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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Never mind the 40+ people who DIED from a state run lab in MA. You mean this twat?
  2. Anjin-san

    Golf Talk

    Glad you asked,.... I did some caddy work as a kid,good money in those days(lived near a golf course) this was before carts and a $1 tip for lugging a few bags of clubs was good scratch! Later my mates took up the game and I took up the caddying again.All for beer.Other than looking for lost balls,if Rich or Steve made a horrible shot it was ducking flying clubs! I didn't know golf was a contact sport! LOL! Kev
  3. Anjin-san

    Golf Talk

    Clill, does being a caddy count?
  4. Bad joke Sister.Some broads have web-cams to 'see' said broads doing things *cough*
  5. Not out of woods yet, Mrs Ally said that bastard might be OK!
  6. Well, I could post an X -rated reply but I will refrain,....
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