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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. So this is what went on on Epstein's private island.
  2. I intend to finish them but I've had an onset of laziness the past few weeks.
  3. Ok, I was skeptical about this being a far-fetched load of bologna but I just took samples of both shows, set the tempo the same just to be sure, panned each sample to one side and played them simultaneously and I didn't actually do any of that because these are two different shows and it's far-fetched bologna.
  4. I don't. I've never read anything pre 2002 that eluded to those California shows being multitracked, but I'm not exactly deep in the boot circuit.
  5. Page mentioned in an interview in the mid seventies that he had some 72 shows professionally recorded. He sat on those for thirty years.
  6. I've never seen this before. Check out that wacky logo.
  7. I thought I recognized that t shirt from Chicago. Isn't this the show with video footage?
  8. From a Japanese photo book. Looks like 75 though he's wearing trousers from 1969. Maybe someone can decipher the text?
  9. I'd change Coda to a D. I couldn't honestly put it on the same tier as ITTOD and Presence. It's surprising that III is tied with ITTOD considering the reemerging popularity of Immigrant Song the last couple years. But the market today obviously operates differently.
  10. If you were to rank these objectively and not subjectively, what would the list look like? S- IV A- II, HOTH B- I, III, PG C- Presence, ITTOD, Coda
  11. This is some flat Earth logic if I've ever seen it.
  12. I'll take it over those No Quarter blues jams from 77. He's pretty spectacular in places, but that band is straight off of Seinfeld.
  13. I think they probably recorded the heavily improvised sections from this tour to listen back and see what works and what doesn't. Kind of like athletes watching film from their last game.
  14. They were. Someone posted the same photo from the magazine with the photographer credit. I'd look for it but the post was deleted. Edit: the photo on the left was, not the one with her in it.
  15. These were the closeups she posted before deleting her post as people were vilifying her over the date mix-up.
  16. They apparently appeared in Creem in 1977 and were taken at a Showco party at Mother's Blues Club in dallas by photographer John Gasperik. The lady is obviously mistaken about the date but the photographs look authentic enough. She claims to have been ten at the time. She's in complete denial of the date however lmao.
  17. This is in reference to a dispute on a Facebook page in which the lady below claims to have met to Robert backstage in 1983. Everything about this info seems false, but is there an explanation for the photos?
  18. If I wore a shirt like that I'd wanna remain unknown.
  19. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/Navy-Confirms-UFO-Videos-Are-Real-And-Should-Not-Have-Been-Released-560681571.html
  20. What happened to all the FEMA camps Obama was going to put us in?
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