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Posts posted by Bonzo_fan

  1. 17 hours ago, The Only Way To Fly said:

    Look forward to this day/gig every year. I have no idea what release I have, but Blueberry Hill (4 Sep 1970) will always have a special place in my heart. This was the first boot I bought at Rolling Stones Records in Chicago in 1984 or 1985. I love the acoustic set, esp the Plantations between the numbers and the killer medley during Whole Lotta Love. Zeppelin in 1970 - what a time it must have been.  

    Rock on good people! 

    That's what I'm spinning as well!  September sure has some gems, 9/19/70 Evening & 9/29/71 being my favs of the bunch

  2. On 8/12/2019 at 6:07 AM, greenman said:


    I actually think part of the issue was just how good Jimmy was previously, he could basically play in a very loose and often improvised fashion but still retain the tightness needed for a song like Stairway. That meant that when he experienced a bit of a dropoff any weaknesses were MUCH more obvious than in a band who would just play tight rehearsed versions of songs. I think you see Page himself maybe realised that after 77 and I think you see for the 79 comeback shows he's playing tighter and more rehershed, good in one way but also I do think it loses something of the magic of Zep at their best and I'd take the better 77 shows over the Knedworth first night for example. It does mean as well that generally I preffer the songs that are naturally a bit looser in 75-77, DAC. NQ, TU, IMTOD, etc

    I also think that explains the "under rehearsed"  criticism of the band as well, after a period away they were often less impressive(even in the earlier years) and I think part of that is that they depended on having a strong feel for each other which isn't easy to regain quickly, not a question of "just learning the songs". You listen to the band at their absolute peak and they are almost telepathic, my favourite example would be Communication Breakdown from 29/9/71and how perfectly Bonham and Jones follow Page though several unique shifts. That's not I'd imagine something that's easy to pick up and retain without playing together a lot.

    The chemistry on the 9/29/71 "Communication Breakdown" really is phenomenal.

  3. 3 hours ago, Strider said:

    I have noticed that, too. Frankly, none of the cd versions of "For Badgeholders Only" I have acquired over the years have ever sounded as good as my original Dragonfly vinyl.

    Have you ever gotten your hands on Sgt. Page's Badgeholders Club Band?  That's the title I have, and I heard it's one of the better ones...?

  4. 3 hours ago, John M said:

    After all these years I still do not understand why this was not in the movie.  There appears to be very little if any Shepperton footage.  I understand it was not a "hit" like Black Dog, but they left Black Dog off the soundtrack album and included it in the movie.


    Curious indeed...there are a lot of curious things about that album/film, the most egregious omission being the cut in NQ on all versions except the original album.  It's such a shame that they only captured/chose to use the MSG shows...if they had started recorded from Seattle to the end, or even from Providence to the end, the result likely would have been the greatest live album ever made.  It probably wouldn't even take that many shows--if Providence was your baseline, and you just used one or both of the shows on either side of it, Boston and Baltimore, to patch the few slight issues with Providence (Jones getting a bit lost in Rock And Roll, Page cutting OTHAFA short because of the crowd), you'd be all set.

    It sure is nice to hear the cymbals in such clarity--they suffer the most on non-multi-track sources IMO.

  5. 12 hours ago, Strider said:

    Absolute corker. Boston and Providence are the best consecutive gigs of the 1973 U.S. tour. I always felt like the first leg was still under development. Jimmy hadn't quite developed the solos in "Celebration Day" and "No Quarter" to their full potential.

    And Baltimore is pretty great too--too bad about the recording!  I always hesitate when I say Providence is my favourite of the entire year, because it's a bit tough to compare the U.S. shows with the European ones (I don't listen to the UK ones much).  It would be interesting to do a best-of compilation of both Europe '73 and North America '73 and face them off against each other...

  6. 14 hours ago, John M said:

    Listen to Jones in The Song Remains the Same.  Four years to the day before the Kingdome show. 


    I'm listening to this one as well--definitely one of the best of '73!  Always been one of my favourite versions of "Dazed And Confused"...probably in my top 10.  In the outro, Bonham teases the stop-start stuff he did a few months earlier in Hamburg, but never actually leaves a full rest in there--more like dotted eighth notes, and much harder to imitate!

  7. On 7/10/2019 at 12:53 PM, gibsonfan159 said:

    No love for the Seattle version? I think it's more energetic than Knebworth with Bonzo playing more dynamically. He really kept that Seattle show alive.

