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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. eBay is overrun with bootlegs. Even EV sells there (they're listed as new anyway).
  2. Possibly, but I find that hard to believe. I imagine if they know what they've got (they do, or else they wouldn't even be in touch with EV) they'd at least throw it on eBay for a ridiculously high price just to see if anyone bites. Or reach out to local bootleg retailers to find private buyers. I'd imagine an unreleased soundboard might even get the attention of Page himself, who would probably buy it just to have it destroyed. My guess is that EV either has a direct connection to a very small group of private collectors who are holding them ransom, or they already have them and are spacing out the releases so the buyers will have time to save up another $300-600.
  3. A good movie, but I can't see it being award worthy. You know, I haven't had many (any) dealings with Italian Americans, but that film seemed to be rife with the stereotypical "Forgetabout it" routines. Why does everyone have to be Joe Pesci?
  4. That seems extremely low to me. Hell, there are collectors who would pay that much for exclusive copies. So why would EV be the go-to place for cash? And I don't understand how they even make their money back with prices like $300, unless the Japanese market just throws money at them. I've watched them on eBay and they just don't sell for the new price.
  5. Wait, I think I see squiggly lines in the lasers...
  6. Was gonna buy it but I just can't justify that shipping price. "Ships USPS 🤣. For that price you'd better hand deliver it and let me have your wife for a night.
  7. "Influenced by" isn't what people are yearning for. It's the sound they want back. And that's at least one thing GVF have right. The "put your own spin on it" is the perfect example of why the genre can't be revived. Nobody can get the go-ahead to just play straight up rock and roll. It's gotta be "similar but different" to satisfy the hipster crowd. Screw that. I agree they're pretty low grade musically, but if you've missed the endless onslaught of "stop copying classic rock" that's plagued this band then I don't know what hole you've been living in.
  8. None as photogenic as these guys. Let's be honest, there are thousands of videos on YouTube of kids playing classic rock and absolutely nailing it. The problem is that nobody under the age of 45 is willing to pay to see them live. There's no market for "dad rock" other than novelty. Hell, I've been secretly writing blues/southern rock songs as a hobbyist musician for years. I've got a couple hundred tracks now that are in the same vein as the classic rock era. But, you know what'll happen if I get a band together and start promoting it? "What the hell? These guys are just copying Skynyrd, man! Why don't they make original music and stop imitating my dad's favorite bands!" This is why GVF, although not the best in the songwriting department, are still vital to keeping that spirit alive. Maybe their success will ignite a spark that revives the old power chord gospel, ushering in a new era of rock music. That is if the fanbase will unlock the fucking gates and allow it to happen. "I'm angry because there's no music like when I was a kid. Hey, this band's playing music like when I was a kid, I hate it. How dare they!" - Blows my mind.
  9. Especially when they compare Seattle 77 Page with 73 Page. That's not opinion, that's nonsense. And if you'll notice I clearly said "let's agree to disagree" on that last post. So how about it?
  10. Nitpicking Page 6/17/1980 Dortmund (Dortmund- Tarantura) The first boot (and show) to kick off the 1980 tour. The guys have adapted to the new decade by abandoning the silk suits and now sport sleeveless shirts. An "Ego kill" for the dinosaurs I suppose. This is listed as a soundboard but sounds more like a quality audience recording in places, instead of the usual dry sound. Train Kept A Rollin- An explosive new opener kicks off. Bonham's drum sound has good depth here. Solo- Wah soaked and played fairly well. Excellent start. "A" for this first time rating. NFBM- Now skipping the acapella guitar opening and getting right to the meat. Harmonica- very good. 0:40, Page plays the wrong riff. 1:51, barely audible but Page is playing some weird chords in the background. 2:21, wrong chord. 2:36, a little sticky. Solo- not a terrible start, but 3:36-3:50 is a sloppy, poorly phrased mess. "C+". (4:48, someone yelling "intermission". And it sounds like Page is doing the Plantations now.) Black Dog- Very uptempo and energetic. Plant sounds good and gets some excellent screams in, though I don't know if they were "aided". Solo- Rough on the edges and of course having slight articulation issues, but this is a pretty good solo with lots of attitude. "B+". In The Evening- A quicker start to this as well. Good verses. Solo- Terrible tone, but played quite nicely. The flute on the middle section seems out of place and dated, only saved by Page's moody arpeggios. It's hard to believe with Jones' orchestration skills that's the best he could come up with- one single, repeating flute riff. Page gets some solid licks in for the outro. "B+". The Rain Song- Either the recorder level is clipping or Page has some static sounding overdrive. The delay coming through really helps this. 1:06, a tad sticky. Jones' synths sound wonderful here, much better than the Mello. Rock section- Some off notes by Jones, but still pretty good. Good ending. "B". Hot Dog- Fairly good intro. 