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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. The Scent Of A Woman The Godfather - I Brokeback Mountain Kung Fu Panda (yep! I do like animated stuff too! LOL! Besides, Po is hilarious! ) Saturday Night Fever Look Who's Talking Too Three Men And A Baby Three Men And A Little Lady Home Alone
  2. Wow! This is such an awesome story! Thank you for sharing this Beijoguy! I can completely relate to your post because my dad who happens to love Led Zep, was the one who introduced me to my first Led Zep song at the age 12 : "Black Dog" Thanks to Led Zep, my dad and I have had some really awesome father-daughter moments!
  3. Jimmy Page - Stairway To Heaven, In My Time of Dying, Achilles Last Stand, Dazed and Confused Robert Plant - Black Dog, Immigrant Song, Going To California, Heartbreaker, Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Nobody's Fault But Mine, The Lemon Song John Paul Jones - In The Light, No Quarter, Ten Years Gone, Trampled Under Foot John Bonham - In My Time of Dying (sorry about the repeat!), Moby Dick, How Many More Times, When The Levee Breaks
  4. Wolfman, I completely agree with you there! I can't stand her either! I am 22 years old but I prefer what some folks of my generation refer to as "old music" (I'm talking about classic rock!) I think people tend to gravitate towards Gaga as she is really creepy and creative in a way which is so freaky that people don't know what hit them! She just keeps pushing and pushing all the limits of decency and creativity (and she has even claimed to be a feminist! yeah right! ) and she is pretty much unstoppable and quite frankly there is absolutely no telling what that woman will come up with next! But one thing's for sure, I won't buy her records and listen to her junk even if someone paid me to! Oh and her video, "Telephone", well the less said about it, the better! Also, I don't get the phrase "little monster"
  5. This should do the trick! Hilarious but also really accurate! World War II Battled Out On facebook!
  6. The last movie I saw was "Inglorious Basterds"...I saw it with my mom on TV! What a hilarious movie about such a "sensitive" topic! The Nazis sure got it good! The basterds were such a brave group! Loved it when they "scalped" Nazi officers! Hilarious! Also loved the scene where the theatre just exploded killing Hitler and all his cronies in a most beautiful way! Ha! This is by far my favourite Quentin Tarantino movie! Also, a truly flawless performance by Brad Pitt!
  7. Hopefully not scream so loud so as to completely piss off poor Robert, Jimmy or JPJ! Seriously, the whole moment will be so surreal! I might even call Robert "Sir" and just bow down before him...no! I'm definitely not kidding!! And I'll pretty much drive them nuts by taking as many photos as I can!! Boy! I am one crazy fan girl!
  8. Hi Emma! Welcome to the forum! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on how you got into Led Zep in the first place! Your post has this really powerful vibe to it! And I am sorry to hear what you had to go through at such a young age...but the fact remains that you emerged tougher and stronger and hopefully, life will be a positive experience for you for the rest of the years to come! And yes, Achilles Last Stand is one incredible song...glad that it had the power to get you through your crisis! As for Led Zep for inspiring me, well I think that I can safely say that I truly admire Robert (I've watched a lot of his interviews)...he seems nice, calm, poised, down to earth and has not let the fame get to his head (I guess this is what he is like in real life)...he and Jimmy (from all those interviews), inspire me to be happy, have a positive outlook on life even in the most testing of situations...I must confess that I do have a bit of a temper and I really try not to lose it and I just try to keep smiling and see the sunny side of things! Cheers!
  9. You're very welcome BUCK!...And I agree with you completely...I loved all 4 parts of the interview too esp the part where Jimmy and Robert performed "Black Dog"...it was a really nice Australian version where there were some folks playing the didgeridoo! Awesome stuff! Shows how innovative Plant and Page can be! And you're right...Poor Jimmy! It was as if Stairway To Heaven had been converted from this beautiful work of art into this weird comedy sketch show...Jimmy was such a sport about the whole thing...but I still find myself digging the "Fat Elvis" version though!
  10. OMG, Dan! I think you just described the best engagement party on the planet! A very big CONGRATULATIONS to you and your fiance! Thank you so much for sharing this!
  11. Its such a great song! Truely timeless in my book! I'll never get sick of it! But I pretty much do stay away from the radio though! Also, so many bands have covered it and Robert mentioned in an interview in 1996 that "its like flogging a dead horse!"I guess he's right but still! What a great song! I also love the Fat Elvis version of Stairway To Heaven!...Hilarious! You can check out that interview with Robert and Jimmy (if you haven't already seen it that is!)...here : And I completely agree with you Yupter! It is overplayed but not overrated!
  12. Sheesh! All this sounds so familar! I have got 1000s of emails pertaining to "business propositions" (which involve the transfer of 1000s of $ into my bank account! ) or crap like "Congratulations! Your email-id has been selected as the lucky winner of $50,000!") But this email that I got last week, is literally the icing on the cake! It was from a company selling Viagra online (yep! you read that right!)....That company sent me a message asking me to purchase it and avail of a 75% discount and be a sure-fire winner in their annual cash prize draw where the winner gets to win US $20,000! And I am not even a man! I am a 22 year old female college student! Why the f*ck do I even need that sh*t? They sure got the demographics wrong! :hysterical:
  13. 100% agree with Jimmy! Thanks for the article Reggie!
  14. You might be suprised to hear this but I grew up on a "more than healthy" dose of Frank Sinatra. My Grandad (from my dad's side of the family), who happens to be a huge fan, owns every single album (he is also a rat pack fanatic, by the way!) and every afternoon, right after lunch, he literally bored my poor family to tears by playing his records over and over again! In fact, I remember my dad storming out of the living room and shutting the door to his study and blasting a couple of Pink Floyd tracks just to (in his words) "ease the pain of boredoom!". In fact, one day, it became so bad that my dad exclaimed : "I'm so sick of that Sinatra prick! Can't we listen to something else?!"...the only thing which didn't occur was my dad and Grandad going head to head in combat! My mom and Grandmom ended up being the referres! I know many people love Sinatra and I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying that he is so not the "epitome of coolness" blah blah blah (by the way I'm 22 years old and I don't know what the word "coolness" means! It just doesn't make sense! Could some kind soul enlighten me on that one please?) So, just like when people who have heard "Stairway To Heaven" being played on the radio umpteen times get so sick of it that they would rather not listen to it ever again, the same thing goes for me and Sinatra! And I think that's pretty understandable! Don't you? Cheers!
  15. Wow! This is really cool! But one thing which makes me really disappointed is the fact that this contest is open only to U.S residents!
  16. Well, I've finally decided that I am going to borrow "When Giants Walked The Earth". Judging by the reviews, I guess its a good book! Thank God for the music library at my Uni!
  17. Thank Goodness I stay away from the radio! I'll NEVER ever get sick of Stairway To Heaven! Its a timeless classic! I guess the consequences of listening to the radio way too much are just awful! Yikes! And ummmm..."Electrophile" what's up with all the sarcasm? Is it really necessary?
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