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Everything posted by Plantpothead

  1. I am curious, what made your week so good?
  2. Led Zeppelin - "Bring it on home" recorded from Vintage TV. 64 minutes of tracks from various concerts.
  3. Fleetwood Mac - The Vintage Years with Peter Green, excellent double album. With loads of blues tracks, and of course Oh Well (one of their best ever tracks) before they decided to go poppy and make shit records.
  4. I have applied for many awful jobs, it seems to me that almost every job available carries the "National Minimum Wage" logo. A lot of the others are age restricted (even though it is against the law). I worked in two pubs over a period of 10 years, so I applied for a bar job and the person asked me how old I was, I pointed out that it was discrimination, he just ignored me and told me the vacancies had been filled.
  5. He's leading 7-1 at the break, back on BBC2 live at 7.00.
  6. The Day After Tomorrow, I have it on DVD, but there is nothing else on Television, except about 250 channels of shit to choose from!!!!
  7. Well it was yesterday actually, I was told by the Job Centre that I am not entitled to any money even though I have been payin National Insurance contributions for 39 years. Not very happy about it. Apparently if your family as a whole earn more than £112 per week, that is sufficient for you to live on according to this government, I'd like to see cameron survive on it or his puppet clegg.
  8. Sisters of Mercy - First and Last and Always,long time, no hear. Sounds dated now.
  9. Don't forget The Vicar of Dibley, RIP Roger regards to his family, he never reached three score and ten, which is always sad.
  10. You should all watch the film "The Magic Christian"
  11. I second that emotion Smokey Robinson & The Miracles.
  12. A brilliant song, I have the album on vinyl, I also love Error of my ways from that album. In fact there isn't a bad track on it. GOOD CHOICE!!!!
  13. Live on Blueberry Hill, I haven't heard it for ages, unfortunately my copy sounds like it was recorded in a bathroom. I've just realised so don't correct me, I've put this in the wrong thread, still never mind.
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