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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. I think that 'She Said' is a cryptic song. It leaves you to wonder. He probably laughs when everyone comes up with a different interpretation of it, and he probably has his own. He'll probably never tell us what he meant. It's more fun to keep us guessing. 'Women in houses - I can't deal with their heat', to me indicates that he may be more socialized to women in familiar environments such as concert halls, hotels, airports, pubs, soccer stadiums, offices and so on, rather than in domestic situations where they sometimes explode, become strangely unglued, and behave in a manner that he finds unfamiliar. So he retreats to places where the women are easier for him to relate to, like recording studios.
  2. 64°F currently 70°F high 63°F low Clouds, light rain and wind Heavier rain in the mountains
  3. This was a crime and there is no excuse to limit redress to arbitration. Criminal law prevails. To deny the people their right to redress when someone has committed a crime against them is unconscionable. Halliburton is not strictly private enterprise, or it would not be taking government funds, probably taxpayer funds, to conduct its business. To attempt to reduce this issue to one of mere constitutionality while pretending that the rape was less significant demonstrates the caliber of the individuals who had the gall to suggest it. It's a little like arguing that the mafia has the constitutional right to rob banks.
  4. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=EOheWvkjq78 http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Gq0b1yufOYM
  5. It is unconscionable to put party politics ahead of the basic rights of citizens. To have the arrogant gall to even suggest that the only redress available to a victim of a crime should be limited to arbitration merely to convenience private industry is about the same as telling the mafia that they can do whatever the hell they want and get away with it.
  6. I am blissfully oblivious and have no idea what the hell he is singing about there, thank God.
  7. Maybe you can give her your new number when both of you are feeling better. In the meantime, you could call her from a neutral location and meet in a safe environment when you are feeling a little more ready. Something to consider anyway, unless you really need to make a clean break for good. But for now you need the variety of many friends to strengthen your support system, and to take your mind off her for awhile and focus on the simple joys in life so you can at least smile.
  8. I think that JFK was not a puppet. That is why he was assassinated. I can see that the issue of whether or not Obama proves to be a puppet will haunt his presidency. washingtontimes.com/news/2009/oct/13/pruden-obamas-ignoble-prize/ http://www.youtube.c...h?v=48-rQH2GSi8
  9. I would guess that both 1) and 2) apply.
  10. Did he offer any reasons for this alleged threat to security? Perhaps he was referring to the area in Pakistan that the Taliban is believed to use as a safe haven? And you do not believe that Al Qaeda and the Taliban are a threat? Even Robert Plant knows that the Hindu Kush can be a risky area. Also, the Khyber Pass provides a supply route to NATO and U.S. forces. Taliban guerrillas have been reported in the past to have shut down access at the Khyber Pass.
  11. I do not see President Obama as a puppet. He has served in office for only a short time, so it is too soon to make that assessment without some concrete reasons.
  12. Try to think about something else for awhile. Let a few weeks go by before you give her your new phone number. Give yourself some time to rejuvenate before you engage her once more. See others during this time and enjoy their company. Maybe you'll meet someone who can refer your girlfriend to a therapist. You cannot carry the whole load alone.
  13. Great band, Blue Cheer! RIP Dickie Peterson. roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news
  14. It'll be interesting to see what develops.
  15. I am glad that he graciously accepted the award and left it at that. It shows that he is accepting of others' concerns without being too judgemental.
  16. Everyone needs boundaries. Give it some time and see how it works out. Try to smile. Find something to take your mind off all that for a little while, something to make you laugh.
  17. It looks like a good film. I have never seen it before.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUf-Gu7c3J8
  19. Halliburton again, no surprise there. The level of arrogance that the Halliburton people display amazes me sometimes. Locking the victim in a shipping crate so that she could not communicate with the outside world by those who assaulted Jamie Leigh Jones makes Roman Polanski look like an angel by comparison. At least Mr. Polanski drove his victim home to her parents and was otherwise courteous. I wonder if there were additional riders onto the bill that would have been controversial to conservatives. As for Senator Sessions' argument about overreaching into the private sector, why does the private sector need funds from the federal government in the first place? Because it is incapable of engaging in private enterprise without government assistance? It's interesting to see that conservatives promote socialism in this context. But I do not see why the taxpayers should fund rape.
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