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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. I love blackberries. That is a very simple yet delicious breakfast.
  2. Hi geekfreak! I love soul music but I have never given Slayer or Anthrax much attention. Do you recommend some songs for me to listen to? I love your contributions to the forum. I've been so busy with school starting up again I have very little time to talk on the forum. I do more reading these days and I love to read your posts. I hope you're doing well. I have thought of new topics but I have been neglecting the ones which i have already started! I hope to find more time soon!
  3. Hi apantherfrommd. It's going okay thank you for asking. Yourself? I'm glad you like the picture. It spoke to me.
  4. You're my everything - Nat King Cole
  5. You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible. - Anton Chekhov
  6. That's a good idea Charles J. White! I hope it works out for you.
  7. Yes that's a great one Maaike. Adorable even!
  8. Thank you all for your kindness. I greatly appreciate it.
  9. The essentials: love, laughter, kindness.
  10. I got some tragic news today. My co-worker took his life last night. 20 years old. He leaves behind a beautiful little boy of two years old named Jack. My heart hurts for him, I'm very sad that he and I will never laugh together again... I'm very sad his little boy, who loved his daddy so much, will have to live his life without him. I'm sad that he took his life so young, that he felt life is hopeless. Please people, be kind to everyone you meet!!! If you see a frown, for God's sake turn it upside! We don't know the pain that others live with! Please love your fellow man! Please give others hope!
  11. Thank you all very much for your kind words! Thank you for your advice Charles J. White, I will drink plenty of water today. I'll see if that helps.
  12. Great hotties of Jimmy aen27! As always thank you!!
  13. I have never seen this before! Thank you for posting Maaike!
  14. Look at the stems on Jimmy! He's looking very tan. Gorgeous! Thank you for posting!
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