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Everything posted by greengrass

  1. Another lame joke : A women is accused of attacking her husband with several of his guitars. The judge asked "First offender?" She replied "No, first a Gibson then a Fender". --
  2. You've got that right. I think theres a lot more vaulted stuff that'll probably soon see the light of day. That live Prince is killer. He was astounding at George Harrison's induction to the R-N-R Hall of Fame" While my guitar gently weeps"
  3. I was at the golf course today and there were some ladies inside selling raffle tickets for a bunch of stuff. I bought 3 tickets for $20 for a Yeti cooler. She just called me to let me know that i won it! http://yeti.com/tundra-45-cooler
  4. percyandpagey I was kidding Post your Metal and i'll shut the hell up .
  5. Fucking cheesy 70s FM Radio shit ( "The Boss with the Hot Sauce" ) " Alright.... this is the new 45 from Alice Cooper - 18" Still sounds good to me tho....
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