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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. I listened to 4/28 again recently and seems like it didn't impress me as much this time. I noticed some flubs I didn't before. Still a solid show.
  2. On another note; if this show is believed to be multitracked, doesn't a crappy soundboard eliminate Page's involvement altogether? The likelihood of him releasing or even bothering with a flat soundboard would be very unlikely considering his unwavering attitude towards releasing severely edited products. I think any notion that Page is responsible for this (or any other boot) is ridiculous. Not only had he been vehemently against boots from day one, he could undoubtedly afford to have even a dry soundboard touched up to a professional level (BBC Sessions). There's 0% chance that Page is involved.
  3. Now put that in the perspective of him handing out his master tapes all Willy nilly and care free. Doesn't add up, does it? Maybe it's just me, but I have a really hard time believing that a compulsive control freak like Page would let anything slip through his hands that easily. Again, anyone involved on a professional level with Page who was granted these soundboards (not multitracked so that's 99% not Page anyway) and decided to release them for chump change would be committing career suicide.
  4. No offense, but that's preposterous, and I've never used that word before. The pocket change kickback they'd get wouldn't come close to justifying the legal (and professional) ramifications of doing something like that.
  5. Who are you referring to by "Zep camp"?
  6. Here's the Google translation: LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN 928 day 8700PM) <Admission Special 2.29 06 s Seat 6 LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN 928 SBD !!!!! I'm a Super Sad, a Planetary Golden Special, Serve Gorgeous Aftercare Kid 28! In the meantime, the first Japanese release in 0! 79th 1st 9th 28th Ultra Spur Sound Board !! SUPREMĐISCPRODUCED BY THE WTH TWINS EVS D-DH GHT AL A UDI0 ALL ROH RESRED UNALTHOR DLPLCATEN SAV Paco LATION LED ZEPPELIN LED ZEPPELIN LED
  7. I'm afraid that ship has already sailed.
  8. So we're assuming the soundboards didn't get stolen and are still in Page's possession? That shoots down the possibility of them seeing the light of day even more.
  9. I think the fact that nothing exists from 72 in soundboard form kills any possibility of anything actually existing. There was just no one who plugged into the soundboard that year for whatever reason. Grant must've been running the mixing board that year.
  10. This was quoted as being "Ozzy with Jimmy Page". Has that been confirmed? Doesn't look like Jimmy to me.
  11. Panthers are a dumpster fire. And it's not because Cam is missing.
  12. The Irishman- Scorsese's adaptation of a mob member's confession on what happened to Jimmy Hoffa. It's a Scorsese film so you know what you're getting if you've ever seen his previous 75 Italian mob centered films. My God is it long and slow. Like the Green Mile played at half speed. But, it's pretty good if you have time (and patience) to sit through it and pay attention. An all-in cast brings DeNiro, Keitel, Pacino, Pesci, and any other stereotyped actor together for this final big bang, and they all did a surprisingly impressive job though I'd say Pacino steals the show as Jimmy Hoffa. Even though the film itself is tastefully done and well directed, I think if it wasn't for the story being centered around the "disappearance" of Hoffa, it would just be another run of the mill Scorsese script with the already overdone mob hits and illegal activity within organized Italo crime. Unfortunately, DeNiro's character is so unwittingly shallow that it seems off somehow that he's the center of the film.
  13. Nitpicking Page 6/27/1980 Nuremburg (Fly Over Nuremburg) I originally planned on skipping this one as it's only a three song set, but I think the circumstances surrounding the show make it worth a closer look. A very dry soundboard. Train Kept A Rollin- Opens with the song already in progress. First solo- Not bad on the surface, but a close listen reveals very sticky fingers. Second solo- A little more on track. 1:57, Robert isn't sounding good at all. 2:07, Bonham is having some issues as he plays off time and barely knocks down the ending. "C". NFBM- Robert is sounding very rough now. Harmonica- Fair, not his best. The guitar drops in the mix here. 2:44, Bonzo comes in late and is dragging badly. Guitar solo- An excellent set of runs off the bat, very fluid. Overall one of his better solos for this. Bonzo late with the final beats. "C+". (Page addresses the crowd and mentions some "Stomach trouble" among the members.) Black Dog- Plant is sounding "early 75" bad. They're cruising along quite well on this, however, and Bonham seems to be in better shape. Solo- A good start with Page nailing the phrasing. 4:00, fingers stuck in strings until 4:23 where he straightens out some for a very good finish. Barring Plant's vocals this sits at a "B". In The Evening- Plant introduces the track and that's as far as it gets. Final Assessment- Eyewitness accounts said the band was staggering a bit coming onto the stage, especially Bonzo who kept knocking over his drums. It's rumored that the boys had been to a club prior to the show and Bonham over did it a little (which is really saying a lot). He was taken to a nearby clinic after the show was cancelled. It's a sad foreshadowing of the tragedy that would take place in just a few months.
  14. Contact me, I'll pay you more than a boot label (if it's unreleased material).
  15. I compared this version to the Seattle gig three days prior and Robert was attempting the higher notes and squawking pretty badly. So it appears he was still having trouble and just not pushing himself at Tempe. He seems to have gotten back on track at the Alamaeda shows (Which I plan on doing). I don't think he sounds that bad though, probably not the worst of 77. I'd love to hear this entire show.
