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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Such as.... If you're referring to the "N" word then I don't see any equivalency as far as that word being used for what she said. Obviously you put them on the same level, but I certainly don't, based purely on historical value alone.
  2. July 6 - Daytona International Speedway - Sheryl Crow
  3. http://www.sbnation.com/nba/2013/6/27/4471930/nba-draft-2013-results-cavaliers-anthony-bennett
  4. Just a lot of unexpected early picks. #1 was a freshman forward from UNLV. The Magic took the guard from Indiana at #2, third pick was the forward from Georgetown to the Wizards, 4th pick was the center from Indiana. The kid from Kentucky that many thought would be the first pick went 5th I believe. The NCAA player of the year, guard from Michigan, fell all the way to #9. I'll find a link for accuracy purposes.
  5. Considering an undertalented team like the Pacers almost took out the Heat and an aging Spurs team had the Heat beaten in 6 games (minus 24 seconds), I don't think it's too much of a stretch to think they can be beaten next season by a number of teams. It's not like they were dominant. Crazy draft last night, right?!
  6. I am glad you told me this, because I really have no idea how closely this is being followed nationwide. People down here, that I have spoken with, really aren't following it closely - especially compared to Casey Anthony a couple of years ago. You just never know how a jury is going to call it at the end. I thought for sure Casey was going down and Judge Perry has even backed up my opinion recently, but the jury was 180 on that call. Who knows what they have really picked up on so far, were they immediately put off by Don West's knock-knock joke? Do they feel sympathy for Treyvon's girlfriend being grilled for all those hours - who knows? One juror was excused earlier this week, not sure which alternate took her place.
  7. To her it's apparently not. She is an inner city, uneducated, teenager and obviously her interpretation of that statement is that it was not racially insensitive or inflammatory. As a white male, I don't take any offense to it - I just consider the source and move on.
  8. TypeO, you know that comments made on twitter are usually made by people who are "tough guys" behind a video monitor only. Not to mention how many trolls post things just to incite or portray a certain image that's more fantasy than reality - kinda like here in some instances. Zimmerman may want to take it seriously, but I really doubt there will be much fallout, outside of Sanford - which is a troubled area to begin with - after he is acquitted.
  9. Little Guitars - Van Halen
  10. That chick was something else! Boy, she doesn't like Don West does she?!?
  11. I'm interested to know why you think that? Two completely different situations to me. '92 had a group of cops on videotape beating the hell out of an African-American male and were basically acquitted. This situation has no video and a charge that is much more difficult to prove - plus I don't think this trial is that emotionally charged. The LAPD situation and this situation only have one similarity, IMO, the perception that the police were allowing an egregious act to transpire on an AA without any recourse against the perpetrator(s). I can see some problems in Sanford and maybe Miami, but nothing to the extent of what happened to Reginald Denny or across the nation. We will see though because he IS going to walk at the end of this trial.
  12. Glad it another great Robert Plant show for you, Strider. Is that your 38th now? One question, is he currently doing "Please Read Thr Letter" in the original P/P style or like the version he did with Allison and also the Band of Joy tour? Thanks for the show review!
  13. No one knows enough yet. At the very least he obstructed justice by having the house thoroughly cleaned last Monday, smashing his cell phone and home security system. If that's all they were gonna charge him with, then you'd think they would have done it before today. I'm thinking accessory to murder is a probability and/or possibly a murder charge. Guess we'll find out soon enough when the charges are made public and if he gets a bail amount.
  14. That's awesome AS! Plus look how cheap the tickets are for that show! If the music wasn't reason enough...the benefit aspect should fill the place! Are you planning on catching the show up there, Kev?
  15. My grandson, he comes home from college He says, "We get the government we deserve." My son-in-law just shakes his head and says, "That little punk, he never had to serve." - Don Henley "A Month of Sundays".
  16. No need to say sorry, you enjoy who you enjoy - it's all opinion after all. Peter was one of the greatest shows I have ever witnessed back in 90/91. Unfortunately was never able to see Freddy live, in person.
  17. Hi Steve. I don't know if this has already been discussed or not....do you know if Zeppelin had any "official" things they had to attend on their one off day of the LA run in '77? Or was it a day to lounge around by the pool, etc. or in Jimmy's case - hang out in your hotel suite? Thanks for all of your great info!
  18. Walter

    Paula Deen

    He doesn't care and he doesn't care if you care, because what you think about him - he doesn't care about! Btw, he's lzzoso coming back from the banned....in the event someone cares!
  19. TSRTS and No Quarter for what is listed above - they both sounded so much better live. One that's not on the list - Heartbreaker - never have dug the guitar sound Jimmy recorded during the main riff portion of that song, again much better live.
  20. Stanley Cup goes to Chicago! Congratulations Blackhawks and their fans!!!
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