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Everything posted by JohnOsbourne

  1. Shocker: U.K. Plans to Introduce Covid-19 Booster Shots in September - WSJ
  2. It's pretty amusing that some of the same people who take this question seriously also find it scandalous to have any suspicions about the covid vaccine.
  3. Obviously not the point. In the US it's mainly been Democratic politicians who have flouted the restrictions they expect others to follow. Guess that shows their "compassion" and "progressivism", huh? It is amusing, though, to see that brain-dead "red team-blue team" nonsense is just as much a problem in Europe as the US.
  4. A virus so deadly it skips over the politically connected: UK MP Says "Important People" Shouldn't Need To Quarantine Under COVID Rules | ZeroHedge
  5. Keep on following that science: Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, according to Survey - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (aapsonline.org)
  6. Too funny: Facebook reverses course, allows users to claim COVID was man-made as lab-leak theory gains ground - TheBlaze I predict they eventually will ban posts pointing out that Big Tech used to censor posts supporting the lab-leak theory. Remember: we are at war with East Asia. We have always been at war with East Asia.
  7. Following the science (political science, that is): Scientists Admit Lab-Leak Hypothesis Was Valid Last Year - But Kept Quiet Because Of Trump | ZeroHedge "Giant Mistake" - CDC Delays Emergency Meeting On Post-Vax Heart Inflammation Due To Juneteenth | ZeroHedge
  8. In general, the war on drugs is stupid, corrupt, and tyrannical and should be ended at once.
  9. More following the science: JoeBama Administration Will Not Require Vaccination For Federal Employees in Workplace, Nor Should any Federal Department Ask About Vaccination Status - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)
  10. Actually, I was wrong, it can get stupider: "Joints For Jabs": Washington State Bribes Residents To Get Covid Vaccine With Marijuana | ZeroHedge Clearly, there's no lower bound to all of this.
  11. Pentagon funded $39 mn to NGO for 'gain of function' COVID research at Wuhan Lab: Report (republicworld.com)
  12. Too funny: We've got to weaponize the virus there so we don't have to weaponize it here. A carbon copy of Rumsfeld/Cheney's bullshit rationalizations for their stupid endless wars. A sclerotic political class can't even think up new propaganda, they've got to keep recycling old crap.
  13. They already are: Covid booster shots: CDC director says U.S. planning 'just in case' (cnbc.com) This is going to become a permanent part of people's lives. Hope they enjoy it.
  14. Speaking of the US military, here is the great Smedley Butler: War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler, 1935 (ratical.org)
  15. This UFO Hype Is Probably Just The US Military Lying Again – Caitlin Johnstone
  16. What a coincidence: https://marcclifton.wordpress.com/2021/05/05/the-covid-19-spike-protein-and-vascular-disease-and-the-mrna-vaccine/
  17. I stand corrected, you did mention drones. But you seem to confuse "engineering" with googling some random facts and calling them "physics". Please tell us how anything you posted there is at all relevant to the videos in question.
  18. Interesting video: Impact of COVID Vaccinations on Mortality - YouTube
  19. That makes sense, but why did they play in Vancouver so much?
  20. Slightly bigger headcount in Buffalo's Memorial Auditorium than Maple Leaf Gardens (as per Wiki), so as noted it could be simple economics (the two cities are right across the lake). Still, Toronto is widely regarded as a fun city, great night life, while Buffalo, not so much. It is puzzling that they wouldn't have scheduled a stop in Toronto if they were going to play in Buffalo anyway (which they didn't in '75, I suppose there could have been scheduling issues w/NHL). I would think any real concern with drug issues would have been in '77, not earlier.
  21. Sorry to see you need to be spoon-fed things; I mean really, who cares that it came from the Daily Mail? Like the the NYT is any better? The US military is saying three things through these press "briefings": 1. These aren't ours. 2. They might be Russian or Chinese (hypersonic drones, etc.) 3. We have no comment on whether they're extraterrestrial in origin. In true Pravda fashion, the MSM focuses on #3. Various Team USA meat-heads fret that we're falling behind the Russians and Chinese in a new "space race" (#2). As intended (all con-men get you to watch one hand so you don't notice the other), #1 gets (intentionally) overlooked.
  22. Here's some classic misdirection: US military says UFO sightings could be aliens or new hypersonic technology from Russian or China | Daily Mail Online They toss out some horseshit about aliens so that no one calls them out for their disavowals of being US hardware, which is simply not believable. Typical limited hangout.
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