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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. And then they disband and later reform performing under the name 'Dull Cutlery'? Road Reflectors
  2. You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault! That sucks that they closed your store. I hope you get it back! I'm still using the Biore too.
  3. I'm sorry. I swear I'll never do it again. Thanks! Now I don't feel so guilty anymore. I'm worth $7 a month!
  4. I sneezed so hard I hit my head on the counter.
  5. I take the world's longest showers. Sometimes as long as 45 minutes! It's like an office for me. I do all my important thinking there.
  6. The Great Gig in the Sky - Pink Floyd
  7. John Mellancamp's Jack and Diane. I heard it in the car. God, I can't stand him. This is torture!
  8. Thanks so much, chillumpuffer. I never thought about that, though I'm not sure I have any Vaseline..
  9. Candle shops and places like Bath and Body Works make my throat itch.
  10. I walked past a Lush store inside a Macy's a couple of weeks ago. I almost popped in to look for Coalface, but I was in a hurry to get out of the mall, and the perfume coming out of the store was making my throat itch. Next time, for sure.
  11. Well, I was going to say.. My cat was in my laundry basket and I was kissing her on her belly. She was loving every minute of it, but when I pulled my face away (she doesn't like when you quit paying attention to her) she scratched my lip and it keeps reopening every time I sneeze and when I eat. It really sucks. Love hurts. But after reading geekfreak's post, it's rather insignificant.
  12. That's terrible, geekfreak. I agree with Charles, stay positive. Best wishes to you and your wife. I'll be hoping and praying for you.
  13. I'm about to clean my refrigerator. Oh joy!
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