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Everything posted by IpMan

  1. Believe it or not I am a big believer in states rights insofar as it does not interfere with basic human and civil rights. Outside of that, a federal government cannot make one size fits all laws in regard to social engineering as different people want different things. Alcohol, weed, gambling, etc. should be up to the states to decide. If you want to smoke weed, move to a weed friendly state. If you are retired and don't give a crap about education and social services, move to Arizona with a very low tax rate. If you are Mormon, Utah is your paradise. That is where the true potential of the US lies. The Fed should be responsible for basic human rights, civil rights, infrastructure, etc. and ensuring the individual states don't fuck their citizens. Of course the enemy of a representative republic like the US is lobbying on the one hand and gerrymandering on the other. As long as both exist the average citizen has zero say in the process. Case in point: 1993 and a ballot measure was put forth to the people of AZ to fund the building of a baseball stadium. The voters overwhelmingly rejected the measure, collectively saying, if Jerry Colangelo wants a stadium, he can pay for it himself as he will be the one reaping the majority of the financial benefits. Well, Gov. Fife Symington overruled the will of the voters and approved the building of the stadium, to be paid for with an added sales tax the voters rejected. So, 80% of the AZ voters said no yet the Guv said hell yes!!! So much for a democracy, so much for voting. Also, medical marijuana passed twice in AZ and both times the Governor rejected the vote. It was finally approved on the third vote. The fact is, if it benefits the rich, it will become law, if it benefits everyone else but the rich, it will never become law. I could be wrong but this is why I believe weed will finally be legal. There is just too much damn money to be made by the big players.
  2. Statistically speaking, indeed yes. Psychological health and social stability play a very major roll in regard to addiction.
  3. Absolutely not and I stated such earlier. That being said, all things are NOT equal. It is much easier to say no when living in a quiet, middle class white community vs. the hopelessness of the ghetto. In the end though I do agree personal responsibility must take precedent, though on a sliding scale so to speak.
  4. This is al true, no doubt, however, the cynic in me believes if old Robert were a steelworker from Pittsburgh, on a limited budget, things would not be quite so hunky dory.
  5. Very true, on paper and in principal. However, money does not simply talk anymore, it dictates policy and law. Sessions & Trump do not stand a chance in this fight.
  6. Did you hear about old Jeff Sessions & Trump stating publicly they will go after states selling recreationally. What a couple of idiots...Cali just started selling recreational weed on Monday and Cali is the seventh largest economy in the world. So, let me explain how this is gonna go: Sessions & Trump will crow on about this for a few months until all that sweet, sweet revenue and tax money comes pouring in. Trump will receive a call from multi-billion dollar corporations who are ready to dive into the deep end on the mary-jane pool. Multi-billion dollar corporations will ask Trump if he wants to go to jail, be impeached, insert bad situation here etc... Trump will have major change of heart and weed will be removed from the federal schedule of drugs and the issue will be finally handed over 100% to the states. The fact is, once Cali went legal that was the beginning of the end for marijuana prohibition. 28 states have medical marijuana and 8 more recreational. 68% of the population approves of recreational marijuana and the corporations are chomping at the bit to get in on the action. I don't care what the fed govt wants, Cali will quite literally crush them as they are the #1 cash cow for the whole nation. It would be like Canada cracking down on Alberta for some stupid shit. Alberta would stop sending the checks and Canada would go bankrupt within a few months. The best part of this regarding Cali is they are giving special advantage to underprivileged neighborhoods to open dispensaries over affluent or "white" communities. California believes that since the lower income neighborhoods have been targeted and persecuted in the past for weed use they should be the ones to first benefit financially from the new law. Also, they will be vacating all non-violent marijuana related convictions as well for those who apply. Now THAT is how you treat your people.
