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Everything posted by Walter

  1. And Jim Morrison whipped his out - or at least made people thought he did. What about Mick prancing around in the late 60's? I think there are many acts who have capitalized on sexuality before Plant and Page.
  2. TypeO, I don't think you know the background on Knebby's statement. A member here, at the time this story came out, was going tooth and nail with her that Presence was an inferior album and that basically everybody thought so and Knebby was disagreeing, to no avail. You know how opinions are. Just wanted to let you know, she and many of the rest of us LOVE and respect Presence - I know you do too! Sarcasm doesn't come across well 2+ months later.
  3. Getting 12 people to agree on anything is damn near impossible! We have a running "Jury Deliberation" clock running at the top of our major network screens. As I type it says: 10:52:50....
  4. He also used "Kashmir" in "Fast Times...." and you know the budget for that movie couldn't have been very large. I remember "Dazed and Confused" couldn't afford them!
  5. He's from the "gimmee music for free" generation. Out of repect for the charity it supports alone, that doesn't fly with me personally. I enjoy the DVD very much, love that version of "Since I've Been Loving You"!
  6. It has been said on this forum that Cadillac payed Zep 10 million to use "Rock and Roll" in their commercials. No idea what they "charge" for tv and movies. Cameron Crowe must get a discount though!
  7. There are only 6 jurors, BM. All white females, 5 are mothers. Just for the record.
  8. JULY 12, 2013 10:47 AM Lady Gaga announces ARTPOP release date By Kyle Anderson Lady Gaga has been keeping a low profile since February while shes been recovering a torn labrum in her hip, an injury that required surgery and forced her to cancel a number of tour dates. But shes back, and shes got some new stuff in store. In a wordy Facebook post, Gaga announced that her new album ARTPOP will be out on November 11, with a single coming on August 19. Because its 2013, there will also be an interactive app that will dosomething. Its unclear, though it will be available on September 1, the same day ARTPOP is made available for pre-sale. Built by TechHAUS, the technological branch of HAUS OF GAGA, the app itself is a musical and visual engineering system that combines music, art, fashion and technology with a new interactive worldwide communitythe auras, Gaga wrote on Facebook. Altering the human experience with social media, we bring ARTculture into POP in a reverse Warholian expedition. True fact: The Reverse Warholian is actually illegal in Texas and Kentucky. Gagas last album Born This Way performed well commercially but was met with quite a bit of critical ambivalence. So what do you hope to hear from Gaga on ARTPOP? And are you still invested in her as an artist? Its easy to dismiss her because of things like this, but dont forget that shes also responsible for this.
  9. http://image.email.interscope.com/lib/fec61671756d027a/m/1/rsz_1artpop.jpg http://image.email.interscope.com/lib/fec61671756d027a/m/1/rsz_artpop2.jpg
  10. Beautiful! You lucky.....! Have a great trip, Sean! If my memory serves me correctly, that'll be over your birthday. Post lots of pictures from Fenway. As much as I dislike the sox, I would love to take in a Yankee game there!
  11. Exactly brotha! I'm usually on my phone here though....good thing for wi-fi!
  12. VERY COOL SAM!!! That bass is bad ass! Thanks for posting this!
  13. That's the title of the book I have, by Barney Hoskyns. I know of no other books with that title. I ordered my copy through B & Nobble. Back to the thread....
  14. Agreed and Pagey said that it was pretty much a live recording. I remember him saying how he pulled his classic Les Paul out for the first time in a while and it sounded so full and rich to him. There are a few gems there, the songs sounded even better live on that tour!
  15. They invented sticking Mud Sharks up cooters!
  16. Over in the NEWS section there is a 53 page thread about it already. When in doubt, look about.
  17. C'mon Paul you know you'll watch the all-star game - you're such a baseball junkie! When I was a kid I used to so look forward to that game! Of course back then the NL won like every year and I hated that! Remember Dave Parker's throw from right field in Montreal anybody? Pete Rose running over Ray Fosse and ruining his career? Those were great all-star games and performances. That's what the game lacks anymore - and making it determine home-field for the WS when over 80% of the players involved won't even play in that series, is completely ridiculous! Derek Jeter is so clutch, just his presence will aid that clubhouse. In an era where so many have done so much to defame the game of baseball, it's good to have a player like him still around.
  18. It IS the greatest book about the band, because it all came from quotes of different people associated within and outside the band. As far as TSRTS, all of the questions have already been answered. You just obviously want more or different answers than what transpired. The band wanted to document the landmark '73 tour - at the last minute they got a film crew together who did a very poor job videotaping the shows. To salvage the project that they had already invested a sizable amount of money into, they did additional filming at SS and their own fantasy sequences. At that point PG was ready to go and the tour began. Once the accident happened and they knew they'd be out of commission for a long while, they decided to dust off what they had and finish the movie. Would've it been different if Robert didn't shatter his leg? Who knows, that's just speculation. The story is what it is. Looking back at it now, we should all be glad it's out, otherwise there might not be any video documentation of that tour.
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