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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. Nitpicking Page 5/22/1977 Ft. Worth (Liriodendron Remaster) Most versions of this soundboard have the guitar low in the mix, so I recommend this remaster which has a very lively sound with added depth. TSRTS- Energetic blast off and excellent sound quality on this version. Plant sounds great. First solo- Not incredibly articulate, but played very on point. 4:12- notable drum fill. Second solo- Near perfection. This is up there with my favorite versions. Top notch "A". The Rover Intro- Page chokes a chord at 0:06, but nothing major. Otherwise excellent intro. Sick Again- Good start. First solo- Some decent fluidity and phrasing here, very good for 77. Outro solo- There's some delay coming through which really improves this, and his phrasing doesn't sound quite so erratic. I'd have to go "A", even with the slight flub on the intro. NFBM- Page plays the opening notes lazily and Plant sounds unsure on his opening notes, but Jones and Bonham come in and kick it off properly. Harmonica- It's a standard routine, but sounds good. 3:37, I think Plant jumped into the ending phrase early. Guitar solo- Played passionately though there's some straining. Phrasing is decent. Bonham gets some good fills in on the solo. "B+". IMTOD- 0:26, Page steps on his cable and there's a do over. The next attempt has Page a little more aggressive. First solo- Some steady phrasing but a little lackluster. Second solo- Page is trying to put something good down but he just can't get a flow going. 10:13, off the tracks as Page and Bonham get crossed up. The lackluster solos and the out of sync part knock this down to a "C+". SIBLY- Some excellent phrasing on the intro, which is played beautifully. A little sticky at 1:16. Solo- Some good runs and phrasing throughout, not bad at all. Maybe one of the better solos of the 77 versions. Nothing spectacular, but I see no reason not to call this an "A". No Quarter- Solid start. Nitpicking Jones- He gets some wonderful phrases in on the beginning. The soul section jumps abruptly into Nutrocker, which is played quite well. There's a tease at a boogie jam but it never develops (thank God). Guitar solo- After some subdued, average noodling he finally comes alive at 10:04. 11:20-11:50, Bonzo steals the show a bit. 12:55, Bonham for round two. 14:10, finally gets moving with some authority. Not a terrible solo, but no real highlights. Page was terribly close to bedroom jamming in some areas. The return is good and the outro solo is much livelier. I have to call it a solid "A", though it's really held together by the superb drumming. Ten Years Gone- A slight hang up at 1:51, nothing major. First solo (4:00)- Fairly solid playing, well phrased. Second solo (6:07)- Some decent licks. Third solo (7:46)- Excellent. Fourth solo (8:35)- A little muddy sounding but not bad. The outro is played just adequately. Plant's vocals were scratchy in places. No major flubs, but there seemed to be an energy missing. "B+". Acoustic Set: BOE- A solid version though Plant's voice isn't as strong as usual. GTC- Very good. BCW/BYAS- The first song is very lively and sounds great. The intro for the second is played perfectly and the song takes off well, not sure why Page cut it short. WS/BMS- Page only spends 30 seconds on the warm up before launching into the fast part. He struggles a bit with it halfway through. The latter half is played very loosely. An average acoustic set, "B+". Kashmir- A strong version with few flaws that I could hear. Plant gets a little out of breath toward the end. Bonzo could've stepped up more but still very good. "A". Achilles- Some flubs on the intro as a string sounds severely out of tune. The bass is almost completely absent from the recording. First part is played well. First solo (3:30)- Some decent runs that sound just a bit sticky. 4:26, flub. Second solo (6:28)- Not bad, not great. Third solo (7:57)- Good. Powerful ending. The lack of bass muddying the mix sounded very unique, though Page was very exposed. A couple of flubs and lacking solos keep it at a "B". Stairway To Heaven- Excellent start. Page's guitar has some extra crunch after the first bridge. 4:48, that Rhodes sounds wonderful. Solo- Page takes off with some inspired noodling, phrasing well. 7:48, amazing run. The articulation could be better but the phrasing is top notch. 9:48, on the edge of a flub. Excellent final measures. The climax hits hard though Plant is straining a little. One of the better versions from 77 and very close to an "A+", though I'd honestly keep it at an "A". WLL/ Rock And Roll- Page with the overdrive cranked up, almost sounds like RAH 1970. No funky jam section here as Bonzo launches RnR. Solo- Not perfect but played with incredible swagger. "A" for both. It'll Be Me- Guitarist Mick Ralphs is welcomed to the stage for a jam. Didn't Page jam with Bad Company in Dallas in 1976? Page's solo- He gets some routine screaming leads in. Mick's solo- Ralphs sticks more to the Chuck Berry style. It all sounded a little messy to me, but I'd still go "B+". Final Assessment- First of all, hats off to this Liriodendron remaster. The depth and EQ is just right. This show and the previous one in Dallas remind me of the two Vancouver shows in 1975- two back to back shows that are fairly solid and entertaining overall, though not the greatest. Plant was struggling a little tonight and Bonham was a bit more subdued overall. Page might have been better this night. Apart from a derailed IMTOD, he stays pretty focused. The highlights are a very solid TSRTS and a dynamic Stairway, featuring a nice inspired solo. They swung for the fences with the encores as well.