  7. Alcohol affects much more than simply the liver. It kills more brain cells than weed. It can destroy the lungs (I am sure weed could as well of you smoked enough). It can destroy the heart. It can weaken your immune system. And worse of all...it can make your dick not work. You never heard of some poor bastard saying, "Argh, dude...I smoked too much weed last night and when the old lady wanted a bit of the old in out, in out, no dice...I had the WEED DICK!!!" Alcohol however, and the dreaded whiskey dick is commonplace. Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those nutters who believes weed cures cancer, diabetes, ALS, and AIDS. I also believe weed can be both abused and psychologically addicting and seriously screw up a persons life. Then again, just about anything, even benign, can fuck up your life if you abuse it. The difference is alcohol can disable you, causes multiple diseases, and easily kill you. Weed can do none of that unless a large bail of it falls on your head that is.
  8. The CIA bringing in Heroin from the Golden Triangle and flooding black communities is fact, not opinion. The CIA & FBI brining in Cocaine from Columbia & Peru in the 80's, turning it into Crack and flooding the black communities to fund the Contras is fact, not opinion. These are acts of treason against the American people, especially as both drugs are illegal. However I do concede the point that no one forced anyone to buy and use the drug. The problem with that argument is why did they not focus on white communities? One could argue if they were doing it strictly for the loot flooding the white communities would have been the much better bet yet they chose to target the black communities. Why do you think that is?
  9. Opioids, when prescribed properly, serve a very important purpose. Drain cleaner cleans drains so why exactly would a doctor prescribe it? This is what is called an apples to dog shit comparison. Also, Nixon's top adviser ADMITTED, on CAMERA, the whole and singular purpose of the war on drugs was to put the Vietnam protesters and black people in jail. It had zero to do with an actual health crisis, which, BTW the Reagan administration would cause by having the CIA & FBI bring in coke from Central America, process it into Crack, and sell it in the inner city to again, imprison the black population. The fact is, every single drug crisis in the US from Heroin in the late 60's to Crack in the 80's to opioids today has been a direct result of government policy.
  10. Yep, she was one bad ass B***h.
  11. Yes and he takes a very different approach to the solos on the 18th & 23rd as well as the tremolo is employed. I too favor these versions and prefer Page's work on the Strat vs. the LP, both on NQ & OTH&FA.
  12. Well, at least Richard's or Townshend never threw a glass of orange juice all over a guitar player, on stage, while he was playing. I mean shit man, its one thing to not like why you hear, its quite another to try and electrocute the poor bastard.
  13. Thanks for the info. NZ is one of the few places I have never been to though would love to go to. Such a beautiful country. I tried going three times in the 90's but I believe only Quantas serviced NZ from the States and they charged about $4,500 for a round trip ticket in the baggage compartment. I believe three or more airlines now provide the service and cost is down so I may bounce on over. Yep, money truly is the root of all evil
  14. This is just bullshit propaganda you are hearing (for the most part). My cousins live outside of Denver (Aurora) and they tell me otherwise. Sure, you go into the shitty neighborhoods and you will find shitty people, but on the whole, legalization has had a much more positive impact. Weed usage among the under 18 crowd has gone down and hard drug usage has also gone down across all age groups. The courts now have much more time to do real casework and the prison system is getting a break. Plus, they have raised hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue which has balanced their budget and created a surplus.
  15. No, actually, the real gateway drugs are: Tobacco, alcohol, Ritalin, Adderall, and prescription opioids. Weed is a gateway drug insofar as broccoli is a gateway vegetable.
  16. Man, I have travelled all over the world and the US is without a doubt, the single most hypocritical, do as I say, not as I do nation, bar none. Like you said, alcohol and prescription drug usage is encouraged, yet, people freak out and label those who become addicts weak and scum. Or how about my favorite...the sexualization of teen & pre-teen girls in particular. We have Pink from Victoria's Secret which was designed SPECIFICALLY to sell product through the sexualization of children, plus countless ads, movies, and media which also pushes this bullshit. Then, as soon as some 35 year old teacher bangs a 15 year old student everyone is, "Oh you dirty pervert...what is wrong with you!!!" Ever go into a VS over the past 10 years? 95% of the people in there are under 18. All the grown ups are buying that shit at Sears or JC Penny because the quality is better at 1/4 the cost. I tell ya, you have hit the nail on the head. If the US had even a lick of sense, all these ads and media which sells liquor, sexualizes children, and pushes pharmaceutical dope would be banned, just like they are in every other freaking country on Earth. We need to stop sending these mixed messages, we need to stop advertising and popularizing all of this duplicitous shit.
