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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Just purchased the first pressing of Astra's "The weirding" on vinyl. If you ever have another recommended band of that kinda vibe, then feel free to introduce me to them.

  2. My only connection with the band is that I was born on the day the first Zeppelin airship did ever fly, and that I spent my youth living on the Zeppelinstrasse.
  3. The only mellow and completely acoustic version I know of is this one, although there is no speaking in the beginning of the song.
  4. oops...deserved a mental spanking, which I could gladly give him without using too many cuss words, at least I hope so.

  5. Well, at the moment things are quite bad here, the streets are one kamikaze mission to walk on, so I am very busy doing things that normally go faster. Also our drummer is having a nervous breakdown and it seems that I am stuck in a shitty relationship after all which might be on the blink of ending.

    Hope everything is better on your side of the ocean.

    The freak in other bands deserve...

  6. Thanks for appreciating my freaked out sense of humor.

    Was truly entertaining to fuck up the mind of that not quite so genius anti-tainer.

    Rock on and regards from Holland, Reswati

  7. 12 o clock, and the guy didn't show up.....how surprising. Well at least I have the cookies and milk for the barkeeper's kids, and they have good manners too. Sorry poopoo-boy but you missed your chance to be the "true hero of toilet paper industry", so have fun discussing some more semi-necrophilia on the internet, that's possibly the only thing you are capable of.
  8. The Hobbit country, I love New Zealand. Still planning to have a look there in the future and I want to learn the Maori haka dance.
  9. Well it ain't actually a real fight, but just a little bit of fun in the early morning. Hilarious indeed, although I pity the parents of the opponent due to a somewhat bad attitude that kid has. Somehow it's quite sad that he wants to fight and insult everyone who disagrees with him (You should see his regarded opinin bout Jimmy Page in another thread, whom he calls a "greedy asshole" and many more other titles. Also he wants to beat up Ross Halfin........in fact he will have quite some traveling and beating to do, a true modern day Rambo, hahahaha) Zero the number one internethero. Was kinda dazed and confused. How many more times we did we have to tell him his vibe has no use. Sick again in the morning, and grumpy all the day. He's gonna fight the elements, over the hills and far away. Put him in a museum, beeing naughty is a bore. Send him back to kindergarten, learning to write is a battle of evermore. Greetings from the frozen wasteland called Holland, and keep smilin'.
  10. Stimulating laxative processes by internet....ladies and gentlemen, toiletbrat!!!!!!!! Anyway, I did invite him for milk and cookies in a bar, so in fact I am hoping he shows up there and that he has at least some table manners. After dinner he can do whatever he likes, although there are no hotels in Maasbree, but that's not my problem. There is enough snow to build an iglo, so that would indeed settle the matter and cool him down. Since he also plans to hug a tree I would strongly recommand him not to do such thing, since his weenie might get stuck to it due to extreme cold. See ya in the future machoman. You may now disagree with me and summon op some more nasty words and poopoo based lingo to kill the time. I really do enjoy your excellent writing skills.......you're a postmodern classic, and deserve to be in a museum.
  11. You Scared Now? (Uh no, rather bored in fact) You Invited Me Over For Milk And Cookies Tough Guy. (No foul-mouthed people are allowed into my house, would scare my kid.....we can have milk and cookies though, be tomorrow at Cafe Bar Mafcentrum, Pastoor Leursstraat 12 5993 CC Maasbree, at high noon, see ya, don't be late !) Now You Gonna Cry Like A Bitch To Sam. (Look who's bitching) Maybe You Should Go To The Red Light District And Pay Some Whore, Because I Know You Don't Get Laid. (Cool, so you have paranormal abilities too) This Is Your Life. (Yeah, amazing ain't it?) So far to teenage angst.
  12. Number 1 fan added this to my communications "give me your address smart ass we will settle this in person, if you got the balls" Time to inform Sam.
  13. No, that ain't english, but an epic fail. Let's ask Darth Vader.... Byebye.
  14. Beatles Mockumentary Revisits "Paul Is Dead" Myth Paul McCartney Really is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison. http://blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2010/08/beatles_mockumentary_revisits.php Can someone spell out to our genius number 1 fan what a`MOCKUMENTARY is. I hereby rest my case, since our naughty boy is too silly to spend more time on. Lol
  15. Pom ti tom pompom....you are not alone, the cosmos loves you!!!!!
  16. I succeed, you suck seed... a subtle difference but sometimes hard to swallow for you it seems. Hehehehe.......cum on, gimme some more laughs clown!
  17. Uhh, let's ask the "Paul is dead" experts...... here they are!!!
  18. I dont care about you (Yippee, what a relief.....uhhh....boohoohoo, my feelings are hurt) you are a loser. (Prove it scientifically, and I might possibly believe you) funny how you started it (What is the exact definition of the aforementioned "it"......I don't seem to get "it", you are too "deep and meaningless") and act like I did, (Nah, I wouldn't be capable of acting just like you, I have no morbid fascination for uhmmm corpses and stuff.....I am a very decent person, ya know) go smoke some more crack (Drugs are bad, kiddo) and you are not funny. (Lol, never did I ever claim that I was funny, or a sunny easter bunny, In fact I am quite serious....)
  19. Wow, number 1 fan seems to be a bit....uhmmmmm......clueless enough to emit a large amout of insults and and ad hominems. Try to be number 9 instead, that's another clue for you, don't snort that glue, it turns you blue. By the way, instead of guessing someone's age there is this nice button on your mouse (you know, that gizmo in your hand) that you can click to check someone's profile. Magically enough by clicking my profile you can read my birth date....ain't that nice????? But to satisfy you, I am 7 years old, my hobbies are collecting porn magazines, burning churches, and dressing up like R2D2 every sunday around teatime. Have a nice time, and get a treatment for your La Tourette syndrom, it might make you appear a bit more civilized in communications. Pom ti tom.
  20. Just bought his latest album on vinyl, and it's really LOUD, nice to hear a man of his age beeing capable of sounding so angry. Also the album inspied me to re-listen some of his older works and I must admit that Diary of a madman is still one of the greatest rock/metal albums ever made. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwg1z0rsULw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac9qOu2ITH0&feature=related
  21. Any one see this movie, (Which movie are you actually talking about, nobody here has even the slightest clue about that) it is suppose to be george harrisons last testiment. (Really, amazing that he filmed his testament, I guess I will do the same including tapdance sequences and some really cheesy special effects to make it look more impressive) Lots of clues I never knew about. (Cool, the topic starter appears to be clueless as well...............always nice to find truly genius minds on this site, I feel honoured to meet you) Anyway, could you please epibrate the gizmotronics that you stated before a little bit deeper? (To give you a clue....the walrus ain't you, coocoo ca choo)
  22. Just found this on the net, Rick Barrett unwrapping his Jimmy book.
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