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Everything posted by brspled

  1. I love Robert Plant, but I think it's wise of him to keep his shirt buttoned up now that he's almost 60. And the pants he's wearing on this tour with Alison are pretty tight, if you ask me.
  2. I won't get mad at you, Lzfan (don't even know if you're talking to me ) I understand where you are coming from, maybe looking at the pics one could have the idea that they are together. But it has already been posted, by a reliable friend, that they aren't. And pics....well, they are just pics. Robert and Alison want to look the best on them, and if they think these pics will make their work better, alright with me. I think they are just selling the idea that they come good together, that they have fun working with each other....but I see why people might think differently.
  3. I don't get you wrong....but she doesn't look 20, not for me. Maybe because my daughter is almost 23, and I'm 44....I can't look at Alison and say she looks 20. Robert is 59.
  4. Really.....Alison looks like she could be Robert's daughter....but granddaughter?? No way! And she would look pretty bad for her age if she was only 20.
  5. Thank you for the scans, Lzfan!
  6. I can do even better Really Steve...you know my "style", you know by now that I'm always (or almost always) for "smiles"
  7. I love Robert, he looks great, he is my favorite singer ever....but he is also a lame actor.
  8. I have never seen these! Thanks!
  9. As moms are supposed to be! And I can speak for myself. Really lovely girl. Welcome, Misty.
  10. brspled

    Roberts Jeans

    Sorry! It's errrr....amazing, isn't it? The pic, I mean.
  11. Yes, I posted another pic of them a couple of days ago, KMS
  12. Really? I was pretty sure your name came from this song Gloria Gaynor - I Am What I Am I am what I am I am my own special creation So come take a look Give me the hook Or the ovation It's my world That I want to have a little pride in My world And it's not a place I have to hide in Life's not worth a dam Till I can say I am what I am I am what I am I don't want praise I don't want pity I bang my own drum Some think it's noise I think it's pretty And so what if I love each sparkle and each bangle Why not try to see things from a different angle Your life is a shame Till you can shout out I am what I am I am what I am And what I am needs no excuses I deal my own deck Sometimes the aces sometimes the deuces It's one life and there's no return and no deposit One life so it's time to open up your closet Life's not worth a dam till you can shout out I am what I am I am what I am I am what I am And what I am needs no excuses I deal my own deck sometimes the aces sometimes the deuces It's one life and there's no return and no deposit One life so it's time to open up your closet Life's not worth a dam till you can shout out I am what I am I am I am I am good I am I am I am strong I am I am I am worthy I am I am I belong I am I am Who whoooo etc. I am I am I am I am useful I am I am I am true I am I am somebody I am as good as you Yes I am
  13. To know that the dad of one of my dearest friends will not have to go through some difficult medical procedures. I'm soooooo relieved! And happy!
  14. As some of the pics that were posted here weren't exactly of a big smile....some were only a grin...well, maybe this one suits this thread The photographers don't waste ANY opportunity, do they?
  15. Robert has said that the mullet made him look like a waitress....so I think he shares your opinion, KMS.
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