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Everything posted by Walter

  1. She means the creativity of the commercials specifically designed to be premiered during the Super Bowl. The game time garners the highest advertising $ amount for any tv show at any time of the year.
  2. Me too. I wanted to take Atlanta so badly, but him getting picked 2-3 times just won't leave my mind.
  3. Mrs Walter: New England - 52 points Junior: Atlanta - 55 points Me: New England - 50 points
  4. I thought 13 was a great album. Way better than Never Say Die, that's for sure.
  5. What political apprentice could fit this description...
  6. RIP William Owens You gave more than anyone could. ??
  7. Saw this at the Holocaust Museum. Hits too close to home right now.
  8. ???? Hope you ladies are having the time of your lives! ✌?️
  9. Don't concern yourself with these lonely, soulless, self-absorbed, individuals. They are living in their own Hell. Btw, I read in your profile that you were asking about the origins of the term snowflake....it was originally adopted by the KKK, concerning people who opposed the abolishment of slavery, which answers all your questions about some around here. P'sOS.
  10. Federal judge stops Trumps ban on Muslims, from countries with whom he doesn't do business with.... A small slice of sanity.
  11. Hopefully less than 2, as in grow a pair.... If anyone isn't overly concerned with what has transpired over the past 7 days, then I a serious course on civics is in order. But then again, that's over many heads who accept this.
  12. We are so fucked. None of the "moral majority" GOP will stand up against this. Still no documentation of transference from his business. Now all of this. Meanwhile Iraq is talking about kicking Americans out - which means they'll become ISIS controlled and we will go fight yet another war there and "have another shot at taking their oil" as Trump said his first week in office. We're so fucked in so many ways. That is why I'm unhappy today.
  13. Reading that Erin Andrews has been battling Cervical Cancer. Prayers go out to her and her fight.
  14. Agreed. I'm a fantasy football junkie, so I'm aware of just about every teams receivers down to their number 5. It's a sickness....or so my wife tells me!
  15. How do you not know who Hogan is? Atlanta looked great yesterday. The SB is played in 13 days, with Belicheck scheming. Game on, and you know this....man!
  16. Crazy weather tonight. Glad we made it through alright. It was a feels like 90 today, on January 22, wtf!?!
  17. Any idea how many he's been in, in all? As DC, etc? He's definitely the GOAT of all NFL coaches, IMO.
  18. Anyone would be rattled in their first playoff game starting at qb and being a rookie no less. That stupid penalty by Brice Butler, entering the huddle (even though there wasn't a huddle formed and he standing behind another teammate) is a major cause of what put them behind early - IMO. Cost them 15 yards, instead of 2nd and 5 - it became 2nd and 20, they end up punting, go down 18 with another touchdown and the uphill climb begins. It sucks to lose to a team when you clearly are better than them and had em on the ropes, if Cook doesn't make the catch of his lifetime and converts the 3rd and long. Oh well.... I think the Atlanta running game can take them all the way, in spite of Ryan - who normally chokes in the playoffs. They are the team I'm rooting for at least. Can't stand the other 3....
  19. Dak had nothing to do with that loss. A once in a lifetime catch by Jared Cook, who usually drops wide open passes as I have witnessed many times before, and a defense that couldn't muster up any kind of pass rush. That's what lost that game for Dallas. Dak really impressed me driving them back from 18 down. I was already set on him before, but now there is no way to go back to Romo. Hopefully he can be trade bait.
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