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Everything posted by magerogue

  1. Hahaha, the army of what happear to be 16 mm cameras on the side of the piano, I thought they were lights for the stage. Now why the heck wouldn't they use that?? No Zeppelin photos unforntunately. And you should put the Pontiac Silverdome show in the non circulating list.
  2. I've said this once and I'm gonna say it again: We are talking about Led Zeppelin, the biggest band in the world in 1977. I think that it's ridiculous to think they didn't record professionally at least half a dozen shows, like Guns N Roses, same thing, biggest band in 1990-1994 they recorded professionaly every show from their UYI tour that was on for 2 years, filmed and audio taped, now bare with me, Why the sh*t wouldn't Led Zeppelin record their shows? It certainly wasn't because of money issues or lack of equipment. Either the robbers took alot more stuff than Jimmy's letting us know or the tapes deteriorated- but common Jimmy wouldnt let that happen... I think that there's alot more stuff out there that we never thought existed, or evidence of it existing would be present, look at HTWWW, nobody thought the shows were multitracked, and BAM, Jimmy pulls out these two amazing shows from 1972 that nobody knew about.
  3. Im asking this again because I can't believe and never heard a rumour about it: Where did you get the ideia that there was a proshot from the 1980 tour?
  4. I was watching an Ancient Aliens episode today about the piramids, and a guy said that they were like a stairway to heaven, and after that he said with a straight face "And it makes me wonder". Now, I don't know if he meant it, but it sure as hell made me wonder, hahahah!
  5. So basically, it's good and bad at the same time.
  6. Wasn't he always *cough* "high" ? the Stones and Zeppelin are distinct things, you could only hope of a bad awnser when you ask the guitarist of one band what he thinks about the other. I'd think he wouldn't give two sh*ts about Led Zeppelin, but at least he confirmed that he was good mates with Jimmy... Kinda like how Pete from The Who feels about Led Zeppelin.
  7. Written in the back, that's a portuguese breakfast I think it's Jimmy, the photo's probably from Brazil.
  8. Kinda off topic but could somebody please tell me which year this picture's from?
  9. I think it's amazing in it's own way. For the casual Zep fan my guess is that this wouldn't have been a favorite, but for the ones that actually pay attencion to the music, they'll find out that the songs are very smart and don't lack anything. I do agree that someone butchered Bonzos drums, they sound very small compared to thos solo tracks on youtube. Maybe Jimmy will work some magic in the new releases
  10. magerogue


    Does anybody have a picture of Bonzo with George Harrison? I heard there were a few from 1973 but I wasn't able to track them down.
  11. I don't think so, they have Woody for that, and he's very good at what he does! I listen alot to Some Girls, I realy love that album, but Exile, Sticky Fingers and Beggars Banquet are also my favorites. I heard from a very realiable source that the Stones are gonna tour Europe in early 2013.
  12. If he bought that guitar in 1974, maybe he used it for a song or two in PG. Just a thought.
  13. Ok, this can't be right, Jimmy used this guitar in 1973... I thought he bought it from an actual store, as it was the "brand new" 1973 Gibson Strandard guitar.
  14. Yes it is. The only difference is the nobs on the guitars , they are different. Can you tell what's going on in that photo? I've seen that guy some times on photos and I never know who he is!
  15. Jones wrote the "orchestral" part without a doubt, as for Bonham, he has a Phaser effect running through his drums microphones during all the song, and Jimmy used his Danelectro guitar on this track. It's more likely that JPJ used his melotron on some parts of this track, for the descending riff parts. To anwser your last question, it's just a drum roll with phaser on it. EDIT - I forgot to mention that everytime that they go into the descendent riff, Jimmy overdubbed a guitar doing the same.
  16. Nassau 1975. Awesome show. Really good version of No Quarter and the rare SIBLY from the 1975 tour.
  17. Man, I heard that show the other day and the two things that I liked about them were the bass and the drums. The drums are SO powerfull. I actually think that that might be the worst 1973 show, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's good on some moments and bad on others. Glad they picked the MSG show to release instead of this one.
  18. His white suit is just like Jimmy's. He even wears bell bottom jeans when he's not on stage
  19. could you please tell me wich concerts these are from?
  20. haha no I meant about that Cameo picture of his, I accidentally didn't quote it xD
  21. Great!! What year was this? He looks like himself in 1971.
  22. Would you happen to have a video of jimmy's part?
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