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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. That won't happen until long after the remaining three are gone and their grandkids sell the rights.
  2. WHAT IF ..this documentary is being done as a bit of an advertisement to get people ready for a new live album? We've speculated that the next one might possibly be from 1969, and this would fit the mold.
  3. Were the Ramones really "punk"? They sounded pretty fabricated to me.
  4. Keyword being "birth". Hard pass from me. They're gonna tell the same tired old stories again to advertise themselves to the remaining 300 people who haven't purchased the fourth album yet.
  5. Found this info in "Jimmy Page, Magus Music Man". Excellent work by Powell.
  6. I was called on it by you and you were wrong about what earth tones actually were. Then you actually posted a picture you took and compared it to the colors of the swan song logo. You're undoubtedly one of those out of touch people who probably gets on Facebook and replies seriously to people's sarcastic comments. And this was all because someone (several people actually) insulted a t-shirt by a band you like. You're all alone in this, bud. Go ahead and punch your computer, kick your dog, and get that last shot of juvenility in to avenge your butthurt. I won't respond.
  7. I'd love to have a high quality version of this.
  8. Quite a bit of difference in color tone, there genius. You should Google word definitions before making stupid remarks.
  9. Yes, neon green, red, orange, and blue are earth tones. If I looked outside and saw those colors I'd expect the end of reality.
  10. Nothing says rock and roll like earth tones.
  11. Call me crazy, but I think plain tops look so much better than the flamed out ones.
  12. There was definitely some serious technical issues with this show, evident from the constant buzzing coming from the guitar signal. I'd like to hear an audience source for this.
  13. I couldn't press my luck considering I could've lost my license. I ended up with a $50 citation. He was actually pretty nice about it.
  14. Nitpicking Page 6/20/1980 Voorst National, Belgium (Brussels Affair-Swingin Pig) A very dry. flat soundboard with some electrical buzzing issues, but very listenable. Train Kept A Rollin- Plant sounds a little rough, but a good energetic kickoff. Solo- wah soaked and murky, but sounds alright. Outro solo- Page lets loose for some decent runs. Nothing great here. "B". NFBM- Page's chording is a little loose and the maxed out overdrive doesn't help. It trods along with good energy though. Harmonica- very good, Plant plays excellent here. 2:32, sloppy chording. 2:59, Jones goes missing. Solo- There's a very thick line between phrasing and articulation here. If you don't notice the technique, it's a perfectly played solo. If you have an ear for details you'll hear very sloppy playing. Overall, not too bad. Bonham is thunderous as usual, but the other three are just sufficient. "B+". Chien Noir- Page practices his French on the opening. I bet this is how he wooed those 14 yr olds. Plant is sounding a little like scratchy 1973, take that as good or bad. They are definitely playing with attitude in any case. Solo- slightly lethargic, but Page's bends do sound nice. 5:31, the only real bum runs of the song. "B". In The Evening- 0:33, Plant comments "Strange sound, Benji" in reference to a buzzing sound which immediately stops. Undoubtedly talking about Benji LeFevre who had mixed roles with Zep, including audio engineer. Good opening and verses as far as a soundboard can be judged. Solo- thin and distant, but played very well. Outro solo- some blazing licks off the bat and some steady playing til the end. I'll note once again that Jones' keyboards only do harm to this live performance, where an exciting bass line would truly make it a great rocker. Despite the audio, I'll go "A" on performance. The Rain Song- A "zzrrpp" from Page plugging in his twelve string kicks the song off and an electrical buzz continues throughout the track. Good chording from Page and the keyboards are balanced well. Rock section- very good enthusiasm, played well. My source transfers to an audience source near the end, but sounds like Page gets the outro down. No reason to not say "A" for a 1980 performance. Hot Dog- A loose intro by Page. Plant sounds good but the piano crowds the mix. Solo- Overplayed and sloppy. He's completely given up on the hybrid picking part. Solid ending. "B". All My Love- Intro is lacking confidence and drags badly, though Plant sounds good. Synth solo- average. Guitar solo- terrible. Page stumbles badly and sounds out of it. The outro has more enthusiasm and drives along nicely, sounding very good. Still, a "C+". Trampled Underfoot- Good kick off and verses. Jones gets some funky riffs in. Solo- a good array of aggressive notes without going off the rails. 