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Everything posted by Walter

  1. That's AWESOME Type O! I just thought it was a temporary, also.
  2. Oh, how sweet! How about "Ebony K-9" (Black Dog)? Kiwi, surprised you're pulling out the Gaga songs! Fun thread Danielle!
  3. I didn't start any swearing around here, just responding to what has been dished into my lap. I agree. For those people who haven't been around for Zeppelin releases before, this has all of the mystique as anything that has come around since the ole "brown paper bag"!
  4. Come on Jahfin, you're making too much sense. Too many facts being reported! BTW what does all of this have anything to do with Jimmy Page???
  5. Hey there! :)

    Just kickin' ass and taken names!

  6. Hold on just a minute, let me get the facts straight. You come on a LED ZEPPELIN forum and completely fuck up the whole premise of your argument by incorrectly identifying one of Robert Plants' SOLO songs for a P/P song that has no bearing on your argument and I'M pussy ass whatever? Go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under, study the history of the band and it's members, and come back when you have some knowledge you can share instead of spewing your nonsensical bullshit! Otherwise, go hang out in the "newbie" section. Mr. Head!
  7. I didn't think you did Miss Melanie, I was mainly explaining the situation to Electrophile. BTW, I'm glad Robinson won with dad pitching as well
  8. Here's something for ya Knebby You deserve it after the day you've had around here today! Oh yeah, it's English beer (even though I know you prefer wine) so to not go off topic!
  9. Miss You - The Rolling Stones
  10. What's being referred to is a fan, who to me appeared to be drunk (he was standing on an unstable metal table - barefoot), was trying to catch his THIRD homerun ball at last night's derby. Well he fell over the railing and probably would have died too, except his friends grabbed him in the nick of time. Joking about what happened last week is inexcusable and I hope nobody was referring to that tragedy.
  11. Any credibility you MAY have had, just left with that statement!
  12. Earlier this year I saw where some idiot was "planking" from one balcony to another, 15 floors up, and fell to their death. That's one way to end this ridiculous fad!
  13. When The Music's Over - The Doors
  14. ^ Exactly! Just take in the lyrics from the album insert. It is a VERY cool tat, IMO!
  15. I'm Confused - Jake Holmes
  16. Life In The Fast Lane - Eagles
  17. As far as the proposed "Caylee Law" goes, there is currently not any perameters as far as a time factor. Meaning that if a kid doesn't come straight home from school, how much time has to pass before the parent becomes negligent by not reporting it. That, again, goes back to what Brad said about common sense. But it also goes to the politician who is trying to use this huge story to basically make a name for themselves and not to take the time to see if a law is already in the books that can be tweaked or if what they are trying to propose is even useful. Knee jerk reactions rarely work out the way they were intended.
  18. Hey now - Lady Gaga works hard for gay rights, worldwide, and has also been involved in many fundraising charitable efforts including recently raising millions of dollars for Japan. She doesn't suck off her nation's public dole, but adds to it by employing hundreds of people. I know all that is a far cry from going to some polo match to raise money for your own charity!
  19. Undercover angel - Alan O'Day
  20. NASCAR Cup race from Kentucky - Go Harvick!!!
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