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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. I always thought that Zep fans are known as "Zep Heads"
  2. When you log on to the official Led Zep forum directly from Uni when you are supposed to be studying (during your 2 hour break!) When you stay up till 4 AM watching every possible Page / Plant interview posted on youtube When you see a tall, rather cute looking guy with long blond hair (left lose), in his mid-20s wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt and for one wild moment think that bloke is actually Robert Plant and feel really disappointed when indeed its not! When you mumble the lyrics to Led Zep songs in your sleep!
  3. All this talk about The Stones and Zep, reminded me of something hilarious Robert said in a 2008 interview. He said something like : "I don't want to tour like a bunch of old men following the Rolling Stones around!"....that comment really made me lol!
  4. Wow! There is a movie called "Dazed and Confused"??! Wow! So cool! What's it about anyway? Any Zep related stuff??
  5. 1. Physical Graffiti 2. Led Zeppelin IV 3. Led Zeppelin II 4. Led Zeppelin I 5. Presence
  6. :hysterical: If these goddamn scams were actually true then more than half the world's population will be filthy rich by now!! And there won't be any need to work...just enter some stupid lottery or perhaps enter your email id into a draw or something! God grief! What a joke!
  7. What a beautiful object to send to those b*stards and b*tches who scam people!!! B)
  8. Hi noodle! Welcome to the forum! I'm pretty new myself here...I joined in June and I am just hooked! Its pretty much the best addiction I've had in my life! And I know you are loving it here too! I'm 22 years old, btw and I'm from Auckland. I got into Led Zep at the age of 12 when I heard "Black Dog"...my dad actually put on Led Zep IV to cheer me up because I was on my way to the dentist and I was scared of having my teeth practically scanned for fillings! Yikes! So, anyway, after hearing "Black Dog" for the first time, there was no turning back and I thought that the car stereo was perhaphs one of the most divine objects on the planet!
  9. LOL! Good answer Dan! Thanks for the laugh btw! Cheers mate!!
  10. Yep! Tell me about it! After detailed examination of the lyrics to "Trampled Under Foot"...I found it to be pretty sexy... Before I really knew what the actual lyrics were, it seemed to be a nice, little "innocent song" with awesome key board and guitar parts...but not anymore!!
  11. I agree with you there completely!! And I'll never get tired of that song! Its a master-piece!!!! :D
  12. OMG! Eeeeekkk!!! What the hell was that???! That girl should never touch a guitar again! God-oh-mighty!!! :blink:
  13. LOL! This thread is turning out to be a pretty epic battle! Hmmm...popcorn anyone?? Got some with extra butter! And hey, zdr, I'll be logging in at work too if I were you!
  14. This is very hard but I'm going to go with "Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You"
  15. Roger Taylor and John Deacon Bonzo and Jonesey Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox
  16. In My Time Of Dying is my favourite followed closely by Since I've Been Loving You
  17. And what makes you think that Peter Grant would have fancied you? Besides, we can all dream, can't we?!
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