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Everything posted by Strider

  1. You're welcome 2019 Season Champion! I know I picked San Francisco in the pool but I am hoping Detroit wins and makes its first trip to the Super Bowl and gives Detroit Rock City something to cheer about. Imagine the University of Michigan and Detroit winning the College and NFL titles in the same year!
  2. The pro-Palestinian rallies are alarming. Fortunately, I haven't seen too many where I live. I still think it is just a very loud and vocal minority. The majority of citizens and people in government still back Israel. Also, when I talk to many of the Middle Eastern immigrants that I come across in my daily travels in shops and restaurants and businesses, most of them express that the very reason many of them came to America was to escape such tribal feudal bullshit. And many of these people trying to come into America now are also trying to escape extreme poverty and violence in their countries. Now, is the influx too large? Are there some bad apples in the bunch? Your answer probably depends on your perspective. I think most reasonable people would say yes. But the idea that these people are being let in just so they can vote Democrat might make an amusing talking point on some right ring podcast or talk show but it is kind of far-fetched when you look at the what happens with a lot of immigrants. A sizeable percentage of immigrants, both legal and illegal, tend to become conservative, at least on the issue of immigration, once they have settled in the United States. Because they realize more and more illegals flooding the border steals a bigger piece of their American Pie dream. I have heard from many Mexicans, Hispanics, Latinos switching their votes from Democrat to Republican because of this very issue. Take another look at the people coming into the country. Whether they are coming from the Muslim countries in the Middle East or the heavily Catholic countries to our south, I would wager a high percentage of them are devoutly religious in some manner. The right likes to portray the Democratic Party as anti-religion, so why would anyone think that these religious people would just automatically vote Democrat? Plus, the idea that there are large numbers of illegals voting doesn't hold water anyway. Most illegals would be afraid of being nabbed by INS if they went to vote. The whole beauty of the United States was that people could come here, escaping whatever persecution or horrors of their home country, and through hard work and perseverance, assimilate into the American Dream. They might bring some of their old ways and beliefs with them, but by and large, they sublimated into the American way of life. Many Immigrant communities by the third or fourth generations became wholly American. That's why you see so many minorities and immigrants at ballgames. And they certainly do not want the U.S. to become more like the countries they escaped from. I happen to believe that is what most of the people coming here want...a chance at a normal life. To work, have a family, etc. So, no, I do not think we are in danger of being co-opted or as you put it, "unionized" by some foreign country, whether it's the Middle East or the Far East or Russia. I think this country is a little bit stronger than its critics, both on the right and the left, give it credit for.
  3. That is generally how it works. You don't realize you are in a fascist state until it is too late. Go after the gays? Fine. Go after the kooks and weirdos, fine. Go after the Jews, coons, Catholics, illegals, fine. Go after anyone who isn't like you. By the time they come after you, it's too late.
  4. Of course I'm not serious. At least about that. I am serious about the sorry state of politics if Biden and Trump are the best we can do after all this time. I am serious about not voting for either one this year. The Democrats are too caught up in rainbow identity politics and victimhood. The Republicans are too in thrall to jackboot authoritarianism and going back to an America that only exists in fantasy. Neither party's vision of America is sustainable nor resembles what the Founding Fathers envisioned.
  5. Trump and Biden are the two most unpopular leaders in American history. The fact that four years later all we can come up with is Biden vs. Trump redux suggests that maybe it's time to vote the U.S. return to the United Kingdom and become part of the commonwealth again. Nobody wins with these two bozos.
  6. Andruw Jones got screwed. The Dodgers spent a billion dollars on two players. Will it matter? Or will they flame out in the playoffs again? https://www.springtrainingcountdown.com
  7. Actually, it wouldn't be as bad for the NFL as you think. People are getting tired of Kansas City and Detroit chasing their first Super Bowl is the kind of underdog story that America loves. I think the ratings would be just as good as it theoretically would be for Kansas City-San Francisco.
  8. R.I.P. Norman Jewison, a great director. "The Cincinnati Kid", "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming", "The Thomas Crown Affair", "In the Heat of the Night", "Fiddler on the Roof", "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Rollerball", "F.I.S.T.", "And Justice for All", "A Soldier's Story", "Agnes of God", "Moonstruck", "The Hurricane". https://variety.com/2024/film/obituaries-people-news/norman-jewison-dead-moonstruck-in-the-heat-of-the-night-1235882301/
  9. Sorry Walter, I thought for sure ebk would be picking San Francisco. So please change my pick to San Francisco.
  10. And beat him they did! Thank you for your support that day. Wait a minute. You had a hated Redskin sign a hallowed Cowboy shirt? I'm not sure how Cowboy Nation will feel about that. Seems sacrilegious.
  11. Well...the only chance I have of catching ebk is catching some upsets. Sooooo.... Kansas City Detroit
  12. $10 doesn't get you anything in the NFL anymore. No parking, no hat or shirt, no game program...you can't even get a beer for $10 at a game.
  13. 40 years ago today. January 22, 1984 was the last time the Raiders ended the season on top, winning Super Bowl XVIII in Tampa Bay. I was in Germany at the time and had to watch the game live in the wee hours of Monday morning over the Armed Forces Network. It's the best loss of sleep I ever had. For the first 21 years of my life the Raiders were consistent contenders, winning their Division and going to four Super Bowls and winning three. Only the Pittsburgh Steelers had won more Super Bowls at that time. Life was good. Since that time they have been wandering the desert of football futility, save for a brief blip in the early 2000s, culminating in losing the 2002 Super Bowl. 40 years of irrelevance with no end in sight. In that time they have moved back to Oakland and then moved completely out of California to Las Vegas.
  14. Why even bring her up? Nobody pays attention to her. She is irrelevant and has been for some time.
  15. Goatee? That looks like a full-on beard.
  16. Oh no. Wide right again. Bills Mafia silenced.
  17. Congrats to your teams ebk, redrum, and Bong-Man!
  18. Fucking Deebo always gets hurt.
  19. Green Bay brought their weather with them.
  20. R.I.P. Mary Weiss, leader of the Shangri-Las, who just turned 75. https://variety.com/2024/music/obituaries-people-news/mary-weiss-shangri-las-dead-girl-groups-1235879771/ https://www.iowapublicradio.org/news-from-npr/2024-01-19/mary-weiss-lead-singer-of-the-shangri-las-has-died
  21. A thought or two I have coming into this weekend's games. Are we going to get 3 touchdowns Josh Allen or 3 interceptions Josh Allen? Green Bay @ San Francisco is another matchup of coaches from the Shanahan coaching tree. Isn't it curious that we never see matchups between coaches from the Belichick coaching tree? I mean, can you ever imagine Matt Patricia and Josh McDaniels ever facing off in the Super Bowl?
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