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Everything posted by spidersandsnakes

  1. Well, I've always been more scientifically minded and less religious.....I only hope science does not become the new religion otherwise we're back to square one (see the thread on paedophile priests!!!!!). I don't think it will though because while religion is based on "FAITH" alone (what does faith mean anuway!!??) while science is based on experimental fact!!!
  2. I was reading a worldwide stat the other week of the lsit of paedophiles ranked by profession...these are the results... The GREATEST culprits abusing children are bank managers, then come FATHERS (HOW HORRIBLE!!!!!!), the come priests, and so on.... BEWARE!!! THE ENEMY IS WITHIN!!!!
  3. Apologizing is far TOO LITTLE!!! It's like saying a 'mini Holocaust' never happened and/or apologizing to its victims!!! In my opinion, The Church has FINISHED manipulating peoples' lives!! Jesus Christ will be rolling in his grave after these UNRULY and REVOLTING facts (that, by the way, have been happening since time began, so it's NOT only a social problem of OUR time!!!!!). EVERYONE should be aware that the f**kin* POPE was a NAZI officer during the war and apart from the HORROR of first coverng up the LOUSY priests and later apologizing to the victims, he and what he represents have done many REVOLTINMG things like the Crusades, so The Church should be convicted of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY....a sort of Nuremburg Trials for The Church and its repesantatives!!! FAITH MY ASS!!
  4. .......and the CULPRITS iI was talking about above even INvented Osama bin Laden.......does it really take that much ability with the hi-tech we have today to find someone anywhere on the globe with sats, etc.???!...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm??!
  5. That's a lot of moons gone by......still a COOL album :)
  6. I don't know really.......I only know that the title of the pic was "....gone fishing..."
  7. I just thought of posting this interesting pic.....it's Sharon of the Corrs:) By blackglove at 2010-09-12
  8. The CIA, FBI and the BU$H admin. knew all about it.....they are the real CULPRITS......RIP democratic America:(
  9. SHARON CORR By blackglove at 2010-09-12 By blackglove at 2010-09-12
  10. MICHELLE HUNZIKER:) By blackglove at 2010-09-12 By blackglove at 2010-09-12 By blackglove at 2010-09-12 By blackglove at 2010-09-12
  11. Does that mean you did liked them and later UNliked 'em???:)
  12. DORIS By blackglove at 2010-09-01
  14. I'm driving the Civic in Europe now for work, but I think it's not that good if you're in the U.S. ...there are better cars for U.S. roads:)....I dig Volvos too :)
  15. HOLLY MIRANDA By blackglove at 2010-09-05
  16. PAMELA MOORE By blackglove at 2010-09-02
  17. One of the chix from the Jealous Girlfriends By blackglove at 2010-09-08
  18. '75 TOYOTA CORONA ......now driving a Honda Civic turbo:):)
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