui advice, this event has inspired equal parts scientific and astrological reflections. (Adding to the fun is a partial lunar eclipse that will be visible in some areas of the globe.) Grab an early glass of champagne--here's what you need to know practically, academically, and spiritually for the event that will help you ring in the new year. Explaining the Confusion Teddy Patridge at Firedoglake explains that a Blue Moon is "the second full moon in a calendar month," although it used to refer to "when a fourth full moon appeared in any season." This next one will be "the first time in 19 years [that] the Blue Moon will appear on December 31st, New Year's Eve." Diving into the particulars of Blue Moon definitions and folklore (the moon won't actually be blue), he adds: "One way to enjoy two successive Blue Moons very quickly, of course, would be to travel to Asia or Australia or New Zealand, as they have two full moons in January 2010, not December 2009." Hope for Better Decade, Less Crime While he hopes the Blue Moon will bring luck, Richard Metzger at Brand X says, whether buoyed by urban legend or no, "some evidence shows that arrests for petty crime and public drunkenness increase 5% during a full moon, and police expect extra aggressiveness and antisocial behavior from revelers whenever a full moon occurs during a holiday." Major Astrology Possibilities PJ Jump at Leaps of Faith writes that, "from a professional Astrologer's point of view, the possibly significant predictions associated with this event are quite exciting. These various predictions," Jump explains, "are predicated on the positioning of the lunar eclipse. In other words ... what sign of the Zodiac does the eclipse fall into, as well as its opposite sign. Then, there is the astrological 'house' that comes into play in relation to one's natal chart. This is where," the blogger admits, "I become completely lost in the translation of celestial bodies and their mathematical components." No Kidding Luckily, Robert Wilkinson has the details. "This very rare [event]," he begins, "falls at 11 degrees of Cancer-Capricorn on December 31, 2009 at 11:13 am PST, 2:13 pm EST, 7:13 pm Greenwich. Since Full Moons always fulfill the energies of the previous New Moon, this Eclipse will sprout the seeds of the recent The New Moon in Sagittarius." That's not all: "This Eclipse shows Maui has 14 Aquarius rising, Santa Monica with 1 Aries rising, Vancouver with 21 Pisces, and the White House with 2 Gemini on the Ascendant (Obama gets a gift!)." Regarding the eclipse's "quintile series aspects," Wilkinson promises to "explain more in part 2." From across the Web, Patrick at Independently Healthy offers that "the most powerful lunar days are between December 28 and January 4, which is the ideal time to start new cycles ... Shine on," he adds, signing off. Enjoy the Beauty "What will it look like?" Asks law professor and blogger Ann Althouse. "Like any other full moon ... But all full moons are terribly beautiful, and a full moon on New Year's Eve--New Decade's Eve--seems propitious. May [it] lift up your heart and inspire you to contribute what you can to whatever can be good about the next year and the 9 that follow."
  9. Well you never have to worry about breaking your resolution that way.
  10. OK people, it's that time of year again to start anew. 2010 has got to be a better year. I am resolving the typical "lose 10 pounds" at least. Could stand to lose more but I will re-resolve if I reach that point in 5 pound incriments. Don't want to set myself up for failure if I go for too much too soon. I am also going to re-organize my office room. It is a catch all for putting stuff and it is getting pretty messy. It's suppose to be my husbands guitar room also so it needs some attention. So what are your resolutions?
  11. Hi Deborah..I was watching that too. Had to go out in the middle of it since it was 3 hours long but the hubby stayed home and finished watching it. It was a good show what I saw of it. We have a friend who works for Fender as a manager in product development. Had a left handed Telecaster made for my husband. He loves that guitar.
  12. Can't afford the spa anymore so my daughter and I are giving each other pedicures. Feels nice to have a foot massage and pretty looking toenails again.
  13. Genesis will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for 2010 along with ABBA, Jimmy Cliff, The Hollies and The Stooges. I'm not really up on who all is in the R/RHOF but I would have thought that Genesis would have already been inducted. It is about time!
  14. Thanks for the anniversary wishes Virginia and pagemccartney95.
  15. Today celebrates 24 years being married to my husband. Still as happy as ever. And so is he.
  16. The Day That Never Comes - Metallica
  17. The only character that comes to mind with a chest like that was Seven of Nine on Voyager. But my daughter tells me she has seen that pic before and it was a fan at a ST convention who made the corset.
  18. Up In Smoke - Cheech and Chong [Chong] Up in smoke Thats where my money goes In my lungs and sometimes up my nose When troubled times Begin to bother me I take a toke and all my cares Go up in smoke [Cheech] Up in smoke Donde todos es mi rey There are no signs Que dice no fumer So I roll un "bomber" Y me doy, un buen toke-ay Y despues I choke Y todos mis cares Go up in smoke Come on let's go get high [Cast] Up in smoke That's where I wanna be 'Cause when I'm high The world below Don't bother me When life begins To be one long and dangerous road I take a toke and all my cares Go up in smoke
  19. 56 degrees F Cloudy, wet, and raining. All morning. No let up in sight. Will be cloudy, wet, and raining all eveing too.
  20. ledzepfvr


    Sam Adams does have several tasty brews. The hubby liked the Triple Bock once in a while but it was too strong for me. I read that they no longer make that brew. We go to a pub once in a while that has 141 beers on tap so I can get adventurous in my beer tasting. They let me take a little taste test before ordering a mug. Nothing worse than buying a pitcher or six pack and discover I don't like it. But then I usually find someone who would be more than happy to finish it off for me.
  21. ledzepfvr


    When I want to splurge on a special beer I like Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. But lately I've had to resort to Bud Light with Lime. Gotta try and watch my girlish figure, or whats left it. Cheers.
  22. A Horse With No Name - America
  23. My co worker had prostate cancer surgery and his wife called and said it went well for him.
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