  16. I was joking with the Epstein comment but was closer to reality than I realized. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2019/nov/29/k-pop-stars-jailed-for-quasi-rape-of-woman-jung-joon-young-choi-jong-hoon
  17. Nitpicking Page 7/20/1977 Tempe. Arizona ( Net Source ) Considered the worst Zep show ever. Let's see how bad it really is. All boots are incomplete as they open with the acoustic set, but are a fairly clear audience source. Battle Of Evermore- This boot opens with a number of firework explosion and Plant immediately scolds the crowd. A good version with even Jonesy singing on point. "A". GTC- An adequate version. Nothing too impressive. Another "Boom" at the end. "B+". Black Country Woman- Rather short but played well. "A". Bron-Y-Aur Stomp- Good start, good energy. Page's breakdown isn't spectacular but is played fairly well. 6:04, he hints at Dancing Days and Bonzo complies, but he skips it. A good finish for a strong "B+". Trampled- Booming start. Jones gets in a decent, somewhat repetitive solo. Guitar solo- Page opens with some underwhelming notes, then comes blasting in screaming. It's hard to make out but sounds overall very sloppy. Not a train-wreck, but just not good. 6:44, Page sounds off key here. A decent finish for a "B" overall. Black Mountainside- My version goes for 17 seconds and jumps into Kashmir, obviously in an unplanned fashion as the rest of the band miss the first bar. Kashmir- The audio gets bad here and there is an annoying audio glitch. Cuts out at 8:15. Apart from the off start, this sits at a "B+". Not too bad. Achilles- Comes in noticeably slow. By 0:40, it's obvious Bonham is either playing too fast or there's some monitor problems as Page and Plant both sound off time (this is apparently where the pyro guy blasted Jimmy in the face). At 0:50 Bonham is noticeably trying to hesitate to get the timing back on track. It sounds okay until 1:44 where Page misses the cue. 3:30, first solo- pretty sloppy. 4:22, Page jumps into this phrase a bar too early and repeats it next measure. 4:27, Plant follows Jimmy's lead and comes in too early. 6:18, second solo- not bad. 7:31, third solo- sounds pretty average until 8:10 where either Jimmy or JPJ get off key. It almost sounds like the tape speeds up for a sec. A decent finish as Plant makes some quips about the lighting crew. Definitely the worst Achilles ever. "C". Plant afterwards- ("That was ah, Achilles Last Stand. That explosion at the beginning was ah, not supposed to be there, but anyway. In fact, whoever triggered that off is gonna be castrated shortly. That's what happens when half the crew are asleep, you see? We've been on the road now for about fourteen weeks, and every now and then somebody on the lighting tower sort of twirls to the floor there. Sort of Pirowhettes down and lands on the stage. Can we have a spotlight on the gentlemen on the stageleft? Spotlight up there over them. There's an Englishman there who's in the spotlight who fortunately, see those two Englishmen there? The pride of Chelsea. Wonderful boys. Well this song ah, I guess this song needs ah, well I don't think it needs much of an introduction. It's been very good to us.") Stairway- A good start. 2:30, Page hesitates a bit. 2:55, some off notes. Solo- Page isn't exactly in shred mode but his phrasing is quite nice. The bit at 8:25 flows well. 9:30, off the tracks a little. 10:05, Bonham plays softer than usual here and I think he's allowing Jimmy to gather his bearings a little. The final measures are played straightforward, but well. I've heard far worse Stairway solos. Some hangups make this a "B". Final assessment- I don't know how anyone could call this their worst show ever considering it's only the last half of the show. Maybe those who were there saw Page fall on his face during TSRTS, Plant's vocals blow out on Sick Again, or Bonham's sticks fly out of his hands during No Quarter, but apart from an unfortunate Achilles and a lackluster Stairway I just can't call it their worst show. Not even their worst bootleg.
  18. I tell you wut, I picked up Heavy Horses on vinyl and gave it a spin a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised. It's a damn good record.
  19. Get Out is actually worth watching. It's less "horror" and more psychological mindfuck. Unlike "Us", the concept is pretty captivating. But I agree too many people are putting Peele on a hype pedestal and are gonna call anything he does "genius".
  20. Finally got around to Jordan Peele's "US". It's apparently some kind of giant metaphor about privileged people being ignorant towards the less fortunate in society. It's well directed but poorly written in my honest opinion and I think every single one of the rave reviews focus solely on the "genius" of all the metaphors, hints, nods, and winks about culture instead of looking at the film from a basic perspective. It's shitty as a horror film and the metaphorical allusions to the faults of modern society aren't deep enough to really say anything significant or make people think. If this film deserves good ratings then every single one of M. Knight Shamallama's films deserve them to. It even has a cheap thrill twist at the end. Edit: If you want a good taste of cultural reflection, HBO's Watchmen series is much better.
