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Everything posted by greengrass

  1. Good God ! This has probably been posted already , but i dont give a shit. This is fucking Lemmy right here!
  2. Dodgy soundin' , but .... if i were in attendance in '75 , it woulda probably sounded a lot better.
  3. I do love that song , my work mates hate it _ usually for meh... 1st thing in the mornin , sing a song... punching that clock singin' She's a loverBaby, and a fighterShould a seen it coming when I got a little brighterWith a name like Dani CaliforniaDay was gonna come when I was gonna mourn yaA little low
  4. Well , it was either this or Unkle Touchy©
  5. Chris Cornell passed away last night . RIP http://abcnews.go.com/US/soundgarden-audioslave-frontman-chris-cornell-dead-52/story?id=47481069
  6. How the hell did i miss that?!
  7. Same old song and dance ~ Aerosmith
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