4:30-4:55 is excellent. A little sloppy after 5:30 but he builds it back up nicely. The wah licks toward the end are experimental and expressive. Not perfect, but once again a solid version of the song with tremendous energy. Unless future nitpicks prove otherwise, I think it's clear that this song was their baby for 1980. "A". SIBLY- Page teases the intro several times, getting reactions from the crowd. Decent noodling from Page to start, though a little relaxed. 2:07, Plant's voice has flattened. 2:11, a feedback blip makes Plant hesitate. Solo- Some good phrases for the first few bars. 5:38-6:00, repetitive and forced. The standard second half routine carries the song to the end in good fashion. Not bad, but I don't understand why they expanded the guitar nooding when they shortened other songs on this tour. "B+". Achilles- Page a little sluggish on the intro. Jones' bass barely comes through in the mix. Once it gets going they settle in nicely. 3:42, there's Jonesy. First solo (4:20)- I was expecting slop, but I got a well phrased/played solo with some unique country bends toward the end. Seriously impressive. Second solo (7:16)- Some technical issues with the guitar feed, but sounds pretty solid. 7:45, the vocal effects here sound dreadful. Third solo (8:35)- Such a terrible guitar tone coming through, but it's played fairly well. 9:45, one of the most badass drum fills I've ever heard from John. Page plays the outro adequately. Despite the intro, this is one of the most solid performances by Page ever on this track. The song overall though- a dragging tempo and a general feel like they weren't feeling it. A generous "B+". WS/BMS- 0:42, Page scolds the crowd for breaking his concentration. Strangely, he sounds completely sober for such lackluster playing tonight. 4:20, some experimental riffing. 6:00, I really like this new fingerstyle phrase he's added to it. BMS comes in a little sticky and Page takes a second to get back on track. It honestly sounds like Page attempts to play these songs solely by memory without practicing them since 1970. "B". Kashmir- A good balance with the audio though Plant sounds like he's holding his nose while he sings. 3:15, some off notes. Good energy toward the end for a fairly solid version. "B+". Stairway- Page teases a Mary Poppins tune on the start. Now we know where he stole the riff from. Once the wonky keyboard subsides and Jones comes in with some beautiful piano work the song starts moving nicely. Bonham enters and it starts sounding excellent, with Plant showing enthusiasm. 6:10-6:24, some very notable piano phrases that outshine the vocals. Solo- A good start but Page is sounding a little sticky. 8:20, the softer section doesn't have the emotion it usually does, but not bad. 8:56-9:08, Page knows he can't pull these speedy licks off anymore, so why attempt them? 9:43, slight flub. Page doesn't quite nail the final notes and Plant comes in scratchy for the climax. Not terrible, but not great. Worth a listen just for the piano. "B". Rock And Roll- Screeching guitar tone hard on the ears. Solo- A little sticky, but suitable for the song. A monster drum roll at the end for an alright version. "B+". WLL- Good energy, but Page struggles to hit a few of the added chords. Plant's voice has loosened up again and he sounds okay. The acid trip section is played well, with Bonzo putting down a speedy, psychotic groove. 4:37, Page forgoes the solo for a seriously badass guitar riff. Solo- About average. 5:51, Page singing along. Boogie Chillen- Lots of energy. Page's fingers aren't quite as nimble as they were in 72, but he survives the speedy runs and puts down an excellent solo. Bonham blasts some monstrous fills on the outro but Page is again struggling with the new added power chords. Not too bad at all. "B+". Final Assessment- The dry recording certainly doesn't help, but it's not as bad as you'd think. Page isn't exactly on fire, but he shines on a few songs. Highlights are a very solid In The Evening, a good Rain Song, another solid Trampled, and a highly entertaining WLL. Stairway is worth a listen. If you were to speed up Achilles a bit I'm sure it would sound excellent. Hot Dog and All My Love however are near disasters for Pagey. In other words, it's a standard Led Zeppelin rollercoaster ride.
  15. Got busted for doing 57 in a 35 lol. Officer asked if there was a reason I was going so fast. "I don't know sir, what would you consider a good reason?"
  16. The guitar one is decent but the drum one is a joke. I can see how it works though. Each song has a significant drum fill somewhere; WLL- right before the solo, Won't get fooled- after the solo, etc. But overall those aren't great drum tracks. Message In The Bottle is a great example of a drum song. Or Rush's Limelight.
  17. Very fitting for a Stanley Kubrick film.
  18. Considering the 50th letdown, I'd be happy with a 1980 show.
  19. The patience it takes to keep that hi hat going through the middle section is why I could never be a drummer. Excellent work. I had no idea John was hitting his sticks like that for effects.
  20. Apparently only the attic burned and most of it remained in tact.
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