  2. Nitpicking Page 5/21/1977 Houston, TX (The Dragon Snake) A favorite 77 boot of mine though the audio is an extremely twangy soundboard with the bass and drums up in the mix. TSRTS- Excellent energy off the bat with Jones channeling Geddy Lee. Bonham gets some nice fills in on the verses. First solo- Phrased well and played fairly well, with Bonham amping up the energy level. Second solo- Sounds great except for the hiccup at 5:49. Plant sounds good on the opener. A very energetic "B+". Sick Again- A swaggering intro played flawlessly. First solo- very dry sounding but played well. 3:44, Page jumps into this riff early. Outro solo- Erratic and twangy, but the same as it always is. Some impressive licks toward the end. "B+". NFBM- Strong opening. Harmonica- Pretty solid. 3:55, easy Robert. Guitar solo- A little sticky in places, but overall very good. Ending sounds a little wonky. Not perfect, but a good "B+". IMTOD- Good, crunchy tone and a steady tempo. First solo- Solid phrasing with some very nice runs. Second solo- Page is simply on fire with the phrasing. 9:59, some vocal straining. A solid "A". SIBLY- Excellent mood created on the open. 1:13-1:20, some sticky fingers. Plant sounds good, not rushing too much. Guitar solo- Phrasing is good though it's a little sticky. Not bad at all. Tremendous energy on the later half. Nothing mind blowing, but it's a solid "A". No Quarter- Nitpicking Jones; A good opening routine, but seemingly short. The boogie jam comes in strong with Page throwing down some solid licks. Jones makes an excellent transition into a rock opera sounding section before setting up the solo. Guitar solo- Page plays with passion, but is missing some articulation. He slows down at 16:05, which features some nice interplay with the other two. Overall, not too bad. A good return and some vicious wah riffs. "B+". Ten Years Gone- Solid intro. First solo (3:05)- Page has a hard time getting a flow going. 3:44, ouch. Second solo (5:10)- Some good bends and phrasing. Third solo (6:45)- Decent riffs but the phrasing was off. Fourth solo (7:40)- The delay effect carries this better. Page keeps this at a "B" at best. Acoustic Set; BOE- Solid. GTC- Stunning mandoling work. BCW- Good. BYAS- Beautiful intro. Good energy and a nice breakdown. WS/BMS- Page gets an adventurous routine down, though it's sticky in places. This is a perfectly average acoustic set, the highlight being Jones on GTC. Kashmir- Superb sound and driving tempo. 1:18, Plant forgets some words. The guitar is more up front on this one with the mellotron sitting nicely in the background. Page's guitar ad-libs toward the end are very erratic but don't stick out too much. Despite some minor flubs, this a good version with Bonham adding some nice touches. "B+". Achilles- Decent energy, although the instruments tend to clash in the mix a little. 2:44, Page struggling to hold on. First solo (3:29)- Some fairly good noodling and phrasing. 6:27, Bonham taking no prisoners through here. Second solo (6:35)- Some raunchy licks. Third solo (7:50)- delay doesn't come through, but sounds pretty good. Plant was straining a little and there were moments when Page almost got left behind, but this is undoubtedly a very exciting, entertaining version. Though it's a bit of a rollercoaster ride, I'd still call it a solid "A", Stairway- Page's playing on the first half is rock solid though Plant sounds a little uninspired. Solo- Page has a little trouble letting loose on the start, sounding stiff and tense. His tone is also muffled as if he's got his treble turned down. 7:22, in comes the treble. 8:16, intended or not, it sounded terrible. 8:47, slop. The final four bars are laughable. This was not a good solo. The climax hits hard and the wind down is good. Not sure what threw Page off but it was a near trainwreck. "C+. (11:16, Plant calls Bonzo "Joan Baez".) Rock And Roll- Sounds like equipment problems at the start. Solo- Solid. Good finish. "B+". Trampled Underfoot- Slow tempo. Jones gets a good solo in. Guitar solo- Page hangs loose instead of forcing anything, adding some very nice phrases before finally getting more aggressive. "A". Final Assessment- Obviously not a Forum or MSG level show, but I don't think Page bottoms out as bad as I remembered for this one. He certainly hits some snags though, notably Ten Years Gone and the Stairway solo. Plant was just "OK' throughout, straining ever so lightly on some tracks. Bonham was alive and well though, getting quite restless in places. I think the opening five numbers are the highlights, displaying excellent energy to get the show rolling. It was hit and miss after that.
