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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Happy Independence Day America! To all my American brothers and sisters, hope you're having a great 4th of July celebration! We've been to the beach all day, just south of one of the oldest American cities - St. Augustine, 500 years old this year. Everything is decked out in red, white and blue American pride - much like the many 4th's I spent in New England as a kid! It's been a wonderful day weather-wise. Be safe and have a great rest of the day!!! P.S. Thanks Knebby for starting this thread 4 years ago, hope you're doing well! XO
  2. I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister
  3. Girls, Girls, Girls - Mötley Crüe
  4. Just to get the proper time frame, this took place just after 7 pm and not after midnight as was said earlier.
  5. Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie
  6. Don't You Want Me - Human League
  7. Broke my two month hiatus with Kraken and coke....mmmmmmmm, what a buzzzzz!
  8. The Dope Show - Marilyn Manson
  9. Flipping between NASCAR nationwide race and Big Bang Theory
  10. I Like It Rough ~ Lady Gaga
  11. Really Kev? The kid didn't even see 18 years old, let him rest in peace. This thing is so over. If it wasn't this high profile, Zimmerman would be acquitted of 2nd degree murder once the state rests, IMO.
  12. With the NBA, you really never know. It's raw talent, some blossom some don't. It's rare when there is a "can't miss" prospect like LeBron, Carmelo, etc. Nobody stands out from this years draft, just have to watch them over the course of the next couple of seasons.
  13. SAJ, she was certainly a certifiable MESS! Btw, I thought you weren't paying attention...
  14. Have you ever been to Brooklyn? It's a far different place than North Carolina - no matter what part of the state you reside in. But then again, of course you know already by evidence of your previous posts.
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