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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Another groovy tune by "The Baker Gurvitz Army" And yet another one!
  2. You're very welcome Louh! :D Looking forward to many great conversations! :D Cheers! :D

  3. I think this is very appropriate for this time of year! Don't you? :hysterical:
  4. LOL! My imagination is running riot at the moment!
  5. Glad to hear it!! Cheers! :D

  6. Well, I am not blaming poor Robert for anything! He seems to be so happy with this whole project and I wish him nothing but the best! The only person I blame here is my so-called friend for being so petty! I, to this day, find her attitude quite perplexing! No. My opinion on Robert's solo work would have remained the same, irrespective of my friendship. Music tastes are very personal and if a friendship breaks because of differences in opinion, then that sort of friendship is not worth a person's time!
  7. IMHO, I do think this band deserves a mention! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykctH2Kn8RM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGg34scqyDc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z44qCYZEiEY
  8. Personally, I have had a bad experience with regard to Robert's album with the Band of Joy. A friend of mine at University purchased the album, the day it was released here in New Zealand. She is a hard core Zep Head, like myself. I was following all the news about "The Band Of Joy". I got to check out the video for the track "Angel Dance". To me, it was just ok. Maybe other people think differently, but I don't care. So anyway, my friend, absolutely loved the album and kept nagging me to give it a listen which I did. I did not think much of it. I neither liked it or disliked it. And let's just say, that thanks to my indifferent attitude, my friend (who is now an ex, by the way), was petty enough to break up our friendship which lasted 2 years just because I wasn't in-sync with her opinion on "The Band of Joy". I really do not think that it is worth losing sleep over a mere album, do you? And she was the person who questioned my love for Zep, just because I don't quite fancy Robert's solo work. Usually, these sorts of things do not bother me, but the way she chose to word it, is what got me mad. She told me to "fuck-off" and I pretty much told her the same. All in all, I do not have anything against Robert for pursuing this sort of musical direction. I am just indifferent about the whole thing, to be honest!
  9. Hi Swede! :D Welcome back! :D Lovely to hear from you again! :D I thought you had quit the forums or something! Yikes!! :/ And to try to take it easy and get some rest! Don't work so hard! It's the holiday season! :D

  10. The bloke who started this topic in the first place was referring to "Paul McCartney". I think!
  11. Wow! I'm so glad that I inspired you to post that photo! You look like such a lovely bride! Love the dress, the setting and the sort of spooky backdrop of that photo! Very very nice! Thanks for sharing that Aeon! Cheers!
  12. Wow! Jimmy Page, a landscape gardner? Wow! This is news to me! It must be really awesome to have Jimmy raking leaves off your lawn, eh Electro? Your post really made me laugh!
  13. A Very Happy Birthday To You, Sam!! Thank you for all your hard work in keeping this awesome forum going! It feels so good knowing that you are a Sagittarian, just like me! Cheers, mate! Have a wonderful birthday!
  14. I personally do not like the musical direction Robert is pursuing at the moment. I guess it's because of the fact that I am not very fond of country music, to be very blunt. Because of this, I however, refuse to believe that I am not a "true" Zep Head. Just because I love Led Zeppelin, that does not mean that I am in any way compelled to like Robert's solo work, just to please some people. As for Jimmy's solo work, I am not very well-informed about that and hence, I do not have any opinion on it.
  15. This topic really freaked me out and truly left me Dazed And Confused! Yikes!
  16. Absolutely agree with everything you say Magic! It is for these reasons that I am into buying CDs! Besides, investing in vinyls can be an extremely costly hobby, especially here in New Zealand!
  17. Well, "Misty Mountain Hop" gets my vote here!
  18. Well, life here in Auckland is really nice! :D It's a very friendly, relaxed and laid-back sort of city. It does tend to be very hilly though and you need a good pair of running shoes to get around! :D BTW, congrats on your move to Aus! Good choice there! :)

  19. Hats-off To Roy Harper - Led Zeppelin
  20. Wow! That was quick! England all out for 123 in the second innings! Australia has levelled the series! What a comeback, they've made! I really wonder who is going to win the series! It is impossible to make any predictions at this time, that's for sure!
  21. It's The Hellacopters again, I'm afraid! But who can possibly blame me for loving one of the greatest bands in the world?! Their last album Head Off is rockin' my fuckin' socks off!
  22. This album which is rockin' my fuckin' socks off!!! Long Live The Hellacopters!!!!
  23. Wow! What a test match it has been so far! I really thought that England had the 3rd test match in the bag but the Aussies made one hell of a comeback and now we are witnessing an English batting collapse in the second innings! Wow! God knows what on earth is going to happen today! This has been a really unpredictable test so far with both teams fighting tooth and nail! Very interesting stuff indeed! The series has definitely heated up!
  24. LOL! Another good joke there Danny!
  25. Wow! I completely forgot to mention this! Damn! Oh well! Better late than never I guess! For my 23rd birthday (which was barely 10 days ago), I bought this absolutely gorgeous album for just NZ $ 18! Absolutely rockin' stuff!
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