  3. They moved the show up in hopes it would give Jones enough time to do the show and fly out afterwards for his father's funeral. They cancelled and rescheduled the next day's show in Milwaukee on the 27th and Jones was back in Detroit on the 28th. Gives you an impression of how grueling the road life is. I still find it mind blowing that they allowed a local musician to come on stage, even if it was for the encore (Communication Breakdown). Maybe they did it to keep the crowd from getting riled over a shortened set. It was apparently a controversial show since half the fans couldn't make the earlier time, so they played to a mostly empty audience.
  4. Thought she might've given an account of that day somewhere. Filling in for the bass player of Led Zeppelin seems like nothing to just brush off as "another day".
  5. 8/26/1970- Local musician Deborah Smith played bass on the encores during a show in Cleveland. Has she ever given a testimony to that event?
  6. Looks like one of those British African safari hunters from the 20s. Just needs that weird hat.
  7. The one thing I have against reviews like this (even if true) is that they give the opinion that any attempt to recreate a musical attitude of the past is automatically a futile and shameful attempt. Wolfmother had the same reviews. The Darkness had the same reviews. Yes, we know it's not even possible to top what has already been done in classic rock, but why point that out every single time a band wants to pay homage to their heroes? I think most of it is centered around the pretentious gatekeeping the older generation has toward the music they grew up with. It's sacred ground for them and any attempt to copy or incorporate it is seen as blasphemy and is immediately stomped into the ground, regardless of the songs themselves. And these are the same people who constantly complain about how there's "No real rock music anymore". Ok, how is it even possible for "real rock music" to make a return if every single attempt is immediately shot down as nothing more than a cheap imitation? Maybe if we'd give bands like this a little room to breathe they just might bring back a lost genre. What do we have to lose?
  8. Good. Too old to rock and roll. Plant has been dropping hints at distancing himself from the band for decades, but it's like nobody actually wants to accept it. I suppose some people have the misconception that just because these guys were in a band together once that they're supposed to be riding tandem bicycles together everywhere they go. The same happened with Waters and Gilmour. Just because they don't wanna create music together doesn't mean they have any sort of grudge.
  9. Dave Lewis chose the same photos as I did for this show in his new book (which is a must have btw). Pretty cool.
  10. I'm not stupid and neither are you, so stop pretending to be. He always showed disdain for extremism. Attempting to paint a picture of someone by one social media post is nothing short of a toddler pointing a finger at a sibling. Besides, our own president's tweets look far worse. Should we take all those at face value? The constant political trolling in this forum really needs to be shut down. If I get banned for saying something actually related to Led Zeppelin, others should be also for blatantly breaking the rules for non related content.
  11. "You were beautiful and brave in those beautiful days in Afghanistan, before you surrendered to hatred and passion." Why didn't you put the full quote in there? Why, it's almost like you're just as bad as the media you criticize. Funny.
  12. The matrix number on the IV record starts with ST-A-.., you can see it on the pic you provided. Look those numbers up on discogs for pressing details.
  13. I actually think that was a direct comment on the Preston pic, which was apparently making the rounds in the media at the time. That was my assumption anyway.
  14. I'd never attempt to discredit JPJ, but I've heard of several other instances where Page is seen with a bottle of Jack. Especially on stage in 77.
  15. Maybe post this request in the stevehoffman forum. They love doing tedious stuff like this.
  16. So I'm probably gonna get another one since I don't wanna open this misprinted version. I'm thinking about getting the Japanese version.
  17. "Nic Cage" and "the movie to see right now" sounds very strange in the same sentence, but I'll have to check this out.
  18. No, if you can't be bothered by something you're supposed to log into a music forum and let everyone know you can't be bothered with it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way to a town hall meeting to let them know I don't care either way.
  19. Mine has the reel art press logo upside down lol. Also missing some gold like the other guy's. Did you order through Amazon or RAP directly?
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