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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. >That's obvious...ally, of course.< >Now you're just being silly...who could choose between two such lovely birds?< True but isn't the point of the thread Bro?
  2. Mum,ask Old Danny Boy were potatoes come from!
  3. Pass,..... Strider or ally?
  4. Hi Strider,all, >Why? Because he doesn't have to. I know this flies in the face of some of my previous impertinent posts on the subject of Jimmy's "inactivity", but sometimes I'm in an impish mood when I come here.< "Impish?" Never mind,... Yes,I believe your right,Jimmy does NOT owe us anything.It would be nice to hear new music from the man,that's all. Truth be told, Jimmy will DO something when he's damn well READY to do something...whatever that something is. He doesn't "owe" anybody a thing. >After hundreds and hundreds of sessions in the 60s, a stint with the Yardbirds, domination of the 70s piloting Led Zeppelin, th ARMS tour, The Firm, Page & Plant records and tours, the Black Crowes, remastering the Zeppelin catologue and rescueing and compiling the live DVD and HTWWW(I don't think some of you realize how deteriorated those tapes were and the painstaking work involved in rehabilitating them), and the 2007 Ahmet Ertegun concert, not to mention the one-off guest appearances over the years, James Patrick Page has given the world more than enough music to enjoy over his lifetime.< I agree!!!!!!! From the box set(s),BBC CD, to the DVD & HTWWW,must have been long days and nights,.... >Jimmy and Led Zeppelin were never one to do something...release an album, tour...by rote. They did it on their terms and with passion and conviction...or not at all. I expect Jimmy still feels this way. If we get some new music from him, great. If not, that's ok too. I would only want Jimmy to put something out because be believes in it, not because he feels obligated or that he "owes" it to us., THAT was the beauty of it all.Zep and Peter did it their own way,that is what made it special,IMVHO. >Poppycock. Jimmy took risks right from the beginning of Led Zeppelin. He used his own money to book studio time and recorded the entire first album BEFORE they had even been signed by anyone!!!Name another band that had the chutzpah to do that?< >Not to mention other risks Zeppelin pioneered: going on the road with no opening acts, putting out albums without the band name or title on the album, ignoring the AM radio/ single market, and many more.< Thanks Bro for getting my riled up! KB
  5. Have BIGDAN email me and Ally,then we can argue if William Wallace was Scottish! It'll give you more time in front of the telly!
  6. Good news Mum! With your beauty and brains and BIGDAN's stubbornness.,.....;well you know! KB
  7. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151028043926807&set=vb.141884481557&type=2&theater
  8. Run Kate!Here comes Motorboat Walter!
  9. Ray Bradbury, the science fiction-fantasy master who transformed his childhood dreams and Cold War fears into telepathic Martians, lovesick sea monsters, and, in uncanny detail, the high-tech, book-burning future of "Fahrenheit 451," has died. He was 91.
  10. Ok,...I thought you didn't want me to "Address me again."Can't you figure this out? Even though you have been banned several times for your postings.I didn't not want your major surgery to harm you in anyway.And it could have gone the wrong way.No?I wished you well and hoped for full recovery.Yet, you continue with insults.
  11. Egad Rick,.... Do you want a list?Or is "I got banned more times than that!" Enough?
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