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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. LOL! This is exactly the kind of question I ask some pests at my Uni who wrinkle their noses and look down on me on purpose just because I ain't into certain mainstream bands like Muse, Kings of Leon and Maroon 5! Sheesh!
  2. You're very welcome! I'm just stating a fact! Aqualung has been in my dad's collection for years...he has always admired that album! I guess that's a good place to start then!
  3. LOL! Electro! Relax! I didn't mean to say that all mainstream stuff is bad! Whoops! I guess my post needs a bit of editing! LOL! ...I do love bands like "Daughtry", "Evanescence", "We Are The Fallen" and HIM. They are pretty mainstream to me ...and don't laugh but I do like a dash of "Tokio Hotel" too...the lead singer looks a bit strange but they do sound good on some songs though! And oh, I am really diggin' the underground music scence too!
  4. You're a pretty awesome guy Rick! It sure must have been a blast seeing Led Zep and The Who live in concert countless number of times during the glory days! I guess after seeing all these legendary bands in concert while they were at their prime, I really don't blame you for saying that some of the "mainstream" stuff being produced today is crap! And thanks for the friend request! I, to be honest, regard you as one of the quality posters around here! P.S What about Jethro Tull? Are they any good?
  5. Someone please record this and post it on youtube! Pretty please?
  6. Wow! Thanks for the recommendations! I'm going to check it out in the order that you mentioned! I listened to the song "My Generation" last night on a music channel (I think it was Juice TV or something) which airs classic rock songs late at night...I liked what I heard to be honest and since my tastes in music are really similar to my dad's (when it comes to classic rock that is), I'm pretty sure that The Who is going to become another one of my favourite bands!
  7. I would gladly add "Fat Boy Slim" to my list! Not only do I find their name absolutely ridiculous, but their songs pretty much get on my nerves! Oh, and I know I am going to regret saying this, but I simply don't get "Kings of Leon" either! In fact, the first time I heard "Sex Is On Fire" while randomly flipping channels on TV, I found it pretty jarring to be honest!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIhtafqZvy8 Love this version by Jimi Hendrix way better than the original by Bob Dylan!
  9. While listening to "Nobody's Fault But Mine", today, I heard the first line as : Nobody's Fault But Mine, Nobody's Fault But Mine, Try To Save My Sordid Life! I was like This has never happened to me before!
  10. Well, I do have a couple of cassette tapes by Boney M.! LOL! I guess that sure does make me look a tad bit lame!
  11. Who can possibly forget this beautiful little classic eh??!
  12. I view Queen as a 70s band too and I am really trying to figure out why they are being frequently mentioned in the 80s thread! Sheesh! And Queen getting OVER EXPOSED is indeed a scary thought!
  13. I thought Queen began their career in the 1970s???!!
  14. Thanks to Huckle Berry Hound, this song always makes me howl with laughter!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzCSTMWix3g :hysterical:
  15. My dad loves them but I somehow haven't got into them yet.......
  16. Yep! You got that right! Her song R-E-S-P-E-C-T is legendary! She's got soul and class!
  17. Loved it! Gosh! You're right! This bloke can sing! Singing and comedy do go hand in hand in certain situations! Thanks Swede!
  18. Gosh! I am so sorry to hear that! Please take care of yourself! I really do hope and pray that things work out for you! Good luck with the sale!
  19. In this pretty male dominated thread, I (from among the more fairly recent artists) consider this brilliant lady right here as another one of my choices : Because of songs like these : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chgRLKm7qxY&feature=rec-LGOUT-exp_stronger_r2-2r-6-HM Can't wait for the new Evanescence album which is to be released this year!
  20. I guess its going to be something really spectacular (judging by the outer cover and some of the pics I have seen so far) but I am way too poor to actually afford something like this! Sorry Jimmy but at this rate, you seem to be burning a huge hole in people's pockets! Thank Goodness I can afford Led Zep's CDs though! LOL!
  21. Never heard this one before but its funny as hell! Thanks again zdr!
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