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Everything posted by jayceeporter

  1. I know this has been posted so many times before but he just looks so charming :') From my favorite photo session of his!
  2. Wow! I've never seen this one before! I know the popularly posted ones of this session, but are there more rare ones like these?
  3. !!!!!!! That look is so primal
  4. 1.21 GIGAWATTS?!?!?!?!?!

  5. With Tom Jones but Jimmy looks so handsome!! (Click for bigger)
  6. That's odd..do you think it's because I linked them from gettyimages and I have an account so it only lets me see it?
  7. Trying to steal the spotlight from Robert.....armadillos in his trousers (Spinal Tap ref)
  8. Oops! Sorry - I didn't see this!! The date is November 23rd, 1971 and it's backstage at Preston Public Hall, England
  9. We run an in-home doggie daycare/training/boarding facility, and since everybody is leaving for the holidays, their dogs are HERE. We won't be able to have Christmas dinner for the 6th year in a row because we have 15 dogs in our house!
  10. I think he does say "bluebird"! That'd be pretty or maybe Doves or something because of that picture of him holding the dove at Kezar, and him saying it's his favorite picture of himself?
  11. LAX! Near me It's a very elegant picture
  12. They used to gossip about Jimmy a lot; I think he does consider her a little sister!
  13. What was the caption for that picture, if there was one? ^
  14. I recall reading that of course they always flirted (which he is so good at), but she truly loved Jimmy with all her heart
  15. She was visiting Robert and Patty and saw the Austin HAAM show: He's so happy
  16. "From today's lunch" - Pamela's facebook He looks so cute!!!
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