  21. Nitpicking Page 6/26/1980 Vienna (Goodnight Vienna- Electric Magic) A good audience recording. This version is considered the worst available release, but for the sake of convenience I'll use this one. It's likely running a little fast. Train Kept A Rollin- The boys take off with confidence. Solo- not bad. 1:32, nice ascending riff by Page. Plant sounds pretty hoarse in places. Outro solo is nice and aggressive, played well. An excellent kick in the rear to get things started. "A". NFBM- Strong start. Plant's harmonica routine sounds very unstructured and doesn't flow well at all. Solo- Page sounds quite nimble on the start but gets a little erratic later. A roller-coaster of a solo for sure. A strong finish. Plant's hoarseness and bad harmonica brings it down a little. "B". (Page jokingly introduces the next "number" as 36-23-36) Black Dog- Plant clearing up some. 0:49, Page gets ahead of the beat for a second. 2:48. a superb added bend from Page. 3:17, a siren wail reminiscent of 1970, though it may have been "aided". Solo- Pagey kicks the door in and plays with full confidence, a little sticky in places but nothing major. 3:56, a unique phrase. A good, aggressive solo. "B+". In The Evening- Strong start with good energy. Solo- A steady routine, nothing out of the ordinary. Plant sounds lost after the solo, pretty sure he's improvising random lyrics. Page comes in with some awesome wah licks for the outro. Excellent finish. "B+" considering the vocal flubs. The Rain Song- The twelve string seems to have a lot more bite than usual. A solid run through. "A". Hot Dog- Page nails the intro as the bar brawl kicks off. Excellent verses. Solo- well, the first half is great. On the second half JPJ obviously has a severe stroke. I wonder if he was joking around? Good finish. Minus the wonky piano part, this could've been the best version ever. "B+". All My Love- 1:22, Bonham drops out for a second. Keyboards sound out of tune with the guitar. Solo- phrasing is lacking, but not bad. A very loose performance. "B". Trampled Underfoot- Out of the gate with the usual thunder. 2:17, Page comes unplugged during Jonesy's solo and re-enters at 2:37. Solo- Some good, but awkward sounding bends to start, then Page puts his pick hand to the test with some machine gun attacks. A skip in the recording at 5:39 and Page lays it all on the line from here on, arguably playing the most aggressively played, expressive, "relieving frustration" phrased solo I've heard by him. It's a little sloppy throughout, but phrased quite well. And he's not done. 8:19- round two and much more on point. If Page ever gave EVH a run for his money on speed picking this second solo is it. After that showcase, one forgets there were three other musicians on stage. "B+" overall considering a couple mishaps, but a must listen regarding the solos. SIBLY- One of the more elegantly phrased intros I can remember, with flawless lead from Page. Plant's vocal work is just there almost as a rhythm instrument, lacking conviction as usual. Solo- Excellent start. 4:36, some unique phrasing between Jones and Page during the slower part. Then Jim comes alive at 5:10 with some absolutely stunning bends. 5:41, that right hand ain't joking around tonight. 6:14, more excellent bends and a flawless, machine gun finish. I'd put this solo against anything from 71-73, try me. Page does get a little loose toward the finish, but nothing significant. "A+". WS/BMS (Firecracker Incident). Well, that's how it's titled on my version. Let's see what happens. The usual start, struggling a little. When he takes off for the upped tempo he tries out some unique riffs and BANG. 3:37, there it is. Nothing until 5:47 when Klink takes the mic and gives an uplifting speech (anyone care to translate?) Apparently the show can't go on until the perpetrator is apprehended. There's a joke in here about the Germans bombing the British again, but I won't make it. Kashmir- Bonham counts in with an open hi-hat. 2:20, slight drum mishap. Page strains a little on the outro. Not bad, but not great. "B". Stairway- Page's chording on the first half doesn't sound as confident as usual. 4:17, a bum note in there somewhere. Solo- A decent, but still unconfident sounding start. 7:12, some unorthodox runs that almost sound out of place. 8:22, slight flub. 8:44, he's forcing it a little. 9:51, some unique phrasing. 10:23-10:46 is back on track but off again shortly after. The final bars are played well and the climax hits hard. Page was obviously still nerve wracked from the explosion. "B". Rock And Roll- The guitar tone is thin enough that I'm convinced he's using the Danelectro for this. Good energy and Plant is giving it his all. Page starts cutting out at 1:54, completely throwing his solo off. The technical difficulties keep this at a "B". WLL- Thundering start and a nice transition into the funk routine. The freakout section is trippy and well done, with Robert's vocals sounding otherworldly. Solo- Page nails the first riff but struggles with the others. Medley- Plant sounds excellent on "Boogie Chillen". Page's solo has some straining, but is phrased well and isn't bad at all. 10:46, Bonzo picks up the tempo. They wind back down and Plant belts out a very "aided" scream and Page struggles badly with the chords. Minus the last part it's fairly good. "B". Final Assessment- This show almost went from mediocre to legendary when Page came alive during Trampled Underfoot and SIBLY, a pure display of dinosaur defiance for two numbers. The fire would be short lived however as a firecracker exploded in Page's face, turning him into a shell-shocked wreck for the remainder of the show. What could have been.
  22. You folks know Led Zeppelin like Trump knows foreign policy.
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