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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. INXS Bon Jovi R.E.M Simply Red Guns N' Roses
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flOvM4Z355A&feature=related
  3. You have a very valid point there Mat! I (thinking about it now after reading your post) do feel that without Bonzo, Led Zep is quite incomplete! And I guess Robert feels the same way! I have never ever looked at it from this angle before! All this time, I forgot about poor Bonzo!
  4. Thanks for that DM! And I wasn't pulling your leg! I really wanted to know! I am really Led Zep obsessed you see and I just can't imagine any decent radio station ever being so kind as to play an entire side of a Led Zep album! I have been tuning into stations here in NZ quite recently just because of my curiosity and the only decent station is "The Rock" which does play some Classic rock but not all the time...they pretty much stick to the death metal, gothic rock sort of thing which is pretty disappointing! And then there are the pop stations with the Gagas, Beyonces and the rappers! Anyway, your post was an interesting read so thanks again! If only the radio stations in NZ were like your show "Night Flight", I would be tuning in way more often!
  5. Awwww...you're very welcome! :D And thank you for being so nice after everything I said! And its really awesome to meet Zep Heads from all over the world and connect! That's the beauty of this forum! :D
  6. Hi Swede! :) I just want to say that thanks to you, I've got to listen to some really awesome songs which I didn't even know existed and I really look forward to your posts on the thread "Rate The Song Above You" :) Your music tastes are awesome! :) Cheers! :)

  7. Gosh! I'm sorry too! One of my flaws is the fact that I can be quite sensitive sometimes and I do tend to fly off the handle! I'm so sorry! And I do tend to take these forums pretty seriously at times! I was just a really irate fan bashing Robert a bit and I feel really bad about that now...its just that I am 22 years old and I got into Zep at the age 12 and I (I am not kidding about this!) will even give up a year of my life to see those blokes live! And I'm sure you will too! Anyway, you're absolutely right...its our love for Led Zep which connects our hearts! Really awesome thought by the way! And you really rock for defending Robert like that! Cheers to that!!
  8. I pretty much feel the same way! I have got to listen to some really awesome stuff not only on this part of the forum but also thanks to a thread, going by the name "Rate The Song Above You" Thanks to members like Swede, pagemccartney95 and Rock N' Rollin' Man, I've had the pleasure of lending my ears to some amazing songs! A big thanks to everyone contributing to these threads (especially the members I mentioned above!)...keep 'em coming!
  9. Why in the world are you trying to pick a fight with me? What did I ever do to you? Jeez! Mate, you need to chill out! This is a forum and not World War II! If you find my opinions dumb and pointless, well, good! Thanks for being one of my very first critics! I am truly honoured! But please don't make this whole thing so personal and pretty much make this entire forum a really unpleasant place! My thoughts might seem pretty illogical, stupid or selfish to you but I do have my opinions however dumb they might sound to you and I come to post here because its fun, I love the 70s (there is nothing wrong with that by the way!) and I love the music of Led Zep! I am not here to get into a fight, controversy or any other sort of nonsense like that! Maybe I might seem a coward to you but hey...I'm a peace loving person here to have fun and not pick a fight with a complete stranger such as yourself! And its people like you who I pretty much try to avoid because if I start a battle with you about Robert, Led Zep and about the reunion gig...it will pretty much turn out to be quite an ugly and pointless mess for the other posters to see and then out I go! Being the "quality" poster, you seem to be with a logical sense of judgement and beautiful sarcasm to match and judging by your ability to pretty much tear posters like myself to pieces, you most probably won't get banned! In fact, I guess you might even end up receiving a couple of awards for your most insightful contributions to this forum and for taking down the silly and insignificant posters like myself (who in your opinion, I guess, deserve to leave forever because of their illogical and selfish ways!) ! But I on the other hand, am quite new here and I pretty much wish to maintain my peace! Thank you! And cheers!
  10. Wow! Wow! Wow! Gosh! Your radio show sounds so awesome! You certainly gave listeners a big treat by playing the entire side three of Physical Graffiti! What was your show called? When did it air? And which radio station? Sorry about all these questions but please give me some details! Cheers!
  11. So adorable! This is by far my fav pic of Jonesy! :wub:
  12. Yes! Thank God indeed! You tube rocks! Have you ever stayed up a late as 4 AM watching Robert and Jimmy related stuff on you tube? I sure have!! I'm such a fanatic!
  13. I think "Radio Gaga" by Queen will be good choice too! But I'm sticking to "Celebration Day" because that song is rather underrated and besides, its stuck in my head right now! Besides, Lady "What's Her Face" got the inspiration for her rather unusual act from that song and quite frankly, I wouldn't want my radio show to have any links to Frankenstein's Wife!
  14. Hmmm...thanks for the info Jahfin! I didn't know this till now! Robert's actions seem to make perfect sense to me now
  15. What an absolutely perfect description for the "Country Music" genre Danny! LOL! Nice!
  16. Yeah..you're absolutely right Danny! Don't worry! I'm a still bit angry but I'll get over it eventually! Anyway, at least Robert didn't say something like "I demand that every copy of every Led Zeppelin CD, tape and Vinyl ever made should be surrendered immediately so that it can be destroyed forever such that there is no trace of Led Zep left in this world!" Sheesh! Besides, if that were to happen, he'll pretty much look like a priced idiot because he'll lose so much in royalties...besides, Jimmy and JPJ, will probably kill him! Anyway, may the music of Led Zeppelin live on forever in our hearts, sound systems and ipods! Cheers! P.S That line you mentioned from "Livin' Loving Maid" suits this whole mess perfectly!!
  17. I feel pretty angry and sad after reading this, to be honest! I can't help myself!!!
  18. "Celebration Day" - Led Zeppelin Because that song would suit the occassion (the fact that I got my own radio show!) perfectly!!!
  19. Kiwi_Zep_Fan87


    I think these pretty much sum it up!
  20. Wow! Its sure getting HOT in here!!! :veryhot: Gosh! One of the best threads on the forum!!!! Period! :veryhot: :veryhot: Oh man!!
  21. Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix Excuse Me, While I Kiss The Sky!!!!
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