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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. I love the RAH performance. We're Gonna Groove is one of my favorite Zeppelin songs
  2. Went looking for some new jeans. I'm so picky, I can never find what I like in my size. So I decided to get creative about it, and am giving some old jeans that I love a facelift with a dye-job. Pretty excited to see how to they turn out! Then I'll be babysitting later on in the evening.
  3. Yes! I had loads of fun doing nothing at all.
  4. Howlin' Wolf is my absolute favorite!
  5. That's terrible Charles J. White! I can't imagine what that's like, being violated and not feeling secure in your own home. I would be angry too! Just a couple weeks ago these folks moved into my neighborhood from out of state, and within the first week some people broke in while they were sleeping then robbed and vandalized their home! It's scary leaving my house empty...
  6. I love pictures of Robert holding a guitar. He looks so angelic.
  7. Nice vest! Cobalt is a great color.
  8. Thank you Scylla! Jimmy looked absolutely gorgeous that day. I'm loving the last one with the bit of nip.......
  9. My brand new jeans shrank in the dryer! So irritating!
  10. Hi geekfreak! Congrats on your good news from the doctor! You're in my thoughts. I hope your next test gives you the same results! Keep your fist up! I think it's safe to say that the police are generally callous to the needs of the homeless. I think I said once that they arrest homeless here where I live. Very sad. All we can do is come together for each other and step up, yell, scream, for peace, truth and love. We must fight for each other because it seems no one else will. I don't believe time and space for yourself is selfish. I think everyone needs that. But what are we when we're alone? I think most find their worth when they're sharing their thoughts, laughter and tears with others.
  11. You're so beautiful! I'm loving your laid back look. No pun intended!
  12. "The real things haven't changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong." - Laura Ingalls Wilder
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15tmU7Z6pVU
  14. Geekfreak I am saddened to hear this! I hope you'll be alright? Please keep us informed. You're in my thoughts. I hope to hear that you'll be getting better real soon.
  15. That's so cool geekfreak! Will there be any Zeppelin tattoos included on your sleeve?
  16. Home is where the heart is - Elvis Presley
  17. Thank you both very much! I don't like how I look in pictures so thank you for the boost of confidence!
  18. Actually a cup of coffee is just a cup of coffee and you can get it for nearly the same price at Starbucks as you would at any convenience store. Of course you will pay a little more than a convenience store because the coffee doesn't taste like pencil shavings. I think $1.90 is what I pay for a Venti coffee around here but I usually just buy a pound to make at home.
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