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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. I haven't heard this song before. Thank you for posting it.
  2. B-52's? You need love - Muddy Waters
  3. Yes these are hotties for sure! Thank you for posting! I love the expression on his face in the first one. Enjoy!
  4. Hello and welcome MariaG! Excellent choice! I hope to see more from you!
  5. It just depends on where you're from. There is nothing wrong with white skin. People are more attractive generally in their natural appearance.
  6. I agree, Pagefan55, leathery skin is no good. Scary even. Like everything, the sun should be taken in moderation. Not looking for cancer here! But I would much rather sit under the sun than visit a tanning bed. You can actually cook your organs inside those things.
  7. Be yourself, you're a beautiful woman! And I agree, spray tans are awful and unnatural looking.
  8. They just played Since I've been loving you. It's rarely heard on the radio here.
  9. I'm the man on Susie's mind - Roy Orbison
  10. If you're interested... I wasn't born with white skin but I had spent a lot of time in doors over the past year and was quite pale. I needed a bit of help conditioning my skin for the sun. I don't need use it anymore. I tan quicker/better without lotion. But it works good better than oil. It's a bit of a mess though on clothes if you're not careful. Just offering my opinion slave to zep. We weren't born to not have our flesh exposed to large amounts of sunlight. Well except our beautiful ginger folk. If we didn't have computers we would still be outside working. It is interesting that having tan skin used to mean you were of lower class because you were working out in the sun all day. Now it is the upper crust who are known to be tan because they have the free time to enjoy the sun while the lower class folk are inside working all day.
  11. Life is what you make of it Plantpothead. Happiness gives way to grief, the grief gives way back to happiness again. But life is always beautiful....if you choose to see it.
  12. Yes it is a tanning lotion. It is called an 'expedient'; a deeper tan in a short amount of time.
  13. Time of the season - The Zombies
  14. Have any of you ladies tried this? I found it earlier in the season. It works really well.
  15. Sick Again. The song kicks some hardcore a**!
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