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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. a Mexican restaurant with nice waiters
  2. going out to dinner for the evening
  3. His pants may have gotten in the way of the ball, whereas the jewelry did not.
  4. He may have needed to befriend the goat as it may have viewed him as a competitor at first.
  5. Were you the one who waded in the water during I'm Free?
  6. She Was Hot Paint It Black Ready Steady Go 1966
  7. She Said Yeah Mercy, Mercy Hitch Hike That's How Strong My Love Is...
  8. At the end of the day, love is the main thing for which I am most thankful.
  9. She veered off to to discuss "incredible power and heat" at that point.
  10. From about 4:23 to 4:39 you can see what appears to be a birthmark on his back. Thank you, Steve, I had forgotten about the Big Log video.
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