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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. But it does nothing to undo the mystery of the alleged bimbo comment.
  2. Access to information from newspapers is still important. I don't see any experts commenting here. How does this explain the alleged bimbo comment?
  3. As far as the timeline, I remember the remark occurring prior to the book's publishing. Naturally I could be wrong. It's entirely possible that he commented in regard to her book, "I'm With The Band" or perhaps at the end of their dating relationship.
  4. It gives them access to news reports. Online archives for the San Francisco Chronicle date back only as far as 1995. Someone who lived in the area would have had access to those articles that were published at the time.
  5. I would think that living near the venue at the time would have given a person access to the local newspapers.
  6. As far as I know there is no town named Cairo in California.
  7. No, I believe that he made this remark earlier. I'm not sure that I remember what the provocation was. Perhaps their relationship was more characterized by passion than friendship and did not develop into a true intimacy.
  8. Even brilliant artists have their temptations.
  9. Let's just hope they feel something about someone at least once in a while. Guys, if you want women to respect you, then you must treat them with respect. And ladies...
  10. And both events apparently took place at Plumpton each one on a different date.
  11. It appears there were two jams on different dates. One was at a pub and the other was a golf event.
  12. Online archives for the San Francisco Chronicle go back only as far as 1995. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/qws/as/main
  13. And the September 17 jam happened at a pub, unlike the one on August 14 that took place on a golf course apparently. These appear to be two different charity events.
  14. But if Steven Rosen is correct, Peter Grant stayed in San Francisco with Jimmy Page.
  15. http://oldarmygame.blogspot.com/ http://pablo.pernot.free.fr/trucs/IFTML2.htm
  16. That same thing happened to someone who I know. It was shattering at the time of the child's passing, and yet his mother carried on. It reminds me of the sorrow of Mary when Christ died.
  17. It does. (I apologize for the broken link.) Source: ocregister.com
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