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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. I gotta say, I love the sound of the Vistas. They had a certain "pop" to them. When Bonham went into those triplets on Moby Dick from TSRTS, it actually sounded like an over-bored V8 engine rumbling. Whatever kit he used on the second album sounded great, though I know tuning and mic placement plays a big part of that.
  2. I wonder what representative of Lee's estate gave permission for his likeness to be used? And if they were okay with it?
  3. You can see someone adjusting Bonham's cymbal stand right when the camera angle changes, so that's my assumption as well. Mick Hinton?
  4. Well, they were still a band in the seventies lol. It was news, not just rehashed stories.
  5. Upload a video of the sound with some overdrive!
  6. My copy of the official photobook has the print upside down on the front and the spine. Also the logo in the wrong place.
  7. Just a heads up, Mr. Preston has been releasing unseen photos on his Facebook page. Many of them are Zep pics.
  8. Well, my interest in buying the Moonchild Winston's plummeted. Although they are reasonably priced and have good cover art.
  9. How would you describe the tonal differences between the different kits? What examples of live shows are the best to compare the kits? Which is your personal favorite?
  10. I can agree with that, but the OTHAFA solo certainly knocks me off my feet. I still think it's the most technical playing I've heard from him.
  11. Yeah, I gave it a listen earlier and I'm thinking of WLL from another show (Orlando I believe). Mobile does have good energy and Page gets some good soloing in.
  12. Just needs Bonzo for the completion.
  13. It's got more pep than the NY shows. Page gets a little erratic in places, but when he's on he goes into shred mode. The WLL medley is absolutely smoking until it sadly cuts out. I really wanna do a nitpick of this show sometime.
  14. All Tool albums now available to stream. Things are heating up.
  15. I thought the exact same thing when I first listened to HTWWW and actually didn't listen again for many years. It was just too over processed and lacking any sonic character. Not sure if you've checked out the 2018 remaster, but it's a vast improvement. Especially with the drums.
  16. There seems to be a feature on Zep released every month now by various magazines. I know the band is obviously still marketable, but do any of these offer anything new or interesting or is it just to make a buck off the collectors?
  17. I may be wrong, but I think it's always been like this. The majority of money made by artists is through playing live. Radio/internet play revenue mostly goes to the label. Then you factor in torrenting and album sales are practically irrelevant. Technology killed the radio star.
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