  17. Ya know, I am sick and tired of society cow towing to the dumbest, most reckless among us. Of course if alcohol is legal you will have drunks and weed legalization will have its share of heads but it is getting tiring throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Those who drink or smoke weed in a responsible manner should be left alone and those who are fucking jackasses who choose to drive, or hunt, or operate a 747 while lit should get a red hot poker up the ass and jail time. I JUST WANNA BE FREE !!! Whoops, 9:24pm...time to smoke some weed....responsibly of course.
  18. Could not agree more, if it wasn't Richards it would have been Iggy Pop, Clapton, or Reed...all musicians Page was known to hang out with. We are all responsible for our own actions...nobody's fault but mine baby!!!! The other problem was Jimmy was such an admirer of Crowley, who himself was a morphine addict. Be wary of who you admire as most have clay feet.
  19. Who quite obviously deserved death for the heinous crime of...selling cigarettes individually. In other news...man who was busted for jaywalking for the 30th + time died while resisting arrest when police used chokehold. The chief of police and some punter from Japan were quoted as saying, "...meh, just another recidivist maggot who got what he deserved." Rest in Peices kiddies
  20. I am partial to 5-23. Page uses the Strat instead of the LP and he just wails the shit outta the solo. Seriously amazing shit. This is my favorite version for the guitar solo, and the keys are good as well.
  21. No worries Kip, I was only trying to point out that when things such as this happens we first need to take a step back and cool off before rendering judgement. We are all important and all worthy of impartial judgement because once we let emotion carry over evidence, or extenuating circumstance, that is when the real horrors can happen. I have no issue with people who believe weed is bad and should be illegal. That is their right. However, I just don't think it wise to paint all with the same brush. Some people can smoke it recreationally and live a normal life, others simply cannot and that is the same for alcohol, food, hookers, whatever. Anyway, I too do not wish to argue and I apologize if I was a bit testy and curt. Happy New Year to you and yours Kipper.
  22. There you go again, labeling someone a pot head with zero information. Plus, you keep ignoring the man was DRUNK as well. Why do you keep ignoring the fact he was drinking and drunk? Again, so what if he was a young father. Does a fathers life have greater value than a single man with no kids? Do you have a rating system for the value of particular humans in general? if so, why?
  23. The fact is you focused on the weed, never mentioned the alcohol which was the much more likely cause of the accident (per dozens of peer reviewed studies ie. alcohol vs. marijuana impairment of a motor vehicle). So, you purposely sought to demonize one substance based, once again, solely on your self-righteous opinion. Further, a cops life holds no more value to me than any other human being, all are equal. Just because someone chooses to be a cop does not make them special in any way shape or form. In fact, police officer does not even make the top 10 dangerous jobs in the US but you know what does: How about some sympathy for them??? Especially since most of those listed make far less than your average cop and, when was the last time you saw a carwash for a fallen logger or roofer? Rank Occupation Fatal injuries per 100,000 workers Total deaths 1 Logging workers 135.9 91 2 Fishers and related fishing workers 86 24 3 Aircraft pilots and flight engineers 55.5 75 4 Roofers 48.6 101 5 Trash and recycling collectors 34.1 31 6 Iron and steel wokers 25.1 16 7 Truck and sales drivers 24.7 918 8 Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers 23.1 260 9 First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers 18 134 10 Grounds maintenance workers 17.4 217
  24. So the guy was drunk and the officer only injured? Kipper said the guy was high and the cop killed. So much for that, I should have considered the source.
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