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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Fuck yeah....2 goals in 17 seconds! Go Blackhawks!!
  2. Walter

    Paula Deen

    She was fired by FN because the sponsors wanted nothing to do with her. $ talks....
  3. It better not! I just see the state having a very difficult time convincing the entire jury that, without reasonable doubt, he murdered Martin. Sad case either way.
  4. Casey Anthony was less than 2 months. I can't imagine this being any longer than that. Zimmerman will walk from this, but has to live the rest of his life haunted by it through name recognition and traumatic memories. Nobody "wins" in a situation like this, IMO.
  5. Who's gonna "buy them off" and how would preventing a juror from writing a book increase the likelihood of that happening? Celebrities and members of organized crime already have the means to get to jurors, but "regular" people like Zimmerman - c'mon....
  6. That's why Cookie wrote the post about the photo being from April.
  7. Some of my all-time favorite actors who are no longer with us, but on film: Rodney Dangerfield Carroll O'Connor Fred Gwynn Heath Ledger James Gandolfini As for the ladies... Audrey Hepburn Katharine Hepburn Jean Stapelton Farah Fawcett Barbara Billingsley
  8. I think that is a good law to have, JTM. What's the penalty if they break that code of silence, if you know?
  9. Agreed! Nobody associated with a tried case should be able to sell "their story".
  10. Opening arguments began today in Sanford, Florida. 6 female member jury, 4 alternates (2 male/2 female)....all but one, total, are white. Let the circus begin....
  11. "oh why do I look to the other side? the grass is greener, but just as hard to mow" - John Butler "Better Than"
  12. Walter

    Paula Deen

    ^ You're not missing much!
  13. jane,joe from liverpool I also really enjoy Peter's vocals - but the best of the last 40 years? Freddy Mercury would have to be my pick. To each his own...
  14. ^ Spite is probably the best word to describe it, IMO.
  15. Walter

    Paula Deen

    Come off some great New England seafood recipes and I'd watch! Paula has always been overrated....not even close to one of the best restaurants in Savannah. Obviously the same goes for her as a person as well.
  16. It was already posted in the other thread about this show. Glad you had a good time!
  17. Seems to be his specialty, kinda reminds me of.....hmmm.
  18. That list trumps pretty much anyone...probably even family members! I hope you and TM have a GREAT time tonight!!! Will be thinking about you guys....
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