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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Plant/Krauss, CP, BOJ, The Honeydrippers, The Skinnydippers, Coverdale/Page, Obbstweedle, The Firm , Page/Puff Daddy or Leona Lewis never had a VERY HUGE sign standing behind them with Led Zeppelin on it. Lol.
  2. Great singing young lady! Enchanting voice..........
  3. So no spanking and no bootleg for the guy who created this quizgizmo.
  4. 1341 / 2000 The question bot how many Presence tracks were performed live is open to discussion since the original zep indeed played just 2, but another track of the album was performed at the O2 show, just as Reggie stated. Spank the maker of that quiz and send him a bootleg!
  5. Can't actually recall when the second picture was taken, but what the fuck.
  6. I bought it from a person called "Ygor"(who doesn't want his whole name written here) in an obscure town in Transsylvania. There are in fact two copies just on sale on ebay right now, but the price is a bit high, especially since not many people really have the intentions to summon up 72 different demons, ain't it? (So far to bullshit stories... The picture comes from this site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zeppelinjugend_611/4929567314/ If you are really in need to purchase one of these I can send you the link) Greetings from the other side of the ocean.
  7. From inside the Goetia, published by Equinox.
  8. Reminds me of Samo Kodela, whatever happened to that geezer anyway? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmlc4z3Wv70&feature=related Since I don't want to be completely evil I want to advise you not to stain your voice too much, or it might get permanently damaged, and to try singing using your diaphragm.
  9. LED ZEPPELIN Led Zeppelin II (This is something we've never had before because it's as rare as the proverbial hen's teeth, an original 1969 US 9-track white title label promotional MONO vinyl LP with no 'SD' prefix to the catalogue number on the label, custom stickered 'DJ Copy Monaural' gatefold picture sleeve. What makes this so unusual is that unlike most mono promos, this isn't simply a left channel blended with the right channel mono but has actually been specifically remastered using the CSG process, exclusively for AM radio stations. This was done because the lead vocals & instruments would often sound too loud when heard played back in mono. When the left and right channels were simply added together, the lead vocals or instruments, being equal in level on both channels, would add up to be 3 decibels louder than the mix in Stereo, so the CSG [Compatible Stereo Generator] process was used to neutralise this effect & create a more natural sounding mono from an original stereo master.
  10. Auch hallo und willkommen hier. Hope you have a nice stay, there are plenty of amazing people and cool topics here....enjoy it. Welcome child of the revolution to the club of assorted lunatics. Shooobeedoowah.
  11. "Surrendering land for peace will never bring peace to the region. If there was peace there would not have been the Six Day War in 1967 to take control of this land." Taking more land won't bring peace either, but just make things worse Concluding from responses that I did read here both parties are equally frightened that one will run the other underfoot. The thing you have in common that most people there just want the bloodshed to end, caused by militant imbeciles on BOTH sides What the fuck are you people there doing to one another, and how long are you wanna continue it?
  12. In response to the original topic here is something that was written a bit later. http://yahyasnow.wordpress.com/2010/08/11/acts-17-apologetics-deceive-christians-newt-gingrich/ Acts 17 Apologetics have NEVER addressed the reason for their arrest and nor have they disclosed the FULL and TRUE reason being their arrest. Yes, the reason behind their arrest was “breach of peace” BUT cleverly (and deceptively) Acts 17 Apologetics led us to believe the breach of peace arrest was related to Acts17Apologetics and festival goers. This is not the case. The breach of the peace complaint is related to ONE volunteer named Roger Williams.(judging by his name I’d assume him to be a non-Muslim) Officer Kapanowski writes (in the police report): While inside the command trailer during Arabfest, Sgt Mrowka, Ofc Smith and I were notified by Roger Williams (festival volunteer) that he had just been harassed by a film crew and Amal Alslami had witnessed the incident. Roger Williams decides to make a formal criminal complaint against Acts 17 Apologetics Ofc Kapanowski elucidates further: Williams stated a film crew began recording him doing his festival duties. He advised the subjects (later identified as Negeen Mayel, Nabeel Qureshi, David Wood, and Paul Rezkalla) that he did not want to be filmed and told them to stop. Williams stated that they did not stop and instead, began to surround him. He added that he felt extremely uncomfortable and thought he could not leave although he attempted to several times. They continued to pester him and badger him with questions and continued filming. Williams again told them to stop filming. Qureshi and Wood, as well as Rezkalla, finally put down the microphone and camcorder to speak with him, but he noticed Mayel still filming within hearing distance. He radioed to security for assistance and the parties soon left. He advised Alslami that he wished to make a formal complaint with the police. The police at the behest of Sgt Mrowka (due to Roger William’s formal complaint) move in to conduct a criminal investigation and apprehend Rezkalla, Wood and Qureshi (members of Acts 17 Apologetics) after apprehending Mayel (Negeen): I relayed the information to Sgt Mrowka and he advised us to arrest all parties involved for Breach of Peace. Ofc Micallef, Ofc Ballard, Ofc Smith, and I located Qureshi, Wood, and Rezkalla in the center of another large crowd in the middle of the two tents. When we advised them to turn their camcorders off and they were under arrest for Breach of Peace, they were hesitant but eventually complied. etcetera.
  13. Here is one full show from Holland My own impressions: Great visual spectacle with superb use of the beamers (I guess they used at least 12 beamers to do all the projections, which made it possible to put a different image on each seperate brick) The surround sound was amazing, at least when you stood in the center section. Special praise to the vocals by the guys from Venice, very tight harmonies. Thanks to Roger who finally gave me the kick to listen to Huun Huur Tu at 180 decibels during the half hour break.......excellent choice. And a big FUCK YOU to the people who confiscated our photo camera.
  14. The most important fact right now is that I'm smoking a joint while listening to this far out performance: http://3voor12.vpro.nl/speler/ondemand/43936299#ondemand.43936299
  15. If an asshole can create a thread, then I pity the person who has to clean his toilet. Ohh gosh....it's spidershite!
  16. Good question, as far as Wikipedia is accurate the first time the Freak Brothers appeared was in 1968, the first Cheech and Chong record dates from 1971.......but I am quite sure thet influnced each other both ways round. Those were the days when drugs were cheap, haha.
  17. Hey Brad, do you remember these stoned (cartoon) geezers? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_-sFohRgxOBI/Sy3_DNe0lGI/AAAAAAAAJJc/gUvq4Jn8Oio/s1600-h/Fabulas+Freak+Bros+005.jpg
  18. This piece is so funny, especially the interaction between the man with the cigarette and the old man.
  19. Random facts: I ate a sandwich/pancake like thingy topped with camel meat for about half a year on a daily base, thanks to a Somalian guy that I used to work with. I once shaved my head bald because I got bored by conversations about hair. I seem to have Lepidopterophobia. I am a caffeine and tobacco junkie, especially in the morning it takes a lot of both to get me uhmmm motivated. I was born on the exact day that the Beatles recorded Ob La Di, Ob La Da.
  20. Oh yeah, I didn't see her on the right side, I was referring to the woman on the left.
  21. The girl in the picture above doesn't look very Indian to me, but Caucasian. Also Maureen had longer, raven black hair.
  22. Nicole's use of autotuning is just as impressive as her bottom, although I personally prefer the second.
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