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Everything posted by JohnOsbourne

  1. Some common sense: UPMC won’t require employees to get COVID-19 vaccine - pennlive.com
  2. This is hilarious: Russia Warns Citizens Not To Drink Alcohol For Six Weeks After COVID-19 Vaccine | Zero Hedge Guess we're going to be seeing a ton of adverse reactions in Russia.
  3. On p. 8 of the FDA document linked in this article, we have the basis of the 95% efficacy number the media is parroting/hyping. That's 1 minus the ratio of rate of infection in vaccinated vs unvaccinated, in case you're wondering. I'm guessing they did 1:1 placebo vs non-placebo, so that's 22K in each group for the first trial. Vaccinated experienced 8 cases, placebo experienced 162. That's a 0.04% rate in the vaccinated group vs 0.74% unvaccinated. So 1 minus the division of two tiny numbers gives you the magical 95% efficacy rate. Of course the real story here is that the risk in the placebo group is extremely small to begin with. So remind me again: why are they rushing out an untested vaccine like this (apart from the fact that a large part of the country has lost their minds)?
  4. It's important to stay healthy, without question. I'm guessing you're under 70 was well. So that would put you in the category already mentioned, of at-risk without any kind of co-morbidities. With current numbers, that's about 0.06*285K = 17K. Current cases are officially around 15M, and based on what was reported in NY back in the spring and a CDC study (mentioned here: https://www.statnews.com/2020/07/21/cdc-study-actual-covid-19-cases/) the actual number of cases is almost certainly much higher, let's say 6 times, so that's 90M cases. Which means your risk of death is about 17K/90M = a whopping 0.02%. As in 2 in 10,000. As in, you're at absolutely no fucking risk. I'll bet you're breathing a sigh of relief!
  5. Yeah, it's pretty much 100% copied. But I think DP was open about that, let's be honest, Zep has been somewhat reticent, shall we say, about acknowledging any borrowing.
  6. "Health Secretary Matt Hancock, dubbed Tuesday "V-day"" These people love military metaphors, don't they?
  7. This one needs no further comment: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/cornell-university-makes-flu-vaccination-mandatory-only-for-white-students/
  8. Jesus, you think this a red team/blue team thing? God I pity you.
  9. Another fun fact (actually tragic and scandalous): if you look at CDC mortality rate data back to 1999 (as far back as the website has), mortality rate was trending down until 2009, at which point it did an about-face and has trended up ever since. Hmm; I wonder if some major event took place around 2008 or so? (Hint: I'm not talking about Obama, it goes well beyond red team-blue team bullshit.)
  10. To anyone who's interested (we know who's not), if you look at the data I posted (again, from government sources), you can see that the overall mortality rate in the US has been trending up since 2013 (and probably before that), at about a 1% annual rate. The rate does appear elevated this year, but certainly not by cataclysmic proportions (as the media and technocrats would have us believe). Again: we're destroying the livelihood of millions and preparing to use millions as human guinea pigs, for this? Why?
  11. I put the official numbers there and indicated the source so others can think about it themselves. You are clearly unwilling or unable to do so, and are acting like a damn fool who's scared of his own shadow. Total embarrassment. Again: please self-quarantine, your hysteria is contagious.
  12. These numbers come from the federal government's own public health agency.
  13. Actually the noise solo kind of reminds me of Cliff Burton's bass solo on Metallica's first album; wonder if he saw them at the Oakland shows.
  14. I haven't listened to Diver Down in years, but after listening to Cathedral and then this noise solo, I can kind of hear it. Probably wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't pointed out to me, but then again I never listen to '77 shows anyway. However, I'm skeptical it had any particular influence on EVH, he'd probably be one of the hecklers during the noise solo.
  15. Fat-fingered something there, projected 2020 mortality rate should be 882.2. (Also I assume a historical 0.5% population growth rate.) Doesn't affect the main point of course.
