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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. All good points but to me, that set really illustrated how integral Bonzo was. Led Zeppelin were a chemical reaction and that chemisrty ,or alchemy was destroyed when Bonzo died. This show is just painful to see again, I haven't seen it since 85. I was 18 and I remember being so excited to see Zep playing together again and then once they started I thought, god they sound awful. I guess poor monitoring and sound issues affected their ability to hear each other well but ....Jimmy bloated and alcoholic , Plant in poor voice (as usual) and doing his silly stage primping, an under rehearsed Tony Thompson overplaying and missing the break at the end of Rock and Roll, no grooving going on. He was Chic's drummer, so you know he had pocket! But he was trying too hard to " bring it". I saw him with Bowie in 83 and he sounded great. Here he sounded like he was sitting in and didn't really know the tunes and overplaying to compensate. And what the hell was Collins there for anyway? Plant invited him? Maybe he was set up to fail and Page has unfairly dissed him but he really didn't need to accept the invite. Jive MTV bullshit. Collins name first in the screen caption of names (Paige?!) Ridiculous to see him getting a visual plug for No Jacket Required after Led Zeppelin are announced and about to play! WTF? The performance clearly was secondary to the good cause , but sadly it was an embarrassment for Zeppelin. I think in a certain aspect it was a bit of a disrespect to Bonzo to go up there and slop it up like that. I wonder what Jones thought while they were playing.
  2. I heard that story as well. I saw that show, at the Rosemont Horizon. I was in high school at the time. Years later I gigged regularly at the Pump Room with a jazz trio and there was a nice picture of Plant from what had to be 83.. They also had a killer pic of Jimmy at the bar from 75 that I badly wanted to nick! The Ambassador East hotel ( that the Pump Room was in) was sold a few years ago and all those great photo going back to 30's disappeared. I wonder where they went. They also stopped requiring jackets.
  3. That's what I suspected, he must be saying a girls name. Seems like In My Time of Dying is atonement for Dancing Days. ?
  4. I know I'm probably in the minority here but most shows I listen to are '69-'73. If I had a gun to my head ,( like the Ruthless Rhymes dog) , I'd say Blueberry Hill. The most iconic Zep bootleg and as good a performance as any IMO. The boots I have listened to most often are Blueberry Hill, Jimmys Birthday, Going to California, 9/29/71, Melbourne '72, Seattle 73 and Earls Court May 18 1975. While the 75-77 sets are more varied and contain the rainbow slice of their repertoire, the level of Robert's singing and Jimmy's playing declined after 73. Bonzo and Jones were pretty much always stalwart and kicking ass but the epics became bloated with meandering solos and sloppy guitar playing , and Plants voice basically was terrible after '72. He had such a distinctive style and sound but jeez he was constantly cracking notes!
  5. In My Time Of Dying.... "All my cheeses, all my cheeses, All my cheeses". Also, what the hell is he saying at the end? Sounds like , "Oh Jojeena !!!"
  6. I never knew about the bad vibes between Page and Collins at that show. I wonder why? I remember reading that Phil and maybe Jones were trying to teach Tony Thompson the intro to Rock and Roll because he couldn't feel where it started. LOL! Dumb idea to have two drummers anyway. I think Tony Thompson had just had a car accident too. He's a funky dude but that set was awful. Page was blotto and Plant sounded pretty rough.
  7. Sure seems odd that there aren't any other board tapes from '72. I guess that years tapes were well hidden!
  8. Jimmy has frequently browsed and bought/been given bootleg Zep titles in Tokyo. I'm sure he can't help but go down memory lane, curious to hear certain gigs .
  9. Thanks duckman! Good info. Wish we had the other reels! Or any more boards from 72.
  10. I have this too, as well as the Godfather box set which includes them on the last disc. Moby Dick is incomplete. These must be pre Kevin Shirley and they sound incredible. Where is the rest?? Why no good boards like this from 72? Not one. Seems strange.
