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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. It's the bootleg market. Everything about it is fishy.
  2. There's a snowball's chance in hell anyone would get 20k for a Zep boot unless it was 100% verifiable that it was the only known source to exist. Even then, getting funding from a public auction would be near impossible considering only about 5% of fans pay for boots. The only real chance would be for a wealthy die hard fan to obtain it just for collectible value, meaning it probably still wouldn't be released. Imagine dropping that sum on a recording and it being released for free later on.
  3. 1917- I think this film was misrepresented as a true WW1 biopic when in reality it's a situational story with the war as a backdrop. It's a story centered on human willpower, not necessarily war. The unique filming style of limited cameras and long takes works quite well and flows so smoothly you actually don't notice the lack of edits. It also makes you feel more involved with the situation and location. You actually see the sun go down and then rise again, realizing that sleep isn't an option for the character as he's 100% devoted to his mission. One thing I found overdone was the "bad guy can't hit shit" stormtrooper shooting. How can someone run behind you five feet away and not properly aim a shot? The amount of pure luck the protagonists have is absurd. Although the filming style is unique, I think it makes the plot feel very shallow. With almost no edits, you can't broaden the plot and locations to create that epic feeling, it's more akin to a stage play. Once you reach the end you realize there's no big finish, the journey just ends slightly disappointingly. The last critique I'll make is about the actors themselves. The two mains, although giving excellent performances, don't have enough charisma or personality to really stand out as leads. They seem more like background actors. Maybe this was intentional? Still a recommended watch though with some high rewatch value.
  4. I thought the same. Stranded with an infinite supply of whiskey seems like a legit vacation. I'd even settle for a wind up victrola record player with Zep III- PG.
  5. I'm confused, is the 9/28 soundboard complete or is it patched with audience sources?
  6. Ford Vs Ferrari- a very typical Hollywood depiction of the American/British team winning at Le Mans. Like, extremely typical. The directing and screenplay feels like they were created using some type of algorithm that finds the perfect balance of a movie. Matt Damon treads dangerously close to going full "Well howdy pilgrim" and Bale's erratic depiction of Ken is a direct continuation of his crackhead character from The Fighter. However, these things don't ruin the film. It still does an excellent job of telling the story of an iconic era for American racing, even if you're not a car person. It's basically Apollo 13 with race cars. I kept waiting for Tom Hanks to show up. Edit: I truly believe Christian Bale is on crack by the way. As is Matthew Mcconehey (can't spell that one).
  7. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood- If you like any other Tarantino film you'll like this one. It's the usual cast and the usual dialogue heavy script with the usual over glorified violence. If you're looking for any kind of true to life back story on the Manson murders though, look elsewhere. It only borrows the event as a backdrop and stretches the story into a completely different and unrelated direction in the odd Tarantino fashion. I will say this is one of Leo's best performances. Joker- This one I found both captivating and disappointing. A hell of a job by Pheonix, but the character itself seems entirely too flawed. The attempt to draw pity on the villain's origin almost whitewashes his integrity as a villain, if that makes sense. It goes too far in the direction of misunderstood mental problems and not enough towards sadistic, evil genius. The obsession with the late night talk show host not only seemed off the mark, but ate up too much of the plot which could have shown more progression of the character. This movie would've been better off being about a random person instead of a Joker origin.
  8. Plant is really looking his age nowadays. Gives one a bad feeling.
  9. This is the case. I could buy every Zep boot out there but why would I want to fork out money to some sleazy greed driven boot label who can't put out a definitive package that's actually worth buying? I guarantee you I'd bid higher for unreleased material than these labels would and I'd release it for free. That's what a fan would do. It's not even about recouping profit for these labels, they're just squeezing pennies out of people for the fun of it while hoarding the material, and doing a bad job at that. But Zepster1979 seems to just have a chip on their shoulder towards teenagers who don't have a PhD.
  10. The Lighthouse- Two thumbs up from me. Monumental performances by Pattinson and Dafoe. Dark, twisted, and brooding story, filmed with a narrow aspect ratio that really creates a sense of claustrophobia and isolation. Definitely leaves you with a "Wtf did I just watch?" feeling, but in a way that you appreciate. This is performance art.
  11. Can someone explain what's so great about "Parasite"? It's intriguing for the first half but quickly becomes a scattered, hyperrealistic tragic comedy that does nothing original.
  12. People new to bootlegs usually prefer soundboards because they're closer to the dynamics of a live album and are easier to focus on. In time you'll learn to appreciate the realistic sound and authentic atmosphere of audience recordings. You really have to imagine yourself being in the crowd and not just focus on sound clarity.
  13. innocentdeephammerheadbird I'm willing to bet J-Lo payed a million bucks for someone to teach her to bootyshake like Shakira for this performance, and she still failed.
  14. Did anyone else notice Shakira's mic? 🤣
  15. Maybe loose overall, but Page was better except for OTHAFA.
  16. Sherman is getting older, not stronger. He gave up those last two plays for the KC TD.
  17. Prince did the exact same thing every other artist did. He went through his greatest hits while a couple hundred dancers danced a lame choreographed routine. The only difference was that it was Prince. What did you honestly expect from Shakira and J-Lo? A thirty minute unplugged concert with Bob Dylan sitting in? This is what it'll be next year and a lot of years after.
  18. The Beatles? Nope. The Stones? Nope. Motherflipping Zep. Just shows how strong this band's musical legacy is. Their songs randomly get worked into half time shows just because.
  19. I've not seen a good one yet. Maybe the Who a few years ago.
  20. I can't disagree with that. I can tolerate the GVF vocalist for approximately 3 minutes.
  21. I didn't think this got enough attention to keep it going but #1 was also the 1994 Marino. I think it's overall the best mix for the album unless you've got a mint Ludwig.
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