  16. Here's what I see for the US from poking around the CDC website: year deaths population rate 2013 2,596,993 316,128,839 821.5 2014 2,626,418 318,857,056 823.7 2015 2,712,630 321,418,820 844 2016 2,744,248 323,127,513 849.3 2017 2,813,503 325,719,178 863.8 2018 2,839,205 327,167,434 867.8 2019 2,855,000 329,130,000 867.4 2020 2,918,176 330,775,650 881.3 Rate is deaths per 100K of population. Data is final/official through 2018, 2019 is provisional but should be adequate. 2020 deaths from all causes are about 2.7M through Dec 7th, that number is lagging and also provisional, but grossing it up proportionately should be good enough. Anyway, it looks like a 1.6% increase in mortality rate this year. Not good of course, but also not historically unprecedented even in this sample. And of course, since every death where there's a positive covid test gets attributed to the virus, we have no idea what's really causing this, there can't be much doubt that the lock-downs have contributed in various ways. Ultimately it looks like we're talking about something like 100K excess deaths. Again, nothing to dismiss, but is it really major crisis territory? I can't see how.
  17. I would say only a weirdo would think these masks are anything but a security blanket or talisman, there is no conclusive science behind them at all (I've already mentioned that Danish study) but it's a straw-man to reduce the various rights-infringements to mandated mask-wearing. There's the economic destruction of lock-downs (selectively directed against small business vs big business), increased surveillance by all levels of governments (including the encouragement of snitching like the old USSR), and suppression of free speech (by Big Tech hiding behind various State protections). Not to mention that politicians openly disregard their own dictates on public health. These are all in response to what is, by numbers from various government's own public health organs, a bad case of the flu (portrayed as something more sinister with any other cause of death being attributed, without causation being established). The response is far, far in excess of the actual threat. This is a hoot: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-12-05/covid-19-is-greatest-threat-to-life-in-los-angeles-that-we-have-ever-faced-garcetti-says Seriously, do you actually believe bullshit claims like this?
  18. Only denizens of the fever swamps could possibly have any kind of concerns over these vaccines: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41587-020-00022-y "No mRNA vaccines have ever reached this late stage of clinical development." "Still, much about the vaccines’ efficacy and safety — biological details that could shape the course of the vaccines’ impact on containing the pandemic — remain unknown." https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6520/1022 "He says the public should be better prepared than he was, because a subset of people may face intense, if transient, side effects, called reactogenicity, from Moderna's vaccine. Some health experts agree." Clearly, a bunch of right-wing extremists.
  19. More "conspiracy theorizing" from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, on how the PCR test is exaggerating the number of cases through over-amplification of the cycle thresholds in the test: Correlation Between 3790 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction–Positives Samples and Positive Cell Cultures, Including 1941 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Isolates | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic (oup.com) "A new study from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, found that at 25 cycles of amplification, 70% of PCR test "positives" are not "cases" since the virus cannot be cultured, it's dead. And by 35: 97% of the positives are non-clinical." (quoted from For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure Of PCR 'Cycle Threshold' Data In COVID Tests | Zero Hedge)
  20. The emotionalism and straw-manning of your response is quite telling. But if you want a "respectable" source, how about the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#Comorbidities Here's the money quote: "For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death." It's plainly obvious that Covid does not pose the kind of threat to the general population even remotely justifying the harsh measures being taken, including rushing out an untested vaccine. Like I said: people like you should self-quarantine for a very long time, reality isn't well-suited for you.
  21. Just eat at the same restaurants as Gavin Newsome et al., you should be quite safe apparently.
  22. Yes, the efficacy of masks is established without any kind of doubt, case closed, end of story. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/danish-study-suggests-masks-do-little-stop-covid-iowa-gov-insists-there-evidence-both So what's with all the social distancing + masks? Why do we need both?
  23. Hmm, interesting. So in poor, third world countries, heterosexual AIDS is a real thing, and diseases that have killed people there for years becomes something new and different. But in the rich west, where these diseases have been eradicated by various means, it isn't. Yeah, clearly, it must be a viral infection.
  24. Apparently the best way to be safe from this deadly virus is to be rich: Rich People & Journalists Made Exempt From Having to Enter COVID Quarantine – Summit News
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