  11. Does anyone know why there are only three soundboard tracks from Long Beach '72 and their history? What Is And What Should Never Be, Dancing Days and Moby Dick. IMO, they sound better than any other unofficial board tapes, including any from 73,75,77. They are crystal clear and have a great sense of space that most boards don't have. I love the unprocessed sound way more than HTWWW. Are these multi tracks that sneaked out while HTWWW was being put together? It's interesting that these are the only known board tracks from '72 and they are so damn great sounding. Hoping some of the very knowledgable folks here can comment on this.
  12. This new board tape sounds great. The audience is a great tape but this new board tape would be the one regularly played by me if the complete tape were to surface. See this thread for more info. Doesn't seem anyone knows for sure if the whole show is on reels. ??
  13. This new board tape sounds great. The audience is a great tape but this new board tape would be the one regularly played by me if the complete tape were to surface. See this thread for more info. Doesn't seem anyone knows for sure if the whole show is on reels. ??
  14. Jones is much more audible on the companion disc version of In The Evening. That was a revelation for me. He sounds like Duck Dunn. Much clearer than the original album mix.
  15. Jones told this story. It most likely was Jabo Starks and Clyde Stubblefield. Two of the all times greatest groove masters whom Bonzo greatly admired. He also loved Al Jackson and Howard Grimes, the Stax drummers with Al Green and Otis Redding. He also liked playing along with Joni Mitchell albums and loved Alphonse Mouzon. Great taste in music, and the influence showed.
  16. Plant loved Joni Mitchell, raved about her in the Cameron Crowe interview from '75 . Said she brought tears to his eyes. Page said Little Feat were his fav American band. Jones was a huge fan of Stax and Tamla, Duck Dunn and Jamerson were two if his biggest influences.
  17. Oh, you lucky man! Yeah, that's most likely the best show from the Chicago run, but again its a rough sounding tape. Very distorted but you get the sense Page came back from his ailment wanting to give a good performance.
  18. Wish there was a tape of this concert that would surface as it's my home town and there aren't many Chicago tapes...none pre 1973. The tapes that do exist are mostly rough shows. The 73 and 75 shows were marred by Plants terrible voice ( due to a bad case of sniffles) , and the 77 shows were pretty rough ( Page collapsing early on) and not well recorded either. I'm certain this show was a killer. I actually enjoyed this awful review. Articulate yet laughable . Great shit! Great photos, thanks for posting!!!
  19. I ain't no fool. I'm just asking why? Why won't he hunt?? I ain't holding on to some vague distant hope he will do shit! LOL.
  20. I met Jimmy at the Kennedy Center Honors and later had the somewhat surreal opportunity to talk to him for a bit after the whole shebang at the after-party. I was fairly nervous about asking him why he wasn't recording and touring new music, but I really wanted to know, so I carefully asked what he's been working on lately. He said , " There will be some big surprises for Zep fans soon" and thats what he was working on. That was it. I wanted to ask him... why don't you play more often? Don't you get the itch? But I didn't feel right , I didn't want to come off like a presumptuous ass so I just assumed that meant more live Zep would be in the works. That was Dec 2012. I later realized he was talking about the reissues and the Deluxe editions. Still no new music or band, 4 years later. Seems odd but maybe he just feels too old to get up there and strut and pout and wail away. I saw David Gilmour this past spring and the concert was so great, he is as vital sounding as ever. What happened Jimmy?? So much talent that's been languishing.
  21. No, from the '71 version. I just checked it and there are about 12 bars missing at around 3 min mark. Plant sings 12 bars of Feel So Bad before singing " feel like my engine ain't got no". I haven't seen anyone else mention this edit, but it's definitely there. Small but nonetheless significant. Wow, so It's Your Thing is missing too from the Playhouse '69 version?? Bummer, that's such a funky ass moment! What else is chopped I wonder?
  22. I can't find little green devil. Can you send me a link?
  23. Thanks, I agree the sound isn't so clear on EVs set for the 71 tape. It's a bit distorted , not crank-able. There have been a couple newer releases on boot labels , one is a 6 CD set, that looks intriguing. It has the Pre FM Japanese Broadcast and a Pre FM Master. I read somewhere that Scorpios 4 disc set is also a good transfer from the Pre FM recording. Feel So Bad is missing also from Communication Breakdown?
  24. It's all good. What else has he done? Is his stuff on dimeadozen?
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