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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Walter

    Your home

    Very progressive thinking on your country's part. Keeping it great, I see.
  2. Walter

    Your home

    Good thing for you all of these undocumented, unvetted, refugees from Syria, etc are hanging around Europe. You might be able to start that practice up again. With the blessing of some major, and soon to be major, leaders of their respective countries. Win - win, in some eyes....
  3. Walter

    Your home

    Luckily for us the water heats itself pretty much year round down here. It's more about cool water here. Luckily our aquifer is so close to the surface, we don't have to dig too deep to get some. The golf courses' fertilizer makes it have a good taste and color though. The swamps provide a good source for "waste management", but ya better watch out for them gators!
  4. Walter

    Your home

    This year's family tree in our family room. Didn't do as many decorations with the impending move....
  5. After putting up over a hundy, don't think he's that intimidated by them. Hope y'all can keep up!
  6. Doug Marone new head coach for Jacksonville. How'd you like that Rick?!?
  7. Yeah you should be sitting there very comfortably being 2-0 vs Dallas - by 4 points. The Giants looked the same way they did against Dallas, not much going on other than doing enough to get the win. They gave up yards to Detroit, but not points. Stafford didn't look the same with that injured finger. ODB was he usual impressive self. I saw Jenkins got banged up a bit, could be an issue on the short week. But they're playing Philly. Washington might be a real dogfight if the skins need it to make the playoffs. Probably will be flexed to Sunday night. If we do play a 3rd time, I'd be fine with it.
  8. Dak Prescott is a rookie and a better one than either Wilson or Winston were. Winston better than Prescott? You can have your opinion, I'll take the facts 32-36 279 yards 0 ints. Winston - 17-35 247 yards and 3 ints. Plus a stupid personal foul for head butting. Great leader. Bills aren't cooked yet? Mathematically, you're correct. Reality, not so much.... Wait til next year, Rick. That's when they'll unseat the Patriots!
  9. Then take them, Rick. Keep underestimating Dallas. Against Buffalo, in the playoffs, I'd take.....umm.....err.......oh yeah that's right they won't even make the playoffs and haven't this entire century.
  10. Lets go Cowboys defense!
  11. Lucky Whitehead fucks up.....again! Ugh!
  12. Feed the Zeke....17-6 at the half.
  13. Cowboys pregame royalty meeting.
  14. Dak and The Boys are back to doing what Dak and The Boys do. Dan Bailey needs to figure things out though. Congrats to those who made the playoffs today! Hard fought wins out there today!
  15. Man this year has truly sucked! RIP Bob Coburn. Loved Rockline. Still have a number of them on tape. RIP Zsa Zsa Gabor. Loved her growing up. She was such an original. No one will ever be like her again. Classic. RIP Craig Sager. What can I say that hasn't already been said. He was a sports icon, without actually playing. He'll be missed greatly. On to 2017, and whatever that has in store for us....
  16. 21-0 Atl... Tennessee knocking off KC, Denver in a scrap with NE. Raiders losing to SD. Miami 9-5. AFC is getting wild! Giants do in the Lions. Pack come back to beat Chicago. Minnesota can't score points. NFC predictable....
  17. I reckon he's morphed into that Clinton dude. Or at least it has been alluded to in a couple of statements on here. Anyway, we just enjoy a couple of pounds of fresh steamed wild caught Key West pink shrimp with Chesapeake seasoning, accompanied by cocktail sauce with extra horseradish mixed in. Delish!
  18. Then use it. You're the one persisting with the commentary on the EPL. Currently watching Pittsburgh/Cincinnati, Cleveland/Buffalo, Green Bay/Chicago, Detroit/Giants, and Philadelphia/Baltimore.
  19. Junior: Thursday Seattle Saturday Miami Sunday Buffalo Green Bay Cincinnati Kansas City Minnesota NY Giants Baltimore Houston Atlanta Arizona New England Oakland Dallas Monday Washington
  20. Mrs. W: Thursday Seattle Saturday Miami Sunday Buffalo Green Bay Pittsburgh Kansas City Minnesota NY Giants Baltimore Houston Atlanta New Orleans New England Oakland Dallas Monday Washington
  21. Thursday Seattle Saturday Miami Sunday Buffalo Green Bay Pittsburgh Kansas City Minnesota NY Giants Baltimore Houston Atlanta Arizona New England Oakland Dallas Monday Washington
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