1:18, I don't know about these vocal effects. All in fun I suppose. Solo- Good first half, but 2:00 gets very sticky. Good ending. "B". All My Love- Excellent first half. Synth solo- Perfect. Guitar solo- Page does some mild sweep picking and plays some well phrased, though choppy, leads. 3:10, slight flub. The outro is so Queen sounding it's not funny. "B+" for a first rate. Trampled Underfoot- Uptempo and driving, very confident sounding. Jones gets some good clavinet licks in. Solo- One big ascending, wah soaked run off the bat. 3:52, some blazing runs. Very good. 4:24, wrong note? 5:40, that Bonham groove. The best version since LA 1977, maybe even top 5 for me. "A". SIBLY- A decent intro. Jones does some exquisite piano work and Plant is singing naturally, not forcing it like 1977. Solo- Page's fingers become quite nimble and his phrasing is on point. Great solo. Latter half is played with tremendous conviction. "A". Achilles- Solid intro. A few missed chords on the beginning. First solo- Some straining but otherwise not too bad. Second solo- A little sticky. Third solo- again, some straining but nothing major. Plant, Jones, and Bonham all sounded solid. Overall a fairly average version. "B". WS/BMS- White Summer is very sticky and goes off the beaten path in places. BMS is much smoother, but contains a couple flubs. "B". Kashmir- The mellotron was definitely much better on this (when it stayed in tune). A fairly solid version. "B+". Stairway- Let's shoot that elephant in the room- Jones' synths are an absolute abomination for this song. Bring back the 'Tron. His piano work is excellent however. Plant sings this in a very moody tone, sounding a little melancholy. Solo- Good start. 5:17 is a strange released bend, but works nonetheless. Articulation is sticky in places, but overall a very unique sounding solo phrased well. "B+". Rock And Roll- Good energy and blazing tempo. Solo- Obviously going a little fast for Page and he just tries to hang on. Audio cuts to an extremely muffled audience source. "B". WLL (Partial) - 1:12, cool riff. Heartbreaker- Page is a little sloppy after the first verse. Solo- Page skips the signature acapella "Smear" part and plays the rockabilly section frantically, almost impatient. The climax solo is rife with bad articulation. Sounds like he just wants to get offstage. WLL (Part Two)- Good ending. "B" for the medley. Final Assessment- Although not flawless, this is definitely a huge step up from the 8/11/79 show. Page is struggling slightly and overly frantic in places, but I'm sure nerves played a part on this opening night. The other three are solid as usual. Highlights are a tremendous Trampled Underfoot, truly one of the better ones I've heard. SIBLY is intriguing and played with more integrity than almost any 77 version, though Page's guitar blazing has mostly faded.
  11. Go with EVSD for all three. Earl's court- Heavy Metal Kids (though it's missing a few from the 24th). Year Of The Dragon. Supersonic has less bass in the mix and has been brightened, which makes it look faded. Past Present And Future is as about as good as you're gonna get outside the official DVD.
  12. Money. Zep were still a draw even if the members were pushing themselves to do it. I hate to say it, but Bonham's death was the perfect excuse for the guy's to call it quits.
  13. Once again, you discredit yourself. You know what, I didn't hear any bad playing on Tempe. If Page isn't lackluster in Seattle then he's never played badly in his life. The Atlantic 40th was amazing man! Page changed everything up and used new techniques! Lol. I understand the points you're making, but none of them are related to the fact that Page just isn't on for a lot of that show. Let's agree to disagree, and god I wish I was as oblivious to bad guitar playing as you. Consider it a blessing.
  14. Regarding the "shaker" sound on the verses, does it not actually sound like someone imitating a shaker sound instead? "All The Songs" doesn't mention it, but I swear it's a mouth noise.
  15. I think the people calling this a bad recording need some bootleg ears. It's pretty good for an audience source with only a slight tape hiss. The sound is fairly balanced and there are no constant EQ fluctuations, which can kill a boot for me. Just picture yourself a few rows back and it's like you're right there.
  16. Maybe the best I've ever seen Jimmy look in the white suit. What show is this?
  17. Though very informative, "All The Songs" seems to be littered with mistakes and assumptions. They took the lyric of "Hey hey mama" from Black Country Woman to literally mean someone's mother. That was very surprising. Then there's some misattributed pics, like this-
  18. Check all of the Australia 72 versions. Page was on fire for those solos. Also Uniondale 72, very heavy guitar tone.
  19. I've been thinking about buying that, but how biased is it? Dave always does good work but he usually doesn't dare say anything negative about the band.
  20. I hated the verses but loved the "meet me in the morning" part. Also some excellent drum fills.
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