    It is indeed a great Bonham performance (Achilles and the show as a whole).  Perhaps his last great show--fitting, as it also has his last solo...

  8. 14 hours ago, Daeron said:

    Can you tell if he plays "Dixie" during the harmonizer section on the 22nd? I know he plays "Feelin' Groovy" before the theremin section. He plays something patriotic sounding before that though, I can't tell what it is. Sounds like "Dixie" to me. 

    I've never noticed, but I'll listen again.

  9. 9 hours ago, ZepHead315 said:

    LA 8/21/71 is a monster.

    For sure.  That whole show seems to be a bit underrated.  My all-time favourite Black Dog, and probably the very best recording for appreciating Bonzo (sonically-speaking, combined with performance).

  10. To answer your question of which '77 Noise Solos stick out to me:

    June 13 - New York -- All-time best theremin section on this one, and not particularly close IMO

    June 22 - Los Angeles -- Bonus points for flowing into the best Achilles Last Stand of all time

    June 26 - Los Angeles -- Very long and very good, unlike the next night (very long and OK)

    All three of those always feel cohesive and focused to me.

  11. On 1/23/2019 at 9:34 PM, gibsonfan159 said:

    I don't know about overall performance, but I listened to "How the east was won" again today and the SIBLY solo is just unreal.

    It is indeed, and very unique.

    I've really been getting into the live versions of this lately, much more than I have before, and two versions that I haven't seen mentioned here that have struck me in my listening the past month or so are:

    May 14, 1973 - New Orleans

    June 22, 1977 - Los Angeles

  12. Far from the best of 1975, IMO, and I love 1975.  Having said that, Dazed is the first live version I heard, and I've always had a soft spot for it.  Trampled, Moby Dick, Stairway, WLL (incl. Turn On Your Love Light!) & Black Dog are great too.

    I would take all of these '75 shows, in chronological order, over May 24:

    1/22 Chicago -- The lack of punch in the recording makes it a bit hard to judge, but I'll take it because of the unique setlist

    2/8 Philadelphia -- Maybe Page's best night of the year

    2/12 New York -- Very energetic Bonzo--see "Heartbreaker"

    2/13 New York -- All of the songs that are great on 5/24 are played just about/at least as well here, and the others are much better

    2/28 Baton Rouge -- First two thirds of this are great and last third not so much; 5/24 is the inverse...I'll take two good thirds over one I guess

    3/3 Ft. Worth -- Amazing Bonham show

    3/12 Long Beach -- Phenomenal top-to-bottom by all four of them

    3/17 Seattle -- I'll take this NQ over the much-ballyhooed version from 5/24 any day

    3/19 Vancouver -- Fantastic top-to-bottom, and it helps that it's one of the best sounding boards ever

    3/20 Vancouver -- One of the best nights of the year for Page & Plant IMO

    3/21 Seattle -- Best of the year IMO and one of my personal all-time favourite, plus JPJ's best show of their career if I had to single one out (harder for him than the other three)

    3/25 Los Angeles -- Similarly very strong last third to 5/24, but a better first two thirds IMO

    3/27 Los Angeles -- Always a personal favourite, and all-time favourite NQ...just epic

    5/18 London -- By far the strongest Earls Court show IMO, and I'd say top three of the year along with 3/12 & 3/21

    5/23 London -- Perhaps lower peaks than the 24th, but much more consistent

    5/25 London -- If only Dazed from the 24th was played on this night...would have been the final performance Dazed deserved, not that the 5/25 version is bad

  13. 9 minutes ago, paul carruthers said:

    ^^ I think that was Vancouver 19, but I won't nitpick.... 😁

    Yes, he definitely mentions it in Vancouver on March 19, but I'm pretty sure he mentions it at several shows throughout the tour...

  14. 2 hours ago, PeaceFrogYum said:

    Because the way Jimmy PLAYS with the strat. I just think the way he approaches the song with the Strat is better overall and his soloing is just out of this world. Funny as I am listening to the 18th right now. The tone is completely different, not as thick but brighter. If Zep had two guitars live on this song (rhythm on LP and lead on Strat) it would have been amazing. Having the thick tone of the LP for the riffing (heavy and ominous) and the strat for the soloing with the LP complementing would have been something.

    Fair enough.  Yeah, that definitely would have been cool!

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