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Everything posted by greengrass

  1. pics or it never happened
  2. beautiful loser~ bob seger
  3. Wow thanks man , never expected that in the Houses Of The Holier than Thou . Cheers
  4. Went to see Tom Petty last night and i'll tell ya what , the opening act blew me away - Guy Clark Jr ... jeezis ... the riffs that guy belted out rivaled anything Page , Hendrix or whomever the fuck you want to compare to. Great show tho , Tom Petty was .... Tom Petty. He looked so tired to me. I guess 40 years will do that to ya.
  5. Thats sad , Chachi Trump without Joanie
  6. Legendary guitar badass ... Clapton aint got shit on this guy. 06 - In your town 28:00 07 - Should've learned my lesson 35:42 It doesn't get any better than this.
  7. NSFW This still makes me laugh ...
  8. Dennis's bass kills it.... Schools Out was his album/masterpiece.
  9. You hit that right on the haed... I counted 17
  10. ^^^ Damn! Clooney was one lucky SOB.
  11. Sorry to hear about your lose bro , Chin up Andy , it'll get better . Hell today IS my wifes deathaversary and tomorrow my moms. RIP
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