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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi all, Thanks for posting this! Trains& motorcycles being my other passions,... KB
  2. Hi Danny,all Ya know me too well boyo! Let's see where to start,ah! Kudos to all the athletes who completed in Vancouver. Mr. Jacobus Franciscus "Jim" Thorpe ,who in 1983 got his medals restored and that 'professional' career was food and travel money? Mr. *cough* Brudage - a POS if you ever smelled one! KB
  3. Hi all, Good job Danny,you answered the questions.Wonderful. KB
  4. Hi songbird,all, No need.The kid has an awesome voice! And that,perhaps is all he needs. KB(the repeater)shoot,...
  5. Hi all, Well,that is a tale to tell,and one can always tell it off list.You have Brothers&Sisters here,... KB(I is started that here thread for a reason,dang it! )
  6. Hi all, No Sister,some of us was worried about you and your family.Good news. Your family.So,... KB
  7. Hi BIGDAN,all, Google two names: Jim Thorpe and Avery Brundage. Then you tell me. KB
  8. Hi V,all, I think your right,again! Wench! KB(not always)
  9. Hi all, Not surprising,he do no how to (w)right music,not very,.... knot berry,... KB
  10. Hi all, Why boyo don't you tell,us? How about the rape of Naking? Any other thoughts? KB
  11. Hi all, Any original material Adam?No?How shocking. KB
  12. [Hi all, Confusing me sweetart!Another criter? Let the winners have a good time,....then BigDan,....history lesson.Until then,enjoy! kB
  13. Hi all, Great job to both the men's and women's Canadian hockey teams! Gold Medal winners! KB(frigging Bruin's! )
  14. Hi all, How tight is your snare drum? Your my friend!Faceb**k,my,Mysnot,or knot! Hey Bro,a wee bit of your drumming skills on YouTube!Let's rock! Please? KB
  15. Hi LZG,all, Never be sorry,your family. KB Wat U say; Ally,Danny,V,Chuck,all???
  16. Hi redrum,all, Still,I would like to see that. KB
  17. Hi Brothers&Sisters! LZG, Just to let you know,I is the retard! Broads=ladies Lay 'bouts=the rest! Terms of endearment,my dear. PM= Personal Message,this is thread(in my view) of our family,you need to talk or you need anything,we will help. KB= Kevin Brady,your idiot,hosting this thread! Hai,Anjin-san!
  18. Hi LZG,all, Sweet! No question,there are are whole bunch of broads and lay-bouts 'round here, who are good folks! Egad,this -might- sound like mafia bull----! You need something:ask!The Lord *created* PM's for that! You need to talk,see above. KB (STFU!!!!)
  19. Hi all, My pint just jetted out my nostrils! You and Led Zep Girl made my fooking day! As the Rover said,"The people have spoken." it wasn't those *cough* critics/D-Bag's who actually write for that rag,.. Cameron Crow accepted. A few recollections: Didn't John admire Ginger Baker and thought 'Toad' was brilliant? Keith and John were friends and didn't Keith name is Great Dane 'Bonzo'?(according to the book Moon A Biography of Keith Moon. Didn't Bonzo say to the band,when they first play Carnegie Hall; "This were Buddy Rich and Gene Kupra(sp?) played,so I have play my best." or something to that effect? Like I have stated in another thread,since getting the bootlegs and wearing them out- I have really tried to listen to John's playing and also Jonesy,it keep bouncing in my head 'Go James Patric,me and Bonzo are going to have fun too!!! KB
  20. Hi Brother Ally,all, You mean godspell,gospel,which means,...good story Which brings up another point,.....what the hell happened to those supposed films about bothe Led Zeppelin and Peter Grant? Alright,calm down,...I'll post another thread! KB(new friend today!)
  21. Hi Led Zep Girl,all, Now your talking! Been a fan since,well never mind,I'm olde,... ESPN 360 does stream NHRA racing events. What class did your dad race in? "Does anyone remember 'Big Daddy' Don Garlits ? Don Garlits KB
  22. Hi all, Thanks everyone!My worship of the band has increased with these recordings.JPJ piano solo during 'No Quarter', are you #^&*ing kidding me? Who has the Zippo lighter under Page's arse on LTTE??? Bonzo? Tony Iommi was right! Robert? There was some *list* of the best front man/singers,ya know some poll,Percy was 20th (This was from the Alice Cooper show on local WZLX -Boston,MA ,on Saturday nights),he was not amused! Sam,if I may ask,can we have a jaw-dropping Emoticon? KB
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