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Everything posted by Strider

  1. My dear Kate, I wasn't being pedantic nor snarky. You mistook my intent...I wasn't criticizing your choices at all. I was merely addressing your last question as to why the woman hadn't come forward yet, by suggesting that it's most likely she hasn't because she is dead. Please don't sic BD on me. Someone asked why there weren't more lists with high and mighty figures like Jesus and Alexander the Great on them. I don't know about you, but I like my dinner parties to be fun, with people that can carry a conversation on a wide variety of topics. If I wanted to be preached to or lectured, I would go to a church or university symposium, thank you. Anyway, you want high and mighty, here you go: Satan, Jesus, Eve, Lilith, and Moses. Here's another approach... Hitler, Stalin, Torquemada, Benedict Arnold, Idi Amin...and I would poison them all.
  2. Happy Birthday dear Led Zep Girl! Crank the Zep!!!

  3. Okay, that's a wrap...time to get on with my Saturday night. It's been fun but I'm signing off. I like Baltimore and Green Bay tomorrow.
  4. God loves America. Therefore, God is a Patriot.
  5. Hahaha, this isn't fair...the NFL should make Brady play for Denver the rest of the game or invoke the "mercy rule".
  6. Hahaha...did I say "toying"? Brady is DESTROYING the Broncos!!!
  7. ^^^Yikes! He should've listened to his wise uncle. Patriots are toying with the Broncos. Great thing about being on the West Coast is that it's not even 7pm...there's still plenty of time to go out to a show tonight with friends.
  8. If Harbaugh doesn't win Coach of the Year, there should be an investigation. San Francisco was in the dumps and in disarray the last few years...and Alex Smith was labeled a huge bust. Harbaugh comes in and in one season completely turns the franchise around. Meanwhile, San Diego keeps loser Norv Turner around after yet another failed season. Never has a coach wasted so much talent year after year and still keep his job. Hahaha, way to go San Diego.
  9. Well, considering it happened nearly 50 years ago, I'd say Babushka woman is dead by now.
  10. Go Patriots! Ok, if you're the 49ers, you obviously want the Giants to knock off the Packers tomorrow, right? If Green Bay wins, SF has to go to Lambeau, but if NY wins, then SF hosts the NFC Championship game.
  11. Final score: SF 36 NO 32 There's a saying: "No guts no glory". All week I had a feeling, a hunch that the 49ers would win this game. But I didn't have the guts to bet on it...I could've won a lot of money, too. Damn. What a great football game. Three lead-changing back-to-back-to-back scores in the last 4 minutes. UNREAL!!! CONGRATS to the 49ers...my condolences to the Saints fans.
  12. UNBELIEVABLE!!! SAINTS SCORE!!! Defensive back blew it trying to go for the interception...gotta make the tackle. Still time for SF to kick a field goal.
  13. 29-24 SF. Saints ball on the 12 yd line...88 yds to go...2 minutes left. Whatever happens, Saints will NOT COVER THE SPREAD.
  14. Now THAT was a gutty play call!!! Holy shit...what a game! SF retakes the lead. Fasten your seat belts. Two minutes to go and the Saints will try to answer.
  15. Holy Toledo! SAINTS SCORE TD!!! 24-23 with 4 minutes to go. Now we'll see what Alex Smith and the SF offense is made of.
  16. If you bet the Saints and laid the 4 points, time is becoming an issue now. 7 minutes left and the Saints need two scores to cover.
  17. SF 20, NO 14 at the end of 3 QTRS.
  18. 5 turnovers now! SF better score a TD now! FAIL.
  19. The 49ers offense let the defense down in that first half. Time and time again the defense would give the offense great field position...they had 4 turnovers! FOUR!!!...only to see the 49ers offense stall or settle for a field goal. Realistically, the 49ers should have scored 28 points in the first half. You cannot waste scoring chances against the Saints.
  20. 17-14 SF at halftime...still anybody's ballgame.
  21. Unfortunately, the 49ers offense has stalled.
  22. ANOTHER TURNOVER! 49ers defense is really impressing me today.
  23. Told ya'...here come the Saints.
  24. Another poor series of plays by SF...3-and-out is not the way to beat the Saints. If Saints go down and score, it's 17-14 and New Orleans is back in the game.
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