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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. It was more than that. Jimmy Page was not always at his best on the road, and Pamela Des Barres has mentioned that she personally protected him from an unsavory situation on one occasion. In some cases, the ladies should be thankful that certain groupies have the presence of mind to intervene to prevent their husbands from being even more excessive on the road than they already are. There are circumstances of which naive wives have no concept, due to the Victorian sensibilities inherent in English society that persist yet to this day. Their husbands sometimes live quite on the edge when they are travelling. Also, I believe that Degas was the artist best known for painting ballerinas.
  2. All the status symbols and hypocrisy in the world will never change the reality that every human soul is important. If these men simply venture into the world to exploit markets and people without conscience, I make no excuses for them. Regardless of all that, love continues to make the world go round. You may try to convince me that love was only meant for the privileged among us, but I doubt that very much. I'm Not Trying To Run Your Life, The Choice Is Up To You If They Say I Never Loved You, You Know They Are A Liar And Today I Started Loving You Again And now back to the Hot Pics of Jimmy
  3. And I am not prejudiced against anyone, groupie or otherwise. Each person is a human being. When I die, He is going to look at my heart and soul, not what I am wearing or whether I am in the company of groupies or models.
  4. Jerry Hall, Tracey Emin, Jimmy Page and Jo Wood
  5. That's what people say. It's not really that appealing to the masculine gender. I thought it was funny though, and had some good moments.
  6. Here in North America we have another volcano becoming active.
  7. Oh yeah, they look alike! He could have come straight out of Afternoon of a Faun.
  8. Yes, he is. Cute turkey baster in the first one lol.
  9. The more things change, the more they stay the same. It was more fun when he was still physically present. I remember a member of my family reading the newspaper that day, and watching his expression change from happy to somber.
  10. Great film, go see it. (Rated R for mature audiences.)
  11. A live band at Winifred's birthday party!
  12. Rod Stewart is touring at the moment, is he not?
  13. Hot pink paired with olive green was a popular color combination in the winter of 1966-1967. Also 1965.
  14. A kind and considerate hello maam from one of the neighbors.
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