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Everything posted by Plantpothead

  1. Whatever Happened To The Teenage Dream - Marc Bolan.
  2. I have told this story before, when I saw them in '71, it was in a wrestling/boxing stadium. The ring was removed and the stage was put against the back wall. This created a large empty area in front of the stage. When the group came on stage and started playing, a load of people ran towards the stage completely blocking the view of most people behind them. Amazingly the group stopped playing and sat down on the stage until the morons returned to their seats. I remember thinking what a great thing to do, showing so much respect for the fans. But I think I remember the concert mainly because I got to hear Stairway before it was released ( the concert was in November and the LP wasn't released until December), the whole thing was a lot to take in (I was 16 at the time). I was like being transported into a different world, unfortunately it was before tracks like The Rain Song had been written. The concert wasn't the usual 3+ hours, but it seemed to go on forever. I still remember my ears were still buzzing the following day in school. I was buzzing for weeks.I was lucky enough to see them at more concerts, each time I saw them they got better, and believe me after the first concert I never thought it could be possible. I don't recall if JP tuned up in between songs, I was too much in awe of what was going on around me, people were going wild,jumping about, and having a great time. I do remember thinking what are these old bastards doing listening to LZ....I didn't realise what a widespread appeal they had. I daresay that people who know me think the same today as I did in '71, now I am the old bastard!!!!
  3. Chris Rea - Shamrock Diaries Chris Rea - The Road To Hell
  4. Yes, but only because we are old farts!!!
  5. Look up the price of original first pressings!!!!! If I were you I would go with the new deluxe versions. As it has been said, any problem take it back to the record shop.....try doing that if you buy something on ebay from 3,000 miles away.
  6. It's difficult to describe, exhilarating, unbelievable.... LONG!!!!!! I'll always remember my first, Liverpool 29 November 1971.
  7. Love is like a violin - Barclay James Harvest......and Ken Dodd ( same name - different song)
  8. I've just managed to do the front garden.
  9. Not really, Martinez seems to have brought out the football in the squad. but going back to the weather,I have found over the past year ( believe it or not) that since I have been taking the dog "Tom" for a walk at 4.00 am, the weather has been good, it will be light soon when I take him out.
  10. It was good news for me, as I really don't agree with selling your favourite albums.But I came really close, too close for my comfort.I'm glad it worked out.....for now.....I need a job and at my age that is hard to find, believe me.
  11. I DIDN'T SELL ANY OF MY ALBUMS.....(sold three programmes and tickets) £250 buys a lot of food, sorted out the mortgage.
  12. I think I'll take Roberts advice and turn up Led Zeppelin II on vinyl extremely loud......
  13. Some nice turntables there Strider.Glad to see you got your priorities in order....
  14. My God, Manilow does When The Levee Breaks!!!!!! The mind boggles.....
  15. I'd prefer Evertonian weather!!!!!!! No red shite in this house.
  16. Shit, I was just about to cut the grass, and it was raining.
  17. To my ultimate horror, I find that I have to sell some of my Zeppelin Memorabelia and albums. This really fucks me up as you can imagine, but needs must. I have a few interesting items. 1973 Liverpool Empire ticket stub, programme, and flyer advertising that if the ticket stub is sent off, the recipient will receive a cardboard poster, I have all of the items. This really grieves me, you may not believe it bit it does. Each of these items was purchased by me at the time it was on sale. I have never bought any LZ items second hand. I also have my ticket and programme for the Earls Court concert on May 24 1974. I feel that after this post I will not be worthy of being a member of this forum. I also have LZIII with the hyphoned No on the record sleeve, and the etchings, the cover is in good condition, the record VGC. I also have the original UK fourth album with the etchings and the upside down feather. You may not believe this but this really cuts me to the quick, but I am in desperate need of cash to enable my family to stay in the house we have lived in for 20 years. If anyone is interested please PM me with an offer. This really is a legitimate request. With the best offer (Sorry to sound mercenary) I will give my scrapbook which I have kept from 1971 upwards. Please accept my apologies for this post, and I wish you all the best for the future.
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