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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Obviously going with Thee New England Patriots Junior - New England
  2. How do you not even know your own team? McCoy was released because he would've been the 5th highest paid running back this season. Singletary has been out due to a hamstring injury.
  3. Those are small, black tips up there. Not man eaters. You down here right now?
  4. 🤣 Smart pick. He knows Rodgers owns the Cowboys in general and specifically at Dallas.
  5. Junior: Arizona Tennessee Chicago New Orleans Minnesota Phily Baltimore New England Sacksonville Atalanta San Diego Green Bay Kansas City Cleveland
  6. Arizona Tennessee Chicago New Orleans Minnesota Philadelphia Baltimore New England Carolina Houston Chargers Dallas Kansas City San Francisco
  7. He is. If you notice, most weeks he uses reverse psychology... Kids. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Scored a pair of tickets to see Billie Eilish in March!
  9. Sounds like a terrific meal and dessert!
  10. Your recollection of things never ceases to amaze me. The Yankees were in the ALCS 2 years ago. As far as the pool goes, it would've taken a lot more than picking the Yankees and not the Orioles to win the AL East in order for you to have been in contention.... Take care and be safe, Rick.
  11. Here are some cool pictures posted by Stevie Nicks today...
  12. Remembering Tom Petty on the day of his passing 2 years ago - seems like last month.
  13. Sure, blame it on the other head! 🤣🤣🤣 True, better than Baltimore! Hope you make it down to spring training in feb/March!
  14. So after 162 games, wins are all tallied up and bonus points distributed and.....we have a TIE! Even if I used the most divisional champs as a tie breaker, it would still be tied and the same teams were not picked. 1. Strider 1009 1. Walter 1009 3. MightyLedZeppelin 996 4. ebk 977 5. kingzoso 956 6. paul carruthers 952 7. zepscoda 926 8. LedZeppfan77 865 Thank you for participating and we'll see you again next season!
  15. Junior: Atlanta New England Kansas City Oakland LA Chargers NY Giants Baltimore Houston La Lambs Seattle Chicago Jacksonville Dallas Pitt
  16. Atlanta New England Kansas City Indianapolis L.A. Chargers Giants Baltimore Houston L.A. Rams Seattle Chicago Jacksonville Dallas Pittsburgh
  17. Junior: Green Bay Me: Philadelphia - They are a desperate team with guys coming back from injury. It's now or never for their season.
  18. I know you've been trying to pull me into this theoretical conversation with you concerning Dallas and your various teams. Time will tell how it goes down. Injuries, etc will determine what happens - just like how you switched your Yankees pick to the Orioles after the first weekend of the baseball season. Bills defense looks pretty good, but then again you've played 3 teams that are a combined 1-8. So has Dallas, but I'm not crowing much about them yet. This week is in New Orleans and next week we will have a rested Green Bay coming to town. So that's where we will begin to see how good this Cowboys team is. As far as Jerry signing Dak, he'll get the deal done one way or another. It's amazing how fast fans go from "Dak isn't worth it" to "give him all that he wants" in a matter of 3 weeks - 2 against sub par defenses. He has all the weapons necessary to go all the way, barring major injuries.
  19. Pretty weak argument. We can continue